Beginners - April 2015 (Page 4)

do while loop clock
Hello everybody :D I've written a C++ program that can act like a clock. You enter the time in hour, minutes and seconds in the 24 hour format and it ticks ...
[no replies]
by enemy
Memory distance between objects of the classes
Hello! I have played with pointers to classes, and got this result forobject's addresses: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Polygon ...
[4 replies] Last: Many thanks!!! (by enemy)
class with templates. Overloading parameters.
Hello! I'm new to C++. Need help with syntax. THX in advance!! template <typename T> class Matrix { /* parameters, construcor, destructor */ // I want...
[1 reply] : > So, if I have Matrix<int> A, B; A*B will return an int type Matrix. ... (by JLBorges)
Patterns using loops
I need to print this pattern # # # # # # # # # @ # # # # # # # # @ @ # # # # # # # @ @ @ # # # # # # @ @ @ @ # # # # # @ @ @ @ @ # # # # @ @ @ @ @ @ # # ...
[4 replies] Last: That's certainly a lot closer. Run it and see what you get. Adjust the... (by dhayden)
Using count()
Hello. Is there any way I could do this? #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { string first; cin >> first; strin...
[10 replies] Last: int counter = 0; int pos = first.find(second); for (int i = pos; p... (by mighty asker)
Randomly Generated Integers in 2D array
This program needs to create a 2D array and store randomly generated integers to it which will be written to a .txt file. The randomly generated numbers need to...
[5 replies] Last: @minomic It could be a problem dependign on the compiler. This is ... (by minomic)
by savanh
Hello, i try to make tihis code just for more understand how to send two datatype in dicleration statement, but it does not run it says "no overloaded fun take ...
[1 reply] : You have several typos: oh(T num11,S num22){ // Note: Space betwee S a... (by coder777)
by mcisa
Help with complex # to polar form
I'm tasked with creating a program that allows the user to enter two sets of imaginary and real numbers, which then provides the answer in rectangular and polar...
[1 reply] : It compiles fine, but you never call display1() (by coder777)
Help Arrays!
I need to make a program that will delete one element from array and shift to the left... Am not that good at english i hope you understand. This is what i hav...
[2 replies] Last: Thanx "coder777". Your are the best! I finished the program.. (by hopkins123)
Printing out an Structure Array
[3 replies] Last: Read: Your code con... (by keskiverto)
speed of the function call
Hey, I wanted to write some code with bit operations and didnt want to use <bitset> because i tested it with some bit operations and its turned to be slower t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for answer man! No I haven't, its all in default mode, I'm usi... (by etrusks)
by nruiz8
Problem understanding how void functions work
Hello, so for my assignment, I am supposed to write a program that will display a rectangular design, rows by columns, using a character (char) that a user ente...
[2 replies] Last: what the void function doesn't do.. is output or return any value. I... (by suitedupvet83)
Stable Sort
I have a program where I am given a large file of UC students that already sorted by ID. I need to sort it by the school they are attending and students attend...
[1 reply] : Please do not post the same message to multiple forums. Follow ups to... (by cire)
Making a Theater Program
Hello, I'm looking for help with creating a program that makes a multidimensional array and the user inputs their row and column. Once input if the seat is avai...
[7 replies] Last: @azehm628 Replace int row,column; do{ for(int i = 8; i > -1; i--) ... (by whitenite1)
Cross-including head file? Can I? How?
I have two head files, and in each of both, I need to use the class defined in another file. For example: In File1: class a { public: vector<b*> v; //.....
[1 reply] : Hi there! You can use a forward declaration of the two classes in thei... (by ultifinitus)
Temp variables and const references
Hi guys, I've a question that I searched on the web but it is still a little confusing. I read that by adding "const" to a reference prolongs the lifetime for t...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the answer! P.S. - I haven't read till constructors and de... (by Drakonaut)
having trouble with if/else statement. this is a code for simulating cpu scheduling.
im having trouble with my if else statement, it shows error:'else without previous 'if'.i would greatly appreciate comments and suggestions.thanks y'all. #in...
[4 replies] Last: this is an assignment for my still a little lost at this.i am... (by freakshowed)
Make a board with a txt and classes - BattleShip game
Hey there, guys I need some really huge help sorting this thing out Here's my Board and player class: class Board { public: Board(const s...
[no replies]
Program doesn't execute.
I am trying to check if my input from file is correct and it seems that I did something wrong which seems to make the program loop forever. #include <fstr...
[3 replies] Last: Extending on MrGoat's post, also lines 45 and 49 need changing. (by Codermik)
which IDE should I use?
I'm a beginner in programming and wanted to know the best free IDE that I should use. I am currently using turbo. And also how do I clear the output screen in t...
[10 replies] Last: On Windows, I'm still a huge fan of MSVS. The integrated debugger (wh... (by Disch)
April 2015 Pages: 123456... 52
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