Beginners - April 2015 (Page 15)

ok i started over and ran into a fatal error
hey there im starting my program over so im trying to just bulid the first option then add the rest of the ptions once i have this working but im getting a fata...
[8 replies] Last: As mutexe pointed out, you formatting is really bad making it hard to ... (by admkrk)
undeclared Identifier
My professor is having me write a chat bot and i keep getting an error saying "undeclared identifier." I am new to programming and could use some help. this occ...
[6 replies] Last: When I remove the parentheses from (idontknow) it gives me an error ... (by mamornea)
program wont go past the switch
the program compiles fines the menu shows up but once i make a selection it does not switch to the program please help ..... also how do i make it return to the...
[no replies]
by enemy
constructor template- template class
Hello! Says that template syntax for constructor is not ok. Can't google the solution, can someone help? many thanks!!! template <class xxx> class c...
[3 replies] Last: Hello! Please, I tried with normal form of function (not-inline), the... (by enemy)
by mindoo
Box2D .DLL ?
Hey guys, This might seem like a dumb question but I can't find the Box2D .DLL file to include in my project. Where is it or if there isn't any, how do i go ab...
[2 replies] Last: It's a physics engine. (by mindoo)
by enemy
multipy and add( main) not declared ?
Hello! Please, can someone help me see th error? Class is retyped from the net. It has no members that are NOT functions. Is that ok? I wrote main, but both f...
[6 replies] Last: I "added" object declarations in main, then it worked. Is that the a... (by enemy)
Basic program to assign passengers to airplane seat
I'm a beginner to C++, and am really struggling with the current project. I've emailed to professor, but she isn't the most helpful and I'm taking the class onl...
[6 replies] Last: Heh im in the same class as you :p CCBC? (by rhinorhino)
Problem with compiling
Hi, I'm learning how to write pe32 packer in assembly language and I came across nice tutorial for C++ language that would help me understand some things but...
[1 reply] : *up (by aston00)
dynamic_cast vs static_cast preformance?
Can anyone tell me what's faster? example 1: for (auto it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->objectType == GameObject::tower) { ...
[2 replies] Last: Additionally those snippets might do a different things if Tower cla... (by MiiNiPaa)
by mindoo
SDL with a Physics engine
Hey guys, Recently I learned the basics of SDL (surfaces, video mode, events...) and I wanted to put SDL with a physics engine in order to make a simple platfo...
[7 replies] Last: GameObject and objects vector are part of the game itself. It interact... (by MiiNiPaa)
How do I access my router gateway with brute force?
To begin, I own all hardware that is being used. I am just experimenting with computer science by solving a real problem.I would never break into someone else's...
[1 reply] : The best way to do that is not with C++. If you just want to hack, the... (by SamuelAdams)
Finding which combination of numbers requires the most mod operations to find the GCD
I need to write a program where I give the program an integer n. This program will then find which combination of numbers from 1 to n will take the most amount ...
[no replies]
can anyone help me with this task? :) With random generator help fill a two- dimensional array of NxN with numbers in the range of 10-99 , and discard it to ...
[11 replies] Last: and another variant #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using na... (by VaMpZzz)
by mrob82
Help with dynamic array
Hello everyone. Having issues figuring out how to use this dynamic array. The program is just supposed to gather some info into a dynamically allocated array,...
[6 replies] Last: You're welcome. you can try to pass that dynamic array to function , n... (by hankstr100)
by MsNora
Invalid Null Pointer - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express
Hello guys. I am a beginner here. Recently, I had run a project/solution in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express.The build was successful.But when I try to debug t...
[4 replies] Last: I'm sorry. This is the output from the call stack. And I give you the ... (by MsNora)
by Cooper
Struct Lookup With Input Files
Hello, I'm looking to create a struct that does the following.. -Open the two input files and test the streams. (I'll post the txt files afterwards to give a...
[no replies]
Sort isn't working
My program is supposed to accept the names of students with one test score. Then is supposed to organize the students in descending order based on their scores....
[4 replies] Last: took out the do while loop and instead changed to : for(int p = 0; p... (by Texan40)
by relgin
How to use Array to read curve points?
I need to write a program that reads in a list of engine thrust curve points and will compute the thrust for any given time. How do I use an array to read i...
[3 replies] Last: You have a two-column table (time, thrust). When you are given a time... (by keskiverto)
Arrays and void functions program question
My teacher said this program doesn't exactly follow the instructions but would not tell me why. Can anyone help out? Create a program called ArrayNums that c...
[no replies]
Hello! My code has been crashing with SIGABRT but I don't know where and have know idea what I am doing wrong. Right now I am getting it at ghInput::addKeyAc...
[5 replies] Last: > Have you tried cleaning your project and rebuilding? Wow that fixed... (by closed account oGhfSL3A)
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