Beginners - April 2015 (Page 19)

Hello I have no idea how to do this can someone please help
Write your question here. Using the displaytime.cpp -> Make it output the correct time using a 12-hour system, AND, take in user input for their time ...
[1 reply] : For your user input just st... (by Militie)
Please help me to do this assignment
This program is to be written to accomplish same objectives, as did the program. Except this time we modularize our program by writing functions, instead of wr...
[2 replies] Last: My advice, read your book and take notes. (by JB252)
by relgin
How to terminate a list with the value "END"??
I wrote a program that reads in a list of rocket names and masses and prints them in reverse order. The list should be terminated by the value "END". The value ...
[4 replies] Last: I really appreciate your help Thank you!! I entered a count and my pr... (by relgin)
by ebucna
Converting string of numbers to a number
The idea is pretty simple, but it the result is slightly incorrect, it gives 12343 instead of 12345. Any ideas why? It's driving my crazy.. #include <iost...
[5 replies] Last: Makes sens fg109, I added 0.5 on the end of the equation and the preci... (by ebucna)
by edtrud
Is this possible?
Hello, Here is a little information about my inquiry. We have a McAfee SaaS product installed on our computers that I manage (Around 200 Windows PCs running Wi...
[no replies]
iterating through object list
Hello! I have recently seen a Java syntax to iterate through an object list (myObjects) If was something like: for (object obj : myObjects){ obj...
[3 replies] Last: No problem:) (That's amazing. and Haha, nice one! I just picked it be... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
structured data writing file from function
I am modifying a previous assignment program to add 2 more menu items. 1 additional menu option to write structure data input by user into a file for insured it...
[1 reply] : I see a couple of problems in your write() function. First and probab... (by jlb)
I want to press a key to continue
Hello My problem is , i want to make a simple calculator , in the console i want afterall the user to choose what type of operation he want pressing a key li...
[1 reply] : you can use GetAsyncKeyState function (by shadder)
Filling vector with structure
Hi guys can u help me? I have created vector,structure as u can see but I have issues w/ filling the vector...My task is to make a vector where user have to e...
[1 reply] : Perhaps you need to study the documentation for getline() to see what ... (by jlb)
Checking input is numeric
I am trying to create a basic calculator program, and I want to make sure that the user input is numeric, and if it is not, give an option to return to the main...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks very much guys, all sorted now! (by alike127)
Vectors or Arrays?
Just as the title says, Vector or Arrays? Which do you prefer and why? Are there any true benefits from either one?
[1 reply] : i prefer vectors in most cases unlike arrays theyre dynamic in memory... (by xenovia12)
Hereditary class and function with same name
Hi everybody! I have a question about the function with same name in two different classes. I do an example for explain better my doubt: I have a "class A" th...
[2 replies] Last: Solved! Thank you coder777! ^_^ (by Ray Soy)
declarations in c++
c++ question. Can anyone help me on this please. 1.a constant that gives the name discount to the value 0.10 2.two variables called amount and unitprice. amou...
[1 reply] : amount is of type int and initialized to 1.5 the types int can't con... (by Ray Soy)
Char error reading string from text file into a vector array C++
Hi all i have a file i'm trying to read into a vector array. I've checked a few other post which got me as far as i did. I keep running into an error where it...
[4 replies] Last: Brilliant that did the job here is the revised code. #include <ios... (by haitianfella)
how to fix ?"delete error"
Why there is an error in my code ? #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void gen() { int m ; for(int h=0;h<2;h++) { f...
[1 reply] : You cannot delete what you didn't get with new ... (by coder777)
by enemy
"Break" into secret data...
Hello! Please, I try to "invent" a function mmm, which would try to take private data, and, as it would not be allowed, I woudl "have" to make these data public...
[6 replies] Last: Many many thanks!!! (by enemy)
Magic Square C++
This is my C++ project homework. I am required to follow the instruction below. And I really need helps on fixing my existing codes. By Professor: Your progr...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, Can you edit your code, so the error messages match the code you ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help debugging code
The code below is supposed to be a program that allows the user to enter in 2 matrices and add them together, and gives an error when they're not the same dimen...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=ne555]¿what are you trying to say? The OP has posted the error... (by TheIdeasMan)
using struct array as parameter error
Been trying to figure out why I cannot pass the structure array as a parameter in the function call within main. Error says movieR is undeclared, but it is decl...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, Can you please post your compile errors exactly as they appear? ... (by TheIdeasMan)
How to add multiple inputs to va_list
I need to add multiple inputs to a va_list. The first one is going to be a integer and the second one is going to be a pointer to another method which I plant t...
[no replies]
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