Beginners - April 2015 (Page 25)

by koopey
CSV-storing different parts(with a twist) part2
I have thought of using if statements but that would be long. any other ideas or maybe some string methods that I don't know about. the question is(kind of):...
[2 replies] Last: oh thanks. 'isalnum' solved the problem. (by koopey)
Due soon! NEED assistance, please!
Hello. I am a beginner needing assistance. Below are the instructions, code, and errors. You are taking a geology class, and the professor wants you to write a...
[6 replies] Last: gotcha and thank you. thank you a whole lot! (by justhappy)
by koopey
CSV-storing different parts(with a twist)
hi. thinking this for quite a time now. any help would be appreciated.question is: Write a program that allows a user to type in tabular data similar to a CS...
[4 replies] Last: The reference documentation is your friend: (by keskiverto)
help with average and classes
User enters # of exams, and score for each. I then get the average, but it outputs the #'s the user has entered. #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> ...
[1 reply] : How about this way... #include <iostream> using namespace std; cl... (by digital D)
Tracing this program with pointers?
Hi, Im trying to trace the following program (by hand) given in the tutorials section of this website. However, Im ending up with different answers than the...
[7 replies] Last: Quick note, "is assigned to" and "is set to" are opposites in terms of... (by LB)
Hello. I'm having trouble with my program reading through a txt file and breaking up the text file. I need to read through the txt file and change the format o...
[2 replies] Last: There's a lot to go through here, but right off, your substring functi... (by mgoetschius)
Node Assignment
I have a node assignment that I'm having trouble with. Below are the instructions and the test code I need to past. After that I'll put down my own code and the...
[6 replies] Last: I don't know, lines 74 and 75 of what you posted before is the test fo... (by fg109)
Display an array as a pyramid
How do i get a 2D array to display as a pyramid? This actual program will read in a file (same number of negative ones as this array but random numbers instead ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the help and patience, im not exactly c++ savvy. but im sti... (by confusedengstudent)
Needs slight fixes???
[1 reply] : Line 58, with the Press here. You end the line with a " but forget to... (by picksomecardz)
What's wrong with this code involving arrays?
My code is below: The basis behind it is very simple, we want the program to output 25 decimal numbers between 0 and 1 that are evenly spaced. I have written t...
[3 replies] Last: Since my question wasn't answered I was able to figure it out for myse... (by student2015)
lowest value in league table
I'm having trouble with a program that creates a football league. The particular function I'm having trouble with is one which is supposed to display the team o...
[3 replies] Last: I just got it to work out after posting Yours seems like a better sol... (by steve3194)
Improving program
So to start off this is a project for a class. The assignment is to explain what the code does and then make improvements. I generally understand what the pro...
[8 replies] Last: Then its alright :) Yes, You really dont want to use system pause, the... (by TarikNeaj)
Error C2512 - No Appropriate default constructor available, i thought i put on in help :( ???
So i keep getting this error and ive included a constructor i think, any help to fix this issue would be greatly appreciated, im just trying to add an object to...
[5 replies] Last: Can you show how you are defined the constructor? (by Smac89)
Update Master File?
The program I am working on needs to read in a round file then create a master file. It then can take in multiple round files after that. There are action code...
[1 reply] : Check Aceix. (by Aceix)
BankAccount - need help with constructor and bool
do i need 2 constructors? and can a boolean function return both true and another variable? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class BankAcco...
[3 replies] Last: Time::Time() { hours = minutes = seconds = 0; normalize(); }... (by xenovia12)
by AceK
A little help with inheritance and a virtual functions
Hi guys, if you derive from a class, how do you ensure that when you override a virtual method for that class; the base class (default) method also gets execute...
[2 replies] Last: As @Smac89 demonstrates, you call the function itself but you prefix t... (by LB)
if condition - best practice?
Hello, New to C++, I am learning on this site and thanks to the forum. I am experimenting if statements while iterating through a vector: int myNumbe...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your prompt replies LB, and Peter. Indeed, both need to ... (by I am learning)
Trouble Testing Classes
Hi- Working on an assignment that involves using to classes - one for the Points on a line and the other for the LineSegment. The code seems to work but when I ...
[1 reply] : I guess that the class Point is in it's own header. Use include guar... (by coder777)
help for task
Thank you soo much
[7 replies] Last: This is not a homework solutions site. We don't do immoral things like... (by LB)
Allowing my vector to iterate while both adding and removing values
Hi guys, I successfully implemented a system that allows bullets to destroy asteroids once they hit. The problem is that the next feature I need to add is that ...
[2 replies] Last: Use an index in lieu of an iterator. (by cire)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 52
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