Beginners - April 2015 (Page 11)

Need help with an Array Code.
Ok so i need to ask the user for rows and columns for the array, it should be between 2 and 50. Then I have to fill the array with random numbers; The program ...
[1 reply] : Even if your code performed the way that you want it, the program will... (by mlholder)
pass several queues into a function and have the function return a struct.
Hey guys and gals I have 6 queues and 15"jobs" a job can be in on of the 6 queues depending on its priority. I'm trying to make a function that will go through ...
[1 reply] : In case anyone wants to use the code, the only thing wrong is Job shou... (by trevormoon)
Bubble sort of a text file problem. Help
Hi, I need to do a simple bubble sort function for a file as my assignment. So far I've come up with this and I have no idea why it's doing what it's doing. H...
[no replies]
Please help in the project solution
Object Oriented Programming (45111) Course Project The task: Implement a program that simulates the relationship between spiders and aunts. The spiders an...
[1 reply] : Interesting. (by S G H)
Need some help!
change all occurrences of 'e' to '3', of 'i' to '1', and of 'x' to '*' Example: heel becomes h33l. I've tried multiple things already and I'm not having any...
[5 replies] Last: Okay thank you, I was able to figure it out, but thanks for the extr... (by raguayo101)
Problem with my vector
The purpose of this code is read structured values of hour & temperature readings, like so: (5, 81.7) The program reads in the temperature then placed into a ...
[1 reply] : it's this line: for (int i = 0; temp.size(); i++){ needs to be some... (by mutexe)
Can't figure why my object isn't moving-ALLEGRO5 library
Hello, I've just started using allegro5. For beginning I'm trying to make a simple program that makes a rectangle move constantly in a chosen direction until o...
[3 replies] Last: Thank You for answer but it doesn't fix my problem;( (by Jajeczko)
sorting a string array
Hello everyone. Here is my problem. I have a char array which I need to separate into words by "," symbol by using strtok function. Then I need to sort those "w...
[no replies]
Displaying lists from arrays.
I am really having trouble with the last for loop. I am supposed to display the question numbers that were answered incorrectly, not the actual answers. Thanks ...
[8 replies] Last: check your line 5 it should be like this while(usersAnswers != 'A'... (by shadder)
Storing characters in a variable and if statment
I'm pretty new to C++ and wanted to create a text based RPG. But i have never learned how to store text like inventory = "banana". and i can only seem to as a...
[no replies]
tic tac toe
Ok here is a situation. "I have to create tic tac toe game. The program provides a level playing field for two players , check the correctness of the march ,...
[9 replies] Last: thanks @MiiNiPaa couldn't have done it without your help guess i have ... (by VaMpZzz)
by SAM012
theater seating issue
[3 replies] Last: I'm still confused.. I've actually already tried changing this but onl... (by SAM012)
by wolfv
nested instantiation
This passes a nose to a Face constructor: NoseElephant nose1(3); Face face1(nose1); Is there a way to do the same with an anonymous nose? This did not work...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the explanation Peter87. That makes sense. (by wolfv)
How do I write Postscript programs in C++/Visual Studio
I'm learning postscript for class and we have some practice exercises. I'm in my Visual Studio and I have no idea what to do because we've basically been given ...
[1 reply] : A good place to start is a variant of the classic "hello world" progra... (by dhayden)
Stuck on recursion
Hello, I am looking to implement a method in my class that uses recursion to find the largest number. The idea is finding a midpoint value where I can start com...
[1 reply] : When RecursionArray::input returns, you lose the knowledge of now ma... (by dhayden)
FOR Cycle in codeblocks
Hello people! My name's Mike, and i'm at a math-info / english intensive profile class. Got some homework to do, i'm already behind the schedule w/ 2 days and m...
[1 reply] : Start with the first part, one step at a time. 1. You apparently have ... (by keskiverto)
how to use std::list with a struct
if i have a struct like this struct combi_t { int val0; int val1; int val2; combi_t* nextPtr; and i want to implement std::list loadint types of combi...
[no replies]
by Somek
Reading a .dat file
Hi there, I am finding trouble with the following action. I have written a long code, so as to solve a linear system of equations, but sometimes (it seems almos...
[1 reply] : In the first loop m is out of bounds when i=n. In the second loop m[... (by Peter87)
zero in list contents and multiset contents
so i insert values from a vector into a list and into a multiset, and i noticed zero is added to their contents! I had to do a whole lot of debugging to find ou...
[2 replies] Last: ok sorry and thank you ne555...I somewhat solved it and i will use std... (by donvigor)
I dont understand the difference between C strings and C++ strings
Can somebody give me a good explanation on the difference? How are each strings stored different in memory? I know that C strings are stored as an array of char...
[2 replies] Last: Can somebody give me a good explanation on the difference? C doesn'... (by Disch)
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