Beginners - April 2015 (Page 12)

by koopey
return statement acting crazeeey!
hey guys. this segement of code is not working properly as it should. even after executing return statement, it goes on to the rest of the part of the code and ...
[3 replies] Last: never mind, solved it. the error was indeed in the get_input() functio... (by koopey)
Questions about barcode printer program
Hi, I have a simple question here. I'm a Computer Engineering student, and my programming level is still low. But I was wondering how to make a program to dra...
[no replies]
Advice needed for assignment
I have a homework assignment I was hoping to get some light shed on... Write a program that generates a random number between 1 and 100 and asks the user to ...
[8 replies] Last: Works fine. Just include the c standard library and move the srand(ti... (by Arslan7041)
What is wrong with this
Write your question here. CodeBlocks won't run this code, I've just broken my computer :c #include <iostream> using namespace std; int findArea(int l...
[1 reply] : int findArea(int 1, int w) '1' is a number, and not a valid name f... (by Disch)
Is there any one can do this code for me please but it must be by structure matrix calculations (add /sub +transpose +multiplication +power )
[no replies]
Having an Issue With My Bool Function For Fractions
Can someone help explain to me why my bool functions aren't working? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class fraction { private: ...
[2 replies] Last: *Sigh* Can't believe I missed that...need...sleep. Sorry about the non... (by closed account NU9yT05o)
Please Help c++
I made a makefile for my project and running it gives the error "segmentation fault core dumped". No one I show this code to can find the error and I'm stressin...
[1 reply] : just copy and paste ur code here (by khatereh)
OOP and operator overloading
Can you please explain to how this project has to be done? I'm a little bit lost, I think I should do everything in my .h file Write your class and member fun...
[no replies]
For loop
I need to use a user define function to calculate grade distribution and display it along with starts. My Program works but I don't know how to do the grade ...
[1 reply] : Can someone please help with this? (by khatereh)
Resolving correct file paths with whitespaces
I'm working on a file browser and have come up against an issue with resolving file paths that are retrieved from a vector of strings. If the true path to a f...
[1 reply] : Maybe I'm overthinking this. It could be that because the string is al... (by CplusplusAcolyte)
please idon't understand what this statement actually do (cin.ignore ();)
[3 replies] Last: No problem:) (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Exc bad access error in xcode?
So the code I'm writing is to read a file, sort it, then output back into the file. It was working fine the first time I did it, made changes my TA recommended,...
[4 replies] Last: I was taught that the command line has 3 arguments: 1 for input and 1 ... (by closed account zT4NhbRD)
by slp99
C++ Problem
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I keep getting a bunch of errors and do not know what they mean. Please help! 1. Your program asks the user for six integ...
[3 replies] Last: I tried going through some of the errors and was able to clear it up a... (by slp99)
TicTacToe_Invalid move
I cant get this tic tac toe program to recognize a move after its already been used. Also, the exit function is not working too great either, if you guys see a ...
[no replies]
by conlan
Classes and constructors
Can someone help me I am stuck. My task is to use the given main.cpp and student.h file to create a student.cpp file that will use the class Student and variabl...
[no replies]
I am having issues with a string. My program takes up to 5 different user inputs which are set in a loop to accomplish that. The first function of the loop as...
[5 replies] Last: I do have one other question that I cant figure out either. For that ... (by chris23balln)
Sorting large groups
I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to get the program to print of groups of 10 across for both the sorted and unsorted. The original problem: Gen...
[1 reply] : Within the loop you could use the modulo operator % with 10. If the c... (by kempofighter)
by soten
Outfile Creation Help!
Hello. I have my code all working but now I want to reduce the number of inputs. Basically I want to do the following: User will input the data filename to ...
[1 reply] : Check: and paste your cod... (by Aceix)
Need some help with this program.
Although I am not finished yet, I can't seem to figure out how to get the program to signal an error if the user enters anything other then A, B, C, D. I have a...
[3 replies] Last: Can you post your latest version please? (by koothkeeper)
unicode text file
Hi, i have program which is going to save some unicode character because of having too many i/o in this files this files it might get deleted and create by pro...
[1 reply] : anyone? (by raminlich)
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