Beginners - April 2014 (Page 6)

by Mido14
Returning Dymanic Array
How to return 2D Dymanic Array ?
[3 replies] Last: Just return the pointer once the memory is allocated. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
unexplained infinte loop? code analysis needed
I have been making a Guess My Number game, and I was seeing what would happen if I changed some of my answers a little, so for difficulty I put 'n', instead of ...
[2 replies] Last: Do reaserch on cin.ignore and cin.clear functions to defend your c... (by JockX)
hi can any body enplane for me the idea of this program Generates N integers between 7 and 19 inclusive. i didn't git it i have to make a function for ...
[1 reply] : Looks like (by keskiverto)
by ndat
Simple reading from txt file
I need some help I have to write a program: [I am running a store and want to computerize the inventory] 1. Create a .txt file [store.txt] 2. declare a str...
[5 replies] Last: I tried to google to find some help and all I could do is this: #in... (by ndat)
by recker
Help pls!
I don't know what I am doing.... Write two general functions to process strings. The first function is named Compress. It takes two parameters. The first i...
[1 reply] : You need to be much more specific as to what you need help with. Give ... (by CodeGazer)
by Pabel
Variable in header
Hi, i'm a little bit confused about variable in header files, for example i writing a library call libra.cpp and libra.h, i know i have to make a pre-declaratio...
[1 reply] : Variables in the header file but its good practice to avoid global va... (by Codermik)
by Mido14
Fill 2 matrices arrays
What is wrong with That code.The Program has Stopped Working ! #include <iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main() { int **Matr...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You very much...This is very helpful to me (by Mido14)
by tavuk
So much "identifier is undefined" in my class
I'm getting a lot of these "identifier is undefined" error messages with my class. With no clue on how to solve it im trying to work around it and that has left...
[15 replies] Last: @nanyo - Please don't post multiple times and do not post in other peo... (by AbstractionAnon)
dont now how to make(function call)
hello ! i have problem in function call i try to do this program A. Write a value-returning function called length() that takes a positive integer and r...
[9 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon Line 5 makes no sense. You're trying to initialize a... (by shaikha)
Writing variables to a text file
Hello, I'm new to C++ and I'm trying to write two variables to a text file. They are basically a players name and their score but formatted as shown. The tex...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=AbstractionAnon]Keep in mind that the open of the file can fail... (by CodeGazer)
Datastructures- binary tree
Can someone please check my code? I'm trying to implement a binary tree #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node* l...
[no replies]
Output problems with data file and array. Need Help
Okay i edited my code, and now i cannot figure out why i cannot get my loop to procceed to next name in the data file. It is in and infinite loop and repeats th...
[3 replies] Last: You do not need the loop inside wkly_pay_roll() . Calling it 5 time... (by JockX)
by Life24
Sleep Thread
Hi, I have three thread in myu program without main thread. I want one milisecond sleep for each three thread. What i do? For example: void test () { Sleep ...
[3 replies] Last: std::chrono is a standard namespace found in the namespace std . Th... (by Aceix)
by Ram1
can someone help me with this program class template and guess game
Using class template Bag to write a program that •Randomly generate 10 integers between 0 and 99 with 0 and 99 included and put them in an instance of class...
[3 replies] Last: The very first sentence in your post precludes us from showing you how... (by Computergeek01)
by Aceix
Used but never defined
Can anyone explain why I'm getting this error. g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -o "Test7" "Test7.cpp" (in directory: /home/aceix/Documents/C++ Codes) Test7.cpp:10:3: err...
[2 replies] Last: Yes I'm not intending to do stuff in the constructor. I'm just trying ... (by Aceix)
sorting (insertion/selection)
There's some error appeared when running the code #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void selectionSort(); void insertionSort();...
[3 replies] Last: There's some error appeared when running the code Please be specifi... (by AbstractionAnon)
Random number generation
Hello, I am trying to generate a random number from (and including) 1-8, but I only ever seem to get the same ones and I'm not sure 8 is coming up, I'm not loo...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thats great, thank you very much =) (by brokenmachine85)
by mekki
hi, i am still a newbee and i am lost... maybe smb has a idea why my function "storage" is ill-designed (in main, line: storage (entryCOUNTmain,; ...
[3 replies] Last: thx AbstractionAnon, your line 38 comment saved the day - my code is n... (by mekki)
by nvrmnd
no viable conversion from '__normal_iterator<const char *, [...]>' to '__normal_iterator<pointer, [...]>'
I've made a std::find overload that takes a std::string so i don't have to type find(begin(str), end(str), c) everytime i use std::find. However, i don't und...
[2 replies] Last: *Sigh* i'm an idiot. Many thanks !! (by nvrmnd)
Simple Inheritance Query
Hello, I am new to C++ and haven't quite grasped structs or classes/objects yet. I'm looking to make a very simple text console game using enemies with slight...
[5 replies] Last: Ok great, I'll give it a go =) Thanks again! (by brokenmachine85)
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