Beginners - April 2014 (Page 9)

by Irhcsa
A few simple questions
Can someone explain to me what -q does? As in: system("xx %xx%\\xx\\xx -q"); Also I've seen people use: system("%SystemRoot%\\system32\...
[3 replies] Last: keskiverto thank you for answering the 2nd question. For the first, i... (by Irhcsa)
char to const char*
What is the easiest way to get around this? #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char**...
[2 replies] Last: Nice, thanks. I knew there had to be a simple way of doing that. (by Dan Feerst)
Removing class objects from vector (vector subscript out of range)
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a simple coin catching game using SDL and C++. At the moment I am trying to delete to coins as the travel off the bottom o...
[5 replies] Last: I feel I should give an update as I've been at work the past few days ... (by lancerhnj)
Hi everyone! Im having hell trying to get this to compile..
I know I literally just signed up and am asking a question, so I understand if some of you may not want to help me with this. Anyway, I've been working on a ...
[1 reply] : I am so desperate I will pay some paypal if I need to lol, but I will ... (by lanadr96)
Coding without Standard Libraries
If I have to read in a text file i would usually use the fstream class. However if I am not allowed to use any standard libraries, how would I go about reading ...
[4 replies] Last: No but thanks anyways (by JasonMcG)
Tokenization issue
Hey, I was writing a program that is supposed to tokenize strings. I've got it to where the code looks for a delimiter and then uses that to store each part of ...
[no replies]
Tokenizing a Linked List help
Having an error with this program. It runs, however it doesn't tokenize and insert. When it gets to the display function, it crashes due to trying to access a N...
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read from file and count same strings
I want to read from a file that contains strings and count how many strings of the same name are in the file. Number of strings on file is unknown. For example:...
[6 replies] Last: great that worked! thank you. (by ShinAngel)
Trouble with the strcat and strcpy
I keep on getting this error Error 1 error C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, u...
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
How to read from an entire file with fstream?
So, I am making an updater in my program, with the update information in a .txt file (for now, I will change it). Anyway, I want to set a variable (such as a ...
[8 replies] Last: No, that is correct. (It is the second method I suggested.) (by Duthomhas)
Control keeps falling through cin
Hi there, I'm trying to write a decrypting/encrypting program. It uses a seed (uses it as a password of some sort) to generate random shifts for the ACSII value...
[no replies]
How to format a Calendar table
Hello all, I am very new to C++ and I am trying to format a Gregorian Calendar that accepts only the year as a user input, but I want the display to show 3 mont...
[no replies]
by chofs
search in a matrix
hello guys am trying to search a specific value in my matrix if its der than output value is in matrix if not output value is not in matrix...........but my cod...
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Need Help
I am having trouble with this code. We are supposed to write functions to make the main work. We were given the main. I don't understand what I am doing wron...
[4 replies] Last: MrZ, That did it. Thank you very much. Now I can get on to my wifes... (by nsmith1779)
LinkListProgram crashing?
I'm having an issue with this Linked List. It runs, gets into the tokenizing function where I believe it is skipping code, then goes into the display and attemp...
[6 replies] Last: The char arrays and strtok is actually the professors code and he advi... (by elite zero)
help-me, i need a txt line reader.
Hello, before all, be patient with me, i'm very very beginner, sorry my bad english. I have a class that contains the functions: register, delete and view the...
[2 replies] Last: ok, but has a little problem, my entire code is in Portuguese (the lan... (by TheLeandroNex)
Help With Program Unsure of What is Wrong
Hello everyone. SO recently, I have been taking a look at the USACO training pages. I did not know that even the easiest programs were difficult for me. Anyways...
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Text-Adventure RPG
Ok, I've been trying to create a RPG, I have everything figured out except for the fact I want to include items that can be equipped. I am at a loss on how to i...
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by Earnie
Input stream unreactive
Hi ! I'm having trouble dealing with illegal user input (string/character instead of int) I'm reading integer values into an input stream (cin). If the user e...
[1 reply] : I think I solved it. This example was from the Stoustrup book "Program... (by Earnie)
Critique my program, give advice (1,2)
I'm creating a game-engine for a text-adventure RPG, this is my first real attempt at creating a large project so be gentle! Thank you for your time in advance....
[29 replies] Last: You shill didn't turn on C++11 support: (by MiiNiPaa)
April 2014 Pages: 1... 7891011... 67
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