Beginners - April 2014 (Page 7)

List Iterator syntax C++
Xlist is a list of objects of the type Vertex, each of these vertex objects has an X and a Y value, for the function(double importanceMethod) at the bottom of m...
[1 reply] : 1. end() iterator points to the one past the end element. Trying to de... (by MiiNiPaa)
Want criticism/advice/thoughts
I am writing a text-adventure and I am in the beginning stages, I would like to submit my code for review and give me a brief overview of how I am doing. I woul...
[4 replies] Last: The listing is just too big for me to go through all and find all prob... (by codewalker)
Need help with two dimensional arrays
Hello, I am currently using a two dimensional dynamic array that is int** matrix = new int* ; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) matrix =new in...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, Placing j at the bottom of the for loop fixed my problem.... (by brothersharp)
Help with assignment for class.
Hello everyone! This is my first post on the site! I was hoping the community here could help me out with an assignment I had in class. In the sport of d...
[10 replies] Last: As rssair demonstrated two simple IF statements would sort that out f... (by Codermik)
Modifying program slightly.
Okay....Two questions. 1) What would be the best way to convert this app to where the user just types in names until they type "Quit" instead of typing in how m...
[11 replies] Last: Your welcome. (by Codermik)
hey please tell me why this program is not stop in specific case please tell me #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int choice; cou...
[1 reply] : I dont think you intended to type "case1:" and "case2:" (no space betw... (by codewalker)
by Irhcsa
Annoying problem
I made a file called DeleteMe and now I'm trying to use c++ to find the program and delete it. I have tried everything I can think of but I don't think I'm t...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks Lachlan. (by Irhcsa)
Overloading () operator
Hey guys, So about a week ago I was a bit stuck on how to number of comparisons a particular program makes and asked for help here (
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Duoas (by Void life)
Unable to update initialized value.
Hi,I am having an issue with updating the initialized value MoneyTotal. The initial value of MoneyTotal is 1000, which is displayed as desired. The issue, howe...
[8 replies] Last: I got! Miini, you're awesome! Thank you so much!! Thanks everyone! (by DearOnlyYou)
by Life24
Run time error
Hi, I have an error when run the program. :( Please view the attachment.
[1 reply] : You have done something wrong in your program. (by MiiNiPaa)
Translation code, errors!
So, this code was put together from various sources in a team assignment and my current job is to make the code work. Unfortunately, I receive some errors when ...
[5 replies] Last: Still: it makes no sense. The loop ends no matter what you type. Just ... (by coder777)
Access Violation Probs
Writing a program that prints out the shortest path between two vertexes in a graph. I keep getting an access violation in my printGraph() method below where it...
[8 replies] Last: You're just dealing with x. So why don't you use x? void PrintVert(Adj... (by coder777)
by chofs
search an element in a 2d array
hello guys am trying to search a specific value in my matrix if its der than output value is in matrix if not output value is not in matrix...........but my cod...
[5 replies] Last: here is the search loop code in 2d vectors voidsearch(constMatrix... (by chofs)
outputting remainder of random names (1,2)
ok i know how to find the random name and that part of the program is completed, now i need to output the remainder of the names that are left of the input, e...
[31 replies] Last: hmm i ll see what i come up, thank you fro everything though. <3 (by JulyZerg)
Please Help with overriding a string return type
How can I override tostring() function? I want to say when sub class fail to override then parent class display invalid. I am not sure about below. //card cl...
[5 replies] Last: Glad to have helped. Please mark thread solved if you are happy with t... (by CodeGoggles)
Finding the sum a portion of vector int
Hello everyone. I am having trouble finding a way to add a portion of a vector int. For example, if my vector int is [89, 49, 28, 73, 93, 62, 74, 26, 57, 23, et...
[3 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> std::vect... (by Smac89)
Linked List Confusion - Operator Overloading help?
I am creating a linked list and I am confused about how to operator overload the addition of a linked list. this is my .cpp file and the portion i'm confused ab...
[1 reply] : If you want to make it work for any numeric data type, you can do it t... (by Smac89)
by Life24
Pop from queue
Hi, I want pop from queue an asign value in one container. What i do? Thank you int a = q1.pop(); // error
[3 replies] Last: Oh, I thought you have a stack... in that case use front() instead. (by MiiNiPaa)
function to log in
hello my function i send the name and the password to it to check if it in the file student. if the name and the password are right it should return true a...
[1 reply] : buf1==N is always false. You are comparing pointers here. (by MiiNiPaa)
by Pg0715
circle classes
ok so im suppose to Construct a class Circle with data member radius and methods to initialize the radius to 1.0 change the value of the radius; c) calculate th...
[6 replies] Last: im really having trouble calling them and doing this part of the assig... (by Pg0715)
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