Beginners - April 2015 (Page 27)

Letting the user choose what file to read from.
So the assignment I was given was to have the user type in the name of a text file and then read out the text of the file converting it into Pig Latin, if no f...
[8 replies] Last: It works! Alright thank you, I finally see what I did wrong. The way i... (by Miles Hikari)
OpenCV - problems with function missing/incorrect parameter?
I am bit unsure why this is even occurring, but for some reason the function won't run because it for some weird reason is getting the incorrect parameter which...
[4 replies] Last: omg.. thats exactly the problem.... Thanks for the fix. (by DrJones)
by davidm
Write your question here. bool f2(char * str) { if (!*str) return true; if (*str>'0'||*str<'9') return false; return f2(str+1); } how it chek...
[8 replies] Last: Test the function. It doesn't work. It will return false for everythin... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Array help!
Trying to ask the user what book id they want, and then how many copies, and then what the total for that would be. I'm stuck... #include <iostream> #inc...
[no replies]
by slour
Binary search array
Does anyone know if a good tutorial or youtube video to explain a binary search in an array?
[3 replies] Last: (by cire)
Hello, I'm having a lot of trouble with this program. I need to extract things from lines in file. for example one of the lines would be: 2013-05-07-1430, DTW,...
[12 replies] Last: On line 29, you incorrectly assume that flightID is a maximum of 9 c... (by fg109)
need help for project
Hello guys my name is ZAGGEXx. im new to c++ 2mmonth im from finland im looking help for my project im creating app, what for app is that in here finland if yo...
[4 replies] Last: Im way over my head but thank you for your reply i got this idea from ... (by ZAGGEXx)
Array Question
Hey guys. Can anyone tell me what this line of code does? Does it copy the value from the variable temp into position 8 of numAr, or is it the other way around?...
[2 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks! (by closed account N1Co216C)
Help with Class Example
This was an example my teacher went over to help with upcoming assignment and i have a few errors i'm not sure about, First time encountering them. [Error ISO C...
[3 replies] Last: Even with that, line 92 doesn't make sense. You should email your prof... (by LB)
class problem
Hi. I have a problemm with classes. -I have a class called Ball and a class called playerBrick; -in a definition of a method of class Ball i want to use a par...
[4 replies] Last: You have discovered why the console is bad for games. http://www.cplus... (by LB)
Urgent question.
Just for my knowledge i want to ask that is there any tool or plugin which will help me find out that 'how much' of memory leak has occurred in my program. My I...
[1 reply] : (by keskiverto)
A. Using C++, define a struct Student which has three properties: id, score, and grade. id is in integer type, score is in double type, and grade is in char typ...
[2 replies] Last: You could always test it and find out for yourself. (by IWishIKnew)
by enemy
Constructors: call function before setting values
Hello! Please, I called function rect.area() before I set values and , INSTESD (y/n?) of UNDEFINED result , I got 0 (zero) in ideone
[5 replies] Last: Many thanks!!! (by enemy)
how do i copy a string for my code. #include <stdlib.h> #include <strings.h> #define initial_size 5 void reverseChar(char* str); char* IncreaseArray(char *o...
[1 reply] : (by TarikNeaj)
Pointer, Recursion, Delete...
Using C++, define an integer pointer in main(), and use this pointer to dynamically allocate an integer array with 100 elements; assign the array with random nu...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much! This helped me out a lot. (by Undefined95)
by enemy
Hello ! Please,U would do me enormous favour if someone would explain me the word OPERATOR in this example! Many thanks!!! // overloading operators example ...
[1 reply] : The code above uses operator overloading . A function overloads an op... (by LB)
Sorting Linked Lists
I'm looking to sort my linked lists from smallest to largest. I think I need to set my minvalue to head. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[2 replies] Last: use forward_list #include <iostream> #include <forward_list> using na... (by anup30)
header problems
I have struggled and struggled to get this Tic Tac Toe program working. I cannot get it to work without header errors. It did run but only once through and wit...
[1 reply] : You seem to have copied the code in a way that caused it to lose all i... (by LB)
by ozzone
Sorting arrays
Hello,I need help sorting this array. I dont know where to start. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int NUMBER_STUDENTS...
[9 replies] Last: I keep forgetting that exists, thanks Duoas! (by LB)
Project ideas regarding OOP
I am a student of 2nd semester(Electrical Engineering)and a little help is required regarding a project.It's basically a project covering OOP concepts like poly...
[1 reply] : You will need to look on the manufacturer website for your barcode sca... (by LB)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 52
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