by JBIRD304
[5 replies] Last: Dhayden Thanks man I was totally missing that but that worked great!! (by JBIRD304)
by yusufseedat
[4 replies] Last: "Something is preventing me from walking to school today. Here is wha... (by SeiZa)
by XMIT10
[5 replies] Last: Thanks AbstractionAnon and LB ........ for Code::Blocks ... (by XMIT10)
by kmtompkins
[3 replies] Last: nvm i got it #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algori... (by kmtompkins)
by Kevin15663
toupper works but tolower doesn't?
[3 replies] Last: there are names for people like you Hayden. They're called saviors. Th... (by Kevin15663)
by yusufseedat
[4 replies] Last: haha ye my bad i noticed that error as well.fixed it (by yusufseedat)
by MarcioX10
Array of string with a recursive function
[6 replies] Last: I think I just ruined the moment for someone to use a bit of his imagi... (by SeiZa)
by stiches
Copying a char into a char*
[2 replies] Last: Like dhayden said: buf = new char ; buf = c; buf = 0; length = str... (by SeiZa)
by vgarza
execute program when information provided is not valid
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help - I'll try this (by vgarza)
by Junlo
Tic Tac Toe game help
[1 reply] : Look closely at the code that checks if the top row is all the same: ... (by dhayden)
by cagan
c++ learner
[14 replies] Last: Malbolge anyone? Might as well... (by giblit)
by kong288
Menu State problem
[5 replies] Last: [quote=kong288]I don't think I can just do this in my header: Button ... (by LB)
by virtueed
#define __RESOURCE_H__
[2 replies] Last: wow, amazing. Multiple inclusion avoidance has to be manually managed!... (by virtueed)
by a48
rand() not work correctly
[2 replies] Last: ouch so the rand() is deprected. thank so much for help me <3 (by a48)
by Tr1al
Help with simple error
[8 replies] Last: Oh my god, that worked. Cant believe i missed that. Thanks so much for... (by Tr1al)
by bradm4593
dice generator question
[5 replies] Last: That's because any statement between 23 and 24 is executed every time ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ECEsasha
Vector of prime factors/Using large numbers?
[4 replies] Last: Ah, I didn't know about the square root rule for prime factors. Thank... (by ECEsasha)
by RadWayne
problem with cin's failbit
[5 replies] Last: So you need to read only one digit ? Your program reads all consequen... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Kiddolioable
What does this mean?
[6 replies] Last: That's a sign of tutorials that are of poor quality. I wouldn't recomm... (by Avilius)
by RadWayne
Counting duplicate strings in a vector efficiently
[5 replies] Last: std::unordered_map instead of std::map could give you an O(n) in t... (by MiiNiPaa)