Beginners - April 2015 (Page 28)

what is the next step after finishing the offecial tutorials?
can you please guide me what should I do next ? I have finished the official tutorials yesterday is there any additional "basic-syntax/concepts based" informa...
[2 replies] Last: thanks pnoid (by MadCode)
Linked List Database help
So here I have a linked list program, I believe most of my functions work but I can't test them because I am not sure how to call them correctly in main.Mainly ...
[7 replies] Last: Have you considered simplifying your code? Instead of having both pe... (by fg109)
Help me about my project
I would like to write a C++ console based file manager from scratch. I'm a student of computer science in a 2nd year.. and have been working on C++ for almost...
[3 replies] Last: Wow, vague is right! Start at the beginning and at least define on p... (by cnoeval)
by EffyPT
Appointment program
Hi I have to code a menu based program using functions and parallel arrays to keep track of weekly appointments from monday to friday. The user should be able ...
[5 replies] Last: What evidence do you have that suggest to you that your arrays are not... (by LB)
Nothing shows in the console window.
Hi Guys, I'm quite new to C++ and I'm trying to write a program that takes the number from the command line and converts it to a hexadecimal. There are no error...
[8 replies] Last: There should be an "edit" button in the bottom-right. Anyways you have... (by S G H)
c++ calendar
I am working on a calendar project. Since this source code is extremely long, I was wondering if anybody can modify of simply this code so that it is short.. ...
[4 replies] Last: int x, y, year, day, month; char v, V, e, E, d, D; You have to in... (by TarikNeaj)
c++ calendar
I have trouble executing this source code I did. So, when the user enters V or v, a menu allows the user to choose which calendar view will be displayed: eithe...
[1 reply] : Please Dont double Post, You're Topic is continued here - http://www.c... (by TarikNeaj)
by ohno
How to get digits from a user and use them?
I'm an extreme beginner taking a C++ class for the first time. I'm trying to meet the requirements of an assignment in which I must get a string of numbers lik...
[3 replies] Last: LB, I wanna kiss you! That worked like a charm. (by ohno)
by HelenI
Hey, i have a problem to solve that i give N numbers. If one number is bigger than the previous it creates a new stack. If a number is smaller than the top of o...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by HelenI)
Calling function from a class - Error C2660
I can´t figure this problem. I have tried with different approaches and have no result. The compler complains and gives the error 2660. What am I doing wrong? ...
[6 replies] Last: My vector is created in another class, like this yeah it's possible ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
LOL Game
In this program you will teach the computer how to play the LOL game. Here is how the game works: There is a game board which consists of a row of n squares,...
[2 replies] Last: I don't get it... Where's the question??? I'll tag your code #incl... (by shadder)
Fraction calculator help
The project I'm doing is a fraction calculator that gets data from linux redirection. I'm having problems printing out the right answer and putting the negative...
[1 reply] : Line 96 needs to be the parameters for prtfrac(...). (by coder777)
repeating bot script for macro
I've been struggling on making a script since I don't have that much knowledge on c++. I need help in making a bot for macro on a certain game. it uses autotouc...
[no replies]
Random number game in a class.
What do you think?, something random I thought of doing lol.. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> class RandomNumberGame{ int random_nu...
[2 replies] Last: Actually here's a modified version. This one gives user the option to ... (by Arslan7041)
Please help me!
Write a C++ program that computes a pair of estimates of π, using a sequence of inscribed and circumscribed regular polygons. Halt after no more than 30 steps,...
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by keskiverto)
Recursive function problems
I am studying for an upcoming exam and one of the questions on the study guide is: Write a recursive C++ function for converting a string of digits into the ...
[2 replies] Last: This is a recursive function that does the opposite, and converts an i... (by fg109)
CodeBlocks: Openning two projects in separate windows?
How do I open two separate projects in two separate windows of CodeBlocks? Whenever I try to open a second project, it just opens it up in the same codeblocks a...
[6 replies] Last: Nope. Still not working for me. (by Arslan7041)
by S6ms88
Help with creating a rounding program
I am in need of help with writing a program that prompts the user to enter three floating point numbers (double) and then outputs the number rounded to two, thr...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for providing me with information, I greatly appreciate it. (by S6ms88)
by Bocian
while loop and string limit question
Hey guys i need some help here. I'm supposed to write a program that asks for a users id into a string. the string can only be 4 digits. Any idea how i can limi...
[2 replies] Last: thanks, worked like a charm. I figured out the ID part shortly before ... (by Bocian)
Text based game problem
So I have this school project and I am attempting to make a history game. However whenever I get to stage 3, it causes a repeat with the answer. Any ideas? ...
[10 replies] Last: Please post your code inside the [co de] tags. And it's not working... (by fg109)
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