Beginners - April 2015 (Page 39)

Homework question(boolean variables)
Here is what the question on my assignment says: Write a do while loop that validates an input classCode. The valid inputs are 'F','S','J', or 'R'. Use a Boole...
[1 reply] : Note that = in C++ is assignment. It means assign the value on the rig... (by Peter87)
std::cin.ignore in template function
Hi, I tried to create this function for reading from cin into any type of argument. I dont know if it must be done in this situation but i tried to ignore the r...
[3 replies] Last: Ohh, tnx guys :) (by etrusks)
Adding values of two linked lists
Hey everyone I've got a link list filled with hexadecimal values. I call a method that allows the user to enter in hexadecimal values on a local link list. The...
[5 replies] Last: That did it! Thank you so much. Great lesson learned. The only supplem... (by thomaselder84)
HW problem. pretty sure its an easy mistake...cant find it tho.
So this program will convert a temperature to either celcius or fahrenheit depending on if the user type a c or f. Works fine if i type c and a number but when ...
[3 replies] Last: wow! Thanks fg109! i knew it was something simple. Thanks a lot!! (by fmunoz314)
Craps Casino game do while confusion
HEY EVEYONE!I need some help with this code! It is a craps game and a casino menu the rules for the game go on the first roll if you roll 7 or 11 user w...
[4 replies] Last: I suggest you break it into functions. You can call them firstRoll ... (by fg109)
by Bocian
c string search function
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out this programming assignment but i seem to be stuck. I have to setup a phonebook and data in it already. I already initialized...
[no replies]
Question about setprecision
This program reads temperatures from a file and converts then from F to C. The problem is for some reason if the temperature is negative or has a decimal point,...
[7 replies] Last: Perfect! Line 56 and 62 of JLBorges post was what I needed. Now when I... (by Flakjacketx)
void function already has a body
Hello all. First time poster here. I am working on a program for school and i have an error I haven't been able to solve. I am trying to get 5 test scores by ca...
[4 replies] Last: Excellent! Thank you for the link I greatly appreciate it. (by shecter)
by uter
How define the quanity of processes for MPICH program
Here is my code for mPICH program. But it do not work.Should I define the needed quantity of processes of 22 and 10 just from comamnd line-- cause I use the Co...
[no replies]
by priggs
Homework problem
Trying to get this to run and it keeps stating I haven't initialized variables r and n. I'm just starting out, but I'm completely brain fried and any tips would...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. Looking through the tutorials and such. This is a great resour... (by priggs)
Reading words from a text file and replacing them.
I'm trying to write a program that prompts the user to enter the name of a text file. Reads from the text file until a certain character then prints the words a...
[1 reply] : This seems like a basic problem. You should try writing a rough draft ... (by closed account NUj6URfi)
i have one little problem
int main() { int AskRange; while ( true ) { cout << " Please enter a value that is greater than zero \n"; cin >> AskRange; c...
[10 replies] Last: By the way, just a thought. Possibly it's set up so that you realize i... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
how do you save my code
how do i save my code as a project, so when i open it from my flash drive i will be able to compile it. ( I use Visual studio 2010 ) Opposed to when i save it,...
[1 reply] : Assuming you know how to create a project. You just simply Go to file... (by TarikNeaj)
by Lee125
Stack problem
I try to solve this problem but still not succesful. The number zero still print out? what should I changed? #include<iostream> #include<stack> us...
[1 reply] : Its because you first insert the 0, and then break the loop. You dont ... (by TarikNeaj)
Baseball program (intro to creating Value-Returning Functions)
My question is: Does my program use the int baseball() function that I created? Everything works now. //My baseball program #include <iostream> #include <cti...
[2 replies] Last: yes, thank you. Much easier. I didn't know that. =) (by Sarmonroe)
draw a circle
hello guys :) simply the problem is that i wanna to draw a simple circle put when i use the function (initgraph "which i don't know it's use :D ") it just give...
[16 replies] Last: You can use the library SFML. You can draw a circle there in 2 lines o... (by TarikNeaj)
Writing from file to structure
Hello everyone! :D So I have this .txt file: 1 - The Witcher - 2015 2 - Batman - 2015 3 - XV - 2016 And my purpose is to put every element on the file,...
[9 replies] Last: Ok, I've followed your advice! I have all my questions answered. Than... (by Evenilink)
StRiNg Question y'all!
The Problem: You’re working for a lumber company, and your employer would like a program that calculates the cost of lumber for an order. The company sells...
[10 replies] Last: When the program is running, it is suppose to look something like this... (by justhappy)
'Pointer and Const'
Write your question here - Hi While I am studying 'Pointer' part I am stuck again. This is from this website. Once we declare 'const int', we can't modify the ...
[5 replies] Last: Glad we could help. That's what this forum is here for, so don't hesit... (by germanchocolate)
Looking for newbies to create a few games!
Hey guys, Im currently in the transition from the console to graphical applications. Basically im looking to create a handful of 2-dimensional games to get mys...
[5 replies] Last: Im here very often, so if you're sticking around expect to encounter m... (by TarikNeaj)
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