Beginners - April 2015 (Page 30)

by nemimi
Grade Book Using Vectors
I'm still in my first C++ class and I'm stuck on my current homework. I have to program a simple grade book using vectors to store the student name & grades. S...
[1 reply] : The first thing that comes to mind when connecting the two is to use a... (by tscott8706)
Do while loop not working, please help
Sorry i am a complete noob i cannot seem to get the do-while loop to keep running until it meets the answer of valueGuessed == RandomNumber. Im trying to genera...
[3 replies] Last: Firstly, please edit your post so all of your code is between [co de... (by TarikNeaj)
Question about Nested for Loop; won't take long ;)
Hi I need to get this output in a nested for loop (C++): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Thank you very much.
[11 replies] Last: You forgot code tags. Should be : cout<<"Thank you guys"<<endl; If... (by TarikNeaj)
by ebucna
I there a limit to cases in a switch? my number 10 does nothing, all other numbers work perfectly fine. Please help... switch (treatmentChoice){ ...
[15 replies] Last: I have arrays from my teachers that have number of components declared... (by ebucna)
by davidm
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; bool searchdig(int x,int number) { bool flag; while(x!=0) ...
[7 replies] Last: That is not how I meant for you to use the array. #include <iostream... (by fg109)
Looping a switch case menu
First off I'm sorry if this has already been asked but I couldn't find the topic when I searched for it. I'm new to programming and new to these forums and I...
[3 replies] Last: Where is the for or while loop? I don't see one in your code. (by tscott8706)
by pik
small linked list game keeps returning null and crashes
Hello..I have just started learning about linked lists and I am trying to create a small game with a few nodes. I have created 7 nodes and I am trying to create...
[1 reply] : Check lines 75 and 76. (by fg109)
by ydookz
(if statements not working) Finds equation of two points but is failing to check if a third pt lies on line
Hey my program works fine when finding the equation of the line the first 2 points lie one, but prints nothing to the screen after the third point is entered. I...
[3 replies] Last: Not stupid at all. Typos are part of life ;) (by Texan40)
Can't find the error? (short code)
This is a simple code that demonstrates the use of a user made "round" function, but i'm running into a problem with the type cast in this program. I've written...
[6 replies] Last: @SoloPopo: Because whole numbers should be stored in integers, not flo... (by LB)
Switch Default Statement
(First post! :] ) Hello. Im trying to make a basic calculator with four operators only. I want the program to state an error if the user doesnt enter one of th...
[2 replies] Last: or you could move your cout << "\nAnswer is: " << answer << endl; a... (by shadder)
by koopey
STL map beginner
i need to build a simple program to add name and email address using STL map. adding new entry and listing all entries work fine but removing and changing entri...
[5 replies] Last: you need to actually pass the object sorry that's what i meant. jus... (by koopey)
by Ch1156
How can i use getters and setters with math? (1,2,3,4)
I have a function in a game i'm working on that is the shop function and I need to do some math for calculating a total and subtracting money from the players a...
[77 replies] Last: Ok, So you need to tell the compiler what the enum Size is - it's n... (by TheIdeasMan)
Some type of container for string int long long
Hello, I am currently doing a project for school and having a great deal of frustration with it. I am trying to find a way to make it possible so that I have...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so very much! Didn't even think to do a struct. So far it's ... (by xXBurnt)
by MRQ1
Is c++ primer really for beginners?
I have been reading c++ primer and the things are flowing over my head the book seems to be very difficult as compared to Alex Allain's Jumping into C++ and C++...
[14 replies] Last: >the books I like are said to be bad an example: http://www.cplusplus... (by anup30)
Help with arrays
Hello all, firstly thanks for any attempts to help me solve my problems, I appreciate any advice! Currently I have a task at hand which I am really strugglin...
[4 replies] Last: ooo Thanks for the advice... We have started the classes but i'm just ... (by helloworld1234)
how to define iterators for elements of a class
let's say i have the following code : // this code is for implementing vector in C++ template <class T> class Vector { public: Vector(); ~Vector()...
[5 replies] Last: @Smac89: I suggested that and he specifically requested information fo... (by LB)
connect four style game (1,2)
Alright, I have to make a code for a connect four type game. The twist is that It's connect any, meaning I need command line arguments that set the dimensions t...
[25 replies] Last: You may want to experiment with a tic-tac-toe game first to understand... (by LB)
Where is the error? (driving me nuts!)
My compiler (VisualStudio) is telling me that there is an error on the 40th line. Specifically, it is telling me that a semi-colon was expected. I know that all...
[3 replies] Last: This topic is continued at (by LB)
by as4mvp
PLEASE NEED HELP: Converting 2d array into a 1d array (1,2)
Create a 2D array with 20 rows and 20 columns. Populate the array row-by-row with random real numbers (not integers) that range in value from 0 to 100. Copy th...
[24 replies] Last: once again thanks LB, mgoetschius, and fg I appreciate all of your hel... (by as4mvp)
Converting bases
Hello, I have researched the areas of the forums as much as I can to learn information on my topic. My project is I need to make a program where I input a numbe...
[6 replies] Last: > into base 4 and 5 into two different bases ? (by anup30)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 52
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