Beginners - April 2015 (Page 34)

Need help w/getline & cin.ignore
Basically, in this code, after it loops around at least once in the end, because you haven't written either yes or no, it keeps skipping the first letter of wha...
[6 replies] Last: Thx, I think I've finally fixed everything. If you're interested, here... (by kik4444)
by ydookz
Program conveting temperature, no compiler errors but bit getting a result
hi this program is suppose to identify the unit being used and convert it another unit. I I would love help concerning why my program doesn't output anything, i...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot andy1992 and tscott8706 i've made the changes you guys h... (by ydookz)
C++ begginer, read from a csv file and store data in arrays
hello. i need urgent help. i have to read and right from a csv file. I want to create a c++ app that will read student data from a file. here how the file sho...
[no replies]
Correct way to get a random number from enum in C?
Correct way to get a random number from enum in C? enum Resource {ROCK= 1, PAPER = 2, SCISSORS= 4}; Given this how can I generate a random number in a...
[1 reply] : It's easiest if all enum values are sequential and start from 0. en... (by Peter87)
Pass enum to function in C?
How can I pass enum to a function not as a parameter? Pass enum to function in C? I have for example this enum Resource { ROCK = 1, PAPER = 2, SCISSORS=...
[5 replies] Last: you could use it if it were a param because the compiler would do the ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
deallocating a single pointer from pointer array
Hi, how can i delete a single pointer from pointer array? I'm was using this method and its wan't working void deallocate(int* p){ delete p; } int* p =...
[8 replies] Last: Tnx again man, i feel like now i can close this thread for sure :) (by etrusks)
Little more help needed. Assignment very important. please take out some time if possible
Design an ADT ‘Set’ whose objects should be able to store an integer set. Size of the set will be given by the user. Data Members: · int *data; ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks alot for your time, i never though someone would waste time in ... (by crazya2)
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol in MS VS Community 2013
I was following this tutorial. @ 9:20 he gets the exact same errors I'm getting but then instead of explaining how t...
[12 replies] Last: so it seems like the problem is probably with the last step from shado... (by MarketAnarchist)
error: expected initializer before
I just need help finishing this. We have to open and close the file. There are errors on lines: 9, 10, 11, and 14. Please help. #include <iostream> #incl...
[8 replies] Last: Compare your original line 12 to my suggested line 11 and I think your... (by LB)
by Nillen
Don't know how to do a recursive call (1,2)
Hey, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I know that a recursive call is a function that calls itself, by passing a number to itself that it then uses for ano...
[20 replies] Last: Oh, I misread your code - I apologize. Yes, you are correct. (by LB)
Errors in Code(C++)
I am in no ways asking to do my homework. I've run into an error and I need clear instructions on how to fix it. Randomtext.cpp is the file that I saved from th...
[3 replies] Last: You already got an answer in your other topic, but you have abandoned ... (by LB)
How do I make this C++ code into a function?
what I'm trying to do is put make 1 function that declares the array (Which I think I got) and the other function to print the array. The code works perfectly r...
[1 reply] : Actually the code doesn't work perfectly, I have to erase the void pri... (by Giorgio)
Help with a small assignment
Can someone PLEASE help me with this assignment, im not understanding this =[
[2 replies] Last: Anyone ? (by leashbomb69)
by kccpo
Array and using Characters and not numbers
Hello, I have an assignment that is similar to one I had before in that I have to convert decimal numbers to roman numeral using an array. When I did it befo...
[10 replies] Last: Glad I could help :) (by TarikNeaj)
Delete a pointer or set him as NULL?
Good evening! So, i have this class which i set as attribute a pointer of an object from another class. Something like: class Test { public: RobGeek...
[1 reply] : Keep this as a rule of thumb. For every new there should be one del... (by TarikNeaj)
Pointers to structure with arrays
Hi. I am trying to apply 'Pointers to structure' to 'arrays' but I think I got some error. What I wanted to do was to make three input and output by using poin...
[1 reply] : If this is not for an assignment, please read this article: http://www... (by LB)
by mf95
I need help fixing errors!!
This code is meant to open a file and use overloaded operators for a complex number class. I am getting a lot of errors in my class declaration/definition but I...
[9 replies] Last: (by LB)
Homework Help
Hi, this is my very first post on this website, and unfortunately I need some help with writing a program for a c++ class. Hopefully I'll be able to return the ...
[10 replies] Last: Ok, so I see what you are saying, but I ran through the program, and s... (by KC Smallz)
C++ Program 'Random Number...' Refuses to Compile
Hello! My project for CS class is to create a program that generates a random number and prompts the user to guess it. Though, to me, it seems as if I have a...
[14 replies] Last: Ahh, I didn't know that. Thanks LB! No problem, A R :) (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by ephekt
array from 0 to 1 with 1000 elements
I am trying to make an array from 0 to 1 with 1000 elements. What i have makes an endless string of 0,s in the terminal window. It has been a while since i used...
[2 replies] Last: Since time is holding integer values you will only get the integer par... (by Texan40)
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