Beginners - April 2015 (Page 21)

by MIZ
How to get a exe file
Say once i finish a project how would i get the exe file the file that when clicked on launches the particular programme i need to know this because onc...
[1 reply] : Hey MIZ It's great you're staying so active. The exe file is placed... (by ultifinitus)
by enemy
can't google char pointers!!!
Hello! Pleas, I can't google the answer, how to get NORMAL addres in char pointer!!! I tried in codepad and in ideone, please delete if the page accepts my la...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=enemy]How to describe the procedure: what did I do? The proce... (by ultifinitus)
by alexBB
Explanation of a code line sought
Hi there. In this web page there is a reference (link) to a zip file (Gauss-Legendre and if you ...
[2 replies] Last: ne555, thank you. I actually did not notice that this routine is 2D. T... (by alexBB)
by jmann
C-String Array Input Validation
Hi, The following code I wrote class is supposed to ask the user to input a social security number. The SSN number is stored as a c-string, passed into a fun...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I have no idea why I put those as loops, that was a dumb mi... (by jmann)
My gym_Membership source, C++, is it neat?
Give me some advice to make it cleaner and optimize the code. Also, I can't make the window stay after entering a letter, why? #include <iostream> usi...
[7 replies] Last: Your math is off. total_due = (hours_to_pay_in_money + 9.95); You ... (by JB252)
Bad Memory Allocation
I have a 2D dynamic Array, I was able to fill it up properly but every time I run this function it gives me a bad memory allocation error and terminates the pro...
[7 replies] Last: i figured it out!! The bound was incorrect and I was calling the recur... (by Dlazyguy)
String Array Formatting Help
I'm very new to programming and I've been trying to format the output for several hours now. I'm trying to format the output of the prices coming from the stri...
[1 reply] : try to take the length of the words and then take the relative setw... (by shadder)
I can't input an array, what's the problem here? void act2(){ char string1 , string2 ; cout << " Enter word: "; cin.getline(string1, 100); st...
[5 replies] Last: Do not use any *_s functions. They are not part of the standard and a... (by keskiverto)
using pointer to dynamically allocate a 2D array
Hi, i am trying to dynamically allocate a 2D array using pointer or a double pointer. I know how to use pointer to a pointer to access to a 2D array, but so far...
[1 reply] : A pointer has two parts: 1. It is a pointer. 2. The type it points to.... (by keskiverto)
valid of invalid
state wheather the following identifiers are valid or invalid. 1. max-marks 2. area of square 3. 1num 4. cust_name 5. totalsum please help me
[3 replies] Last: dude thank you so much. I've got the answers for the question. (by vikramathitan)
Hopefully a quick fix
My program is not just pulling the vowels. If you know what I'm missing or doing incorrectly, can you please reply with help. //This program counts the ...
[7 replies] Last: I didn't read your comment's very thoroughly. I wasn't realizing that ... (by Sarmonroe)
Using the read() function
Hey guys this question is a continuation of my Phonebook program. I read through the articles,and this is what Ive written. class Phonebook { private...
[1 reply] : However that... (by ultifinitus)
XOR Decryption
I'm trying to XOR decrypt a cyphertext with a known plaintext. the plaintext size is 256bit, the key is 64bit and the cyphertext is huge with >16000 bits. I'm ...
[4 replies] Last: The message(16000+bits) is encrypted but we only know a piece of the o... (by phuduc1193)
by enemy
Easiest ideas (pseudocodes) for friendship
Hello! Please, I am "training" codes using "friends" and I am gathering school tasks and ideas. Pleas, eif U know some easy tasks, or maybe even some links wit...
[3 replies] Last: :D welcome :D (by shadder)
by Torm04
Help with strings
Hello, I am in need of some guidance on my program. Basically I need to have a function that will read a string forwards and backwards. After completing that it...
[2 replies] Last: *bump* could really use some help here.. (by Torm04)
Using Merge Sort With Struct Array (1,2)
Structure template: typedef struct structure { char name ; int age; }Structure; Array of structs: Structure array ; In C, is it possible to sort...
[27 replies] Last: The code works and I'm grateful for your help in getting it to work, s... (by Bogeyman)
Why does it keep switching between states?
I am using openCV to per for head tracking using lukas kanade optical tracking.. The method i am using it is not problem, is how it is applied that is problem....
[no replies]
Reading the names and ages
Hello, I'm doing a quick exercise from Chapter 9 of Programming Principles and Practice using C++ and I followed exercise 2 carefully but I keep running into th...
[5 replies] Last: If you want input to end on enter, you must use line oriented (or unfo... (by cire)
True or false array questions
I just want to make sure I didn't confuse the zero based stuff between index and elements. Are my answers correct here? Or am I mixing when it is zero based and...
[1 reply] : Both of your answers are correct. (by cire)
I wrote this code. #include <math.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) cout << (int)(pow(10,i))<< endl; ...
[3 replies] Last: I agree with programmer007 , shows the correct values on mine as well... (by ultifinitus)
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