Beginners - April 2015 (Page 23)

Did I understand references and pointers correctly?
I have been reading about references and pointers everywhere but I still have some questions. From what I got, references are marked by & and pointers with *...
[13 replies] Last: The function MyClass::MyFunction returns a reference to an integer, ... (by LB)
by id10t
Nested Class Question
Hey Folks, I need some help again. We have an assignment that is incorporating both nested classes and operator overloading. The problem I'm running into is the...
[6 replies] Last: The constructor ask for a pointer and an integer. STLDataBuffer::It... (by ne555)
need help with errors in my code
so i am basically doing an assignment priority queue using heap these are instructions for every commands 1 - add element create an element with the id an p...
[no replies]
by s8050
How to run more than one function at the same time?
I am a beginner in C++ and I barely make simple console applications and now I could make a music for an application by the Beep(int,int) and I might need to ...
[2 replies] Last: mm, that explained a lot. I am not sure what kind of Dav-C++ I am usin... (by s8050)
by koopey
string.find method problem
hey guys. this segment of code tries to store input from only inside <body>stuff to be strored </body> part. see the comments below for problem. string ht...
[6 replies] Last: a great misunderstanding! i initially thought after using 'body_begin'... (by koopey)
by iahmed
terminate called after throwing an instance of std::bad_alloc
Hi... I am facing the current error since last few days and fighting with it to resolve the problem but all in vain. I am using Pythia8 and fastjet event gener...
[4 replies] Last: Please if you need the complete code to have a look i can email you, a... (by iahmed)
General Question about prog/job math
What is the most important math skills for a programmer.In other words, if I was to expand my math skills beyond the curriculum of the University is there any r...
[4 replies] Last: Vector math and matrices if you're planning to do any physics/graphics... (by cnoeval)
by erfa4n
problem with Date function(help pls)
hi friends i want to write a date function that Receipt a number ( for example 1267859 ) and turn it to a date ( for example 2014/10/2 ). how can i write thi...
[2 replies] Last: look with this function we turned a date to DAYS...this function show ... (by erfa4n)
by HelenI
If and else if
is that correct? void main(){ if(....){ } else if (....){ } else if (...){ statef () } } void statef(){ }
[3 replies] Last: also I missed the semi-colon... statef() should be statef(); ... (by shadder)
by HelenI
Function and While Help
Hello, can i put a function in a while that's in a function...... void main(){ while(......) if(.....) statef=1; ) void statef(){ ..... } ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! (by HelenI)
RunTime Error not working....
Hey guys,I was writing a sample program that uses the try and catch block(actually I was trying to learn).Having written the try block and catch block and compl...
[1 reply] : #include<stdexcept> See: (by coder777)
object oriented inheritance
EXAMPLE OF INHERITANCE //Base class class Hotel { public: void setName(string hotel_name){ name = hotel_name; } void setLoc...
[1 reply] : Do you have a question? And no: that's not useful inheritance. (by coder777)
Adding Functionality to Classes
I'm not grasping how to go about this, any help would be appreciated... thank you! Exercise 12.0 --- Given a parent class below (Student), derive a chil...
[1 reply] : Read this: http://www.... (by coder777)
End of file loop problem?
Hi guys. I'm in just an introductory c++ class. A few weeks ago we had a project where we had to write a program that, given a file with a date read in MM DD YY...
[5 replies] Last: I suggest to place some debug cout if you're not sure whether it runs ... (by coder777)
by ozzone
Help with ERROR
Hello, Im having trouble running my program because of this error. Does anyone know how to fix ? Error 1 error C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may...
[1 reply] : Do not doublepost. See (by keskiverto)
Creating a Phonebook program using classes
Hello everyone, second semester CS student here need some help with a programming assignment that I have. So our previous project was to create a phonebook prog...
[1 reply] : Posting your code on the forums would make people more likely to help ... (by fg109)
I want to get ride off lists and vectors in this program i also dont want to use classes
I want to get ride off lists and vectors in this program i also dont want to use classes,just want to use strings functions and structures so please elp me abou...
[1 reply] : Why? -Albatross P.S. Those strings you're using on lines 7, 9, 10, ... (by Albatross)
Word Counting with 2 input files & Array
My first post here! For this problem, I have to have two text files: one for list of words that need to be found and other containing the document that needs t...
[7 replies] Last: Do not loop on eof, like you do on line 49. Loop on the input operatio... (by LB)
Grade Distribution
One last part of my program is to do grade distribution and display it along with starts. I have no idea how to do this. #include <iostream> #include ...
[6 replies] Last: The values that are different should be arguments to the function. (by Duthomhas)
FSM using table lookup
My question is more a general question. My assignment is to code a FSM using a table look up. We are supposed to read in from stdin. The set of input symbols a...
[no replies]
April 2015 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 52
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