Beginners - April 2014 (Page 4)

find Sqrt witout math.h
i've created this code but gives me wrong values ! So what is wrong ?? #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> main() { double n,end,start=0,mid; cin>>n; ...
[14 replies] Last: I also think that Taylor's suits better for finding a square root. You... (by closed account 2AoiNwbp)
UnKnown Problem
This Code Works Fine Copy This Code to your C++ Editor And Run It For eg:- If You Type Your Height as 156 Age as 13 And Gender m Then It Will Display 100 ...
[1 reply] : You're doing integer division. Your results are going to be truncated... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Puggly
Having Trouble with my code.
I am trying to get the User to enter values into the array. 20 numbers, and the array has 2 columns. 1 colum for the value entered and another with the . Y sh...
[12 replies] Last: You've got a 2d array, so possibilities are to hardcode print each or ... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
uninitializing problem
I keep having initializing errors in the findlowest and findhighest functions, help? /**********************************************************************...
[4 replies] Last: so if i put & it should pass by reference (by bmccormack)
Hello All, So just to make it clear I don't want anyone to do my homework for me. I'm just looking for some much needed guidance. Here's the question: "Tradit...
[9 replies] Last: I actually figured out what I did and no longer am using that. I inste... (by boatshoes)
by Mido14
Dymanic Matrix Transpose
the program is working well with square matrices but when I input for example 1*3 the program stop working #include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[no replies]
need help! plz
i'm pretty new and can use some help here is the code and error //This is for testing code to see how it works #include <stdafx.h> #include <iostream> ...
[6 replies] Last: yeah haha good job, bud (by JulyZerg)
2) Identify the start codon: In order for RNA to be translated into amino acids, it must be in a coding region. Therefore, we will not start looking for the...
[7 replies] Last: Line 8: What's the value of ugg_pos when find is called? (by AbstractionAnon)
How to debug using G++
Hello I would like to know the command for debugging the following code, I can debug with code::Blocks but not using the command which is g++ -D NDEBIG ...... ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry for my really late reply, I would like to thank you for your exp... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
object help
I have a class that holds a two dimensional array that is essentially a cplane for a player to navigate as a map. Is there a way that when, for example, player ...
[5 replies] Last: This isn't difficult, but it is truly open ended. Everything will be ... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Help Writing my program for class
Honestly guys, I have no idea how to even start this program. Or really write it, since I don't even know where to start. If someone could please help me with t...
[2 replies] Last: Yea, and I still don't have the program written. Also, I posted them a... (by compscifordummies)
Help writing a Class CounterType program
Honestly guys, I have no idea how to even start this program. Or really write it, since I don't even know where to start. If someone could please help me with t...
[5 replies] Last: I'll be honest, I don't know comp sci. I just need this to be done to ... (by compscifordummies)
by madcap
Problem with struct and ifstream
I'm having trouble with saving the contents of Drinks.txt into the struct Drinks. At the moment the code doesn't compile and I tried everything I could think of...
[9 replies] Last: Yeah, code on the fly can be incorrectly posted. Copy and pasted. Yo... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by Mido14
Addin two 2D Dynamic Arrays by functions
The program has stopped working and I don't identify the error #include <iostream> using namespace std; int** addMatrices(int** matrix1, int** matr...
[1 reply] : Lines 9,10: Why are you assigning new arrays to the same variable. T... (by AbstractionAnon)
by SylvB
Vector subscript out of range
I'm encountering an error in my Uno program, where I am trying to output the deck of cards (excluding wild and wild draw 4 cards at the moment). I'm storing the...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by SylvB)
Performing a function on each member of a list
I currently have a program which reads in X and Y coordinates from a .txt document, stores those coordinates in an object and then stores those objects in a lis...
[14 replies] Last: You're welcome for the help. You have all the iterator usage and calc... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by rayna
I am new to computer programming and C++. I am just finishing my first computer programming class. This is my code in progress just started working on it a...
[2 replies] Last: Wow i missed that haha. thank you for you help (by rayna)
by recker
Am I even doing this right?
I am still new how would I put in a function to replace certain characters with others and did I even compress this string right? Here is what I have to do. ...
[1 reply] : The compress functions and remove are basically doing the same. I'd sa... (by coder777)
Function Undeclared Problem of iomanip header
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double long price; cout<<"Enter the price:\n"; cin>>get_money(price); i...
[1 reply] : 1) you do not have price variable declared. 2) you might have C++11 su... (by MiiNiPaa)
FFT for BCC crystal Structure
Hello I am Prasenjit from India, I am a M.Sc student in Physics. I need to apply Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) algorithm and implemented it in C++ program...
[3 replies] Last: Then you should fine-tune your search accordingly. There clearly are ... (by keskiverto)
April 2014 Pages: 123456... 67
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