Beginners - April 2015 (Page 13)

Resolving shortcut paths in Code Blocks?
I'm creating a file browsing program using SFML, and have made a good amount of progress. However, so far it is unable to work properly with shortcuts, and exam...
[6 replies] Last: That also works. Thanks a lot, Texan40! (by CplusplusAcolyte)
Function that calls on two others
I'm having problems with the below code. I set up the prototype, called on it in the main function, then set it up. (My teacher wants the user defined functio...
[11 replies] Last: THANK YOU!!! Ok, I'll just figure out how to tell it to check for any... (by chellebell1689)
Manipulating Array in FileInput
My code is supposed to take an array from a fileInput and use each indvidual entry in an equation then it outputs the result onto another file. However, I am ha...
[1 reply] : I'd create 3 functions: void readArray(int arr , istream &is) shoul... (by dhayden)
??? I don't know how to say what's going on
So I wrote the program below as an assignment. It asks the user to enter a sentence and the program will tell them how many vowels, how many words, and how man...
[8 replies] Last: No problem:) (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
input an array with a cin statement in a for loop
As a part of a larger project i need to be able to input an 2D array using a cin statement. Code i have so far: for(i=0; i < maxc; i++) for(j=0; j < maxr...
[1 reply] : this just spams the cout statement without allowing any inputs. You... (by shadder)
Entering struct information from command line
Hey guys, im having a problem here, i need to make script that uses structure, but i need to enter struct information from the command line. By the way im doing...
[5 replies] Last: That's because okey is still defined as j as well. okey j; // struct... (by Texan40)
by tapir2
Books/websites with programming projects to learn C++?
What are some good books or websites that have a lot of C++ projects to do?
[3 replies] Last: There is always Herb Sutter's books (by Z e r e o)
Measure Run Time of C++ Program
I have a C++ program, and I am going to run it in Linux and try to get the run time of the program. I have to use these particular code in my program. #...
[3 replies] Last: That's the general idea, but unless your program runs for more than a ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help with Time programming
Hello, I need help with my programming project here. My project was simple time converter which i manually plus the time(convert from GMT+8 to other time). Howe...
[1 reply] : integer 1500 - integer 0130 = 1370, but time is not decimal. Think mo... (by Texan40)
How to work with a DLL???
Hey guys, so I was checking out some gaming 2d libraries and I thought about learning to program in Allegro(by the way this is not about allegro).But somewhere ...
[3 replies] Last: By the way do you know how to make a dll in CodeBlocks? Create a proj... (by coder777)
Help with my array.
Our objective is to make a program that tells the user to input multiple numbers unless the user input 0, if the user inputs zero then the program will terminat...
[6 replies] Last: @mutexe @LadyInRed7 Thank you for all the tips and articles, its help... (by halfscale)
Minesweeper Co-ordinates number alignment
Hi Guys, Just wondered if any one could help?? Currently I'm trying to write a basic program in C++ for a minesweeper game, but I am having issues with the a...
[1 reply] : See (by keskiverto)
This is a C question. I have dynamically allocated a two dimensional array of characters. The problem is that when I try to enter values into the array, it's s...
[14 replies] Last: Hmm... that's a lot to take in. I don't understand much of that, but ... (by Bogeyman)
...wrong place, sry
[1 reply] : Hey pal,can u give the body of the header "StringContactMap.h"??? Tha... (by LadyInRed7)
Writing final program for intro programming class - switch statement wont switch (among other things)
Write your question here. Hey everyone. I have a final project due for my C++ class - the assignment reads as follows : Here is what the program needs to do: ...
[3 replies] Last: Morning, Only had a quick look, but i see this on line 34: string myF... (by mutexe)
If statement with a char
how can i make my program ask for a char("Q") to quit/initialize the if statement? i get an c3867 error when i run it. but i can't see what i do wrong ...
[2 replies] Last: You can use the exit() function defined in stdlib.h . #include<iost... (by LadyInRed7)
Switching random numbers
I'm getting an error saying that "i" in "int numbers ..." is unidentified. I'm not sure how to fix it. The original problem is to write a program that imple...
[2 replies] Last: morning. You can't do this: int numbers = rand() % 100 + 1; even i... (by mutexe)
2d char help?
How would i put the smiley face on top of the *? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { char life ={"\0"}; int a,b; ...
[3 replies] Last: @andres81 Run this code and see what it does: #include <iostream> ... (by mgoetschius)
inserting string into a deque
hello! i'm trying to check if a string is a palindrone. what i'm trying to do is put s into a and check the front and the back of the deque to see if it's a pal...
[1 reply] : The value_type of deque is string. On line 14 you provide iterators ... (by coder777)
Function for game rules
Hello, I am currently taking C++ (1st half) in college and we are to write the Hi/Lo guessing game. My teacher wants us to have the main function call upon use...
[8 replies] Last: Pet peeve: void rules(void) Do this instead: void rules() Putt... (by Disch)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 52
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