Beginners - April 2014 (Page 58)

Grade Conversion
Hey guys, This is homework but i'm not asking for an entire solution just a little help. This program is intended to ask the user for number grades, convert...
[7 replies] Last: You are kind and wonderful. (by kicktomorrow)
Initializing/passing multiple values on classes
// member initialization #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Circle { double radius; public: Circle(double r) : radius(r) { } ...
[1 reply] : class Triangle{ Rectangle dim1; //Rectangle dim2; // Not need... (by long double main)
by Vhin
Virtual Destructors
Okay, so I'm a little confused on how to implement a destructor for a class which only has data members with automatic storage duration. Like, say you had these...
[2 replies] Last: I didn't know about the C++11 thing, but the other is basically what I... (by Vhin)
Find minimum of integers function always returns zero
When compiled, this program gives: The number of grades is 75 The average is: 68.92 The highest grade is 100 The lowest grade is 0 The number of grades ab...
[2 replies] Last: I've yet to post a question that isn't solvable with one line of code.... (by Referendum)
Read in integers from file, find max; RGB to CMYK Conversion HELP
Hello, I have to write a c++ program that converts RGB values to CMYK values. I'm new to this and I am trying to get the hang of it. This is what I have to do ...
[no replies]
Linked List help!
Hello everyone, I need some help understanding this code. I (shamelessly) pulled this code from this tutorial: "
[2 replies] Last: Wow thanks a lot for doing this code and even reading the paper! I'm t... (by Queso36)
insertion and extraction operators
I have to include friend extraction and insertion operators for my Fractions class. The insertion operator is supposed to allow the object to be output and appe...
[2 replies] Last: And how would I go about doing that? (by lizardqueen)
Creating functions with Vectors
Hi. How would I make the following into two functions? They would need to rely on each other I suppose and then call the function in main. One function woul...
[2 replies] Last: How would you make a single function for this? (by JasonMcG)
by niko
Formatted Output
i want to formate the output of this program but iam failed plzz someone help me iam trying to get output like this but i can't :( Data: Manager 1: ...
[no replies]
Allegro 5 tile map
so what i am trying to do is make a tile map using 0 and 1 and 2 tiles on a png file. what happens is that it only loads the first column of the sprites goin...
[3 replies] Last: thank you. it was supposed to be i. not 1. (by Antone333)
by iluv41
outputting decoded line from a file
Ok so I have this function, I can get it to display the original line by line but i cant get it to display the decrypted line. I think line 16 in the Decrypt fu...
[1 reply] : Please don't create new topics when your old topic is so recent (and t... (by Hippogriff)
Counting comparisons in a linear search
In this linear search the purpose is to compare the values of the elements in two arrays and then count up the number of comparisons it took for the search to c...
[2 replies] Last: thanks, yeah that's what I ended up figuring out . just needed a well ... (by pepstein)
What does this mean?
In the assignment instructions, I am instructed to "pass a space and start as parameters" after calling a function. What does this mean?
[4 replies] Last: @John1 I don't suppose you have any recollection of how to do this in ... (by sierranm)
Cannot write this loop to a file.
Hi guys, im having serious trouble writing the outputs of this loop into a file. Any help will be much appreciated. accumulatedPower= totalPower; ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I mean if statement. I want the if statement to run when p=360... (by Hercules)
by dayan1
Fibonacci Sequence
I am writing a program that asks a user for a number between 5 and 11, and then displays that many fibonacci numbers. I am very close to solving it, and it work...
[1 reply] : I am still trying to work through this problem, and am having trouble ... (by dayan1)
Something wrong with my code?
This is the code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; //functions int inputData(string name , double score , int...
[2 replies] Last: Oh goodness! That was very silly of me! Thank you very much for your r... (by sierranm)
by iluv41
substitution cypher
I need to a line of input from a file, echoprint the original line, decrypt it using a substitution cipher, then output the decoded line. So it would be like th...
[7 replies] Last: . (by iluv41)
Trying to loop within a loop
I've been at this code for two days now and still cant seem to crack it. We've been given a txt file with the voltage and current which a household uses in
[7 replies] Last: Can you eleborate better your last sentence? because i didn't understa... (by bufige)
Function parameter out of scope
I have a function that writes the binary of a character (got it on void binary(char c) { int remainder; if((int)c <= 1) { ...
[4 replies] Last: I think it's not gonna work. UPDATED: And it did not work. (by dleanjeanz)
Write and Read a file..
Hello there, as a beginner at C++, I have a question about how one could merge the following two codes into one, so as to be able to both write on a file,and re...
[2 replies] Last: Alright, thanks for the help! (by friedPotato)
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