by kicktomorrow
Grade Conversion
[7 replies] Last: You are kind and wonderful. (by kicktomorrow)
by kuroro03
Initializing/passing multiple values on classes
[1 reply] : class Triangle{ Rectangle dim1; //Rectangle dim2; // Not need... (by long double main)
by Vhin
Virtual Destructors
[2 replies] Last: I didn't know about the C++11 thing, but the other is basically what I... (by Vhin)
by Referendum
Find minimum of integers function always returns zero
[2 replies] Last: I've yet to post a question that isn't solvable with one line of code.... (by Referendum)
by cmenedes
Read in integers from file, find max; RGB to CMYK Conversion HELP
[no replies]
by Queso36
Linked List help!
[2 replies] Last: Wow thanks a lot for doing this code and even reading the paper! I'm t... (by Queso36)
by lizardqueen
insertion and extraction operators
[2 replies] Last: And how would I go about doing that? (by lizardqueen)
by JasonMcG
Creating functions with Vectors
[2 replies] Last: How would you make a single function for this? (by JasonMcG)
by niko
Formatted Output
[no replies]
by Antone333
Allegro 5 tile map
[3 replies] Last: thank you. it was supposed to be i. not 1. (by Antone333)
by iluv41
outputting decoded line from a file
[1 reply] : Please don't create new topics when your old topic is so recent (and t... (by Hippogriff)
by pepstein
Counting comparisons in a linear search
[2 replies] Last: thanks, yeah that's what I ended up figuring out . just needed a well ... (by pepstein)
by sierranm
What does this mean?
[4 replies] Last: @John1 I don't suppose you have any recollection of how to do this in ... (by sierranm)
by Hercules
Cannot write this loop to a file.
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I mean if statement. I want the if statement to run when p=360... (by Hercules)
by dayan1
Fibonacci Sequence
[1 reply] : I am still trying to work through this problem, and am having trouble ... (by dayan1)
by sierranm
Something wrong with my code?
[2 replies] Last: Oh goodness! That was very silly of me! Thank you very much for your r... (by sierranm)
by iluv41
substitution cypher
[7 replies] Last: . (by iluv41)
by Hercules
Trying to loop within a loop
[7 replies] Last: Can you eleborate better your last sentence? because i didn't understa... (by bufige)
by dleanjeanz
Function parameter out of scope
[4 replies] Last: I think it's not gonna work. UPDATED: And it did not work. (by dleanjeanz)
by friedPotato
Write and Read a file..
[2 replies] Last: Alright, thanks for the help! (by friedPotato)