Beginners - April 2014 (Page 35)

getline loop
hello, my code keeps generating a loop when it is not supposed to. i need to get a view strings into a class so i can use it later. this it the function i...
[12 replies] Last: On second thoughts I don't know if I diagnosed correctly. Keep in mind... (by CodeGoggles)
Segmentation fault
I am a little new to c++ and this is the first time I have encountered this error. I am a lost as to its meaning and how to fix it. I would appreciate it if any...
[1 reply] : 1. Put your code into code tags. 2. Properly indent your code to make... (by booradley60)
find non-key item in binary search tree
I am creating a menu-driven program which creates a small database using a binary search tree. I am having issues with the last method I need for the program. T...
[no replies]
Program flow
Hey there! When coding programs and trying to separate them into functions I usually get stuck to make the program flow from function to function. I really wan...
[5 replies] Last: @mutexe: I'm not trying to finish the code, nor trying to do something... (by IBCFQ)
Function help
So I am having trouble defining the functions getTestScore and calcAverage on this program. Commented into the program are instructions on what I'm trying to do...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! You are the man. (by stevebrule)
How to Pass Struct in Function as Reference or Pointer?
Here's little code of mine! I'm trying to input values in array of time structure, after input if i call display function in the main(), it will print out garba...
[5 replies] Last: Instead of input(x), try input(&x) to pass a reference to the struct.... (by AbstractionAnon)
Flip odd profiles
From this file I want to pullout sections of the stream reverse them and put the list back into the stream 80.77929 240.4816 79.20770 239.0709 77.62594...
[4 replies] Last: std::list<float>profile_X; // set up a list pr... (by peter hurley)
do while statement
Exercise: Explain each of the following loops. Correct any problems you detect. (a) do int v1, v2; cout << "Please enter two numbers to s...
[4 replies] Last: No this is not my code, its from my book, and would cin even be a cond... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by mv81
File trouble
having some trouble with my program reading the file im trying to have it read this is what I have so far. it keeps displaying 1 when it should display -15 ...
[4 replies] Last: Show the content of the "math.dat" file. Aceix. (by Aceix)
Polymorphism (shapes) object
Hi everyone! Im doing a classic example of polymorphism with shapes but im stuck with the first example of a shape (circle) which is a derived class from the ba...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone! I understood the concept and I can now code with n... (by luis123)
Does anyone know how to solve it?
[3 replies] Last: A WeekDays object should be able to store an array of strings so ... (by mutexe)
scope of the identifiers
In the textbook that I am using to learn C++, it addresses scope in a rather vague fashion. There is an example of a simple code that illustrates how the scope...
[2 replies] Last: As a function is called it only knows variables either declared within... (by CodeGoggles)
Eight Queens Arrays
I've had a question about these type of arrays before and was able to get it but now it is asking something I can't seem to get. This is the question at stake: ...
[2 replies] Last: ok this is how I would do it. int q = 0; // checking loo... (by CodeGoggles)
by Subo93
2D array find sum
I want to find the highest scored player and print it.Can anyone explain the logic that i can use in int Findwinner(int data ,int rowSize,int colSize) thank...
[3 replies] Last: How would you find the maximum value from a 1D array? The sums are a l... (by keskiverto)
sorting smallest function, need hlep
Expected output after·sorting·range·0·to·9↵ :·'aa'↵ :·'aa'↵ :·'bb'↵ :·'bb'↵ :·'cc'↵ :·'ee'↵ :·'ee'↵ :·'gg'↵ :·'yy'↵ ...
[1 reply] : destination > destination You will actually find largest that way.... (by MiiNiPaa)
Extract from binary file
Write your question here. I wrote a program that reads this file and saves all data from the sensor A into the text file A.txt. The rest of the data should ...
[2 replies] Last: char achOpenFileName = {"timelog.dat"};//打开的文件名 char ac... (by chipp)
Assert() not working in code::blocks
In code::blocks 12.11 the following code: #include <iostream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; int main() { int a=4; assert(a==4); return 0...
[2 replies] Last: OK thanks wou where right! The problem was the following compiller op... (by nikosxatz)
how to pass value in one array to another array
I am writing code for a simple poker game. The problem I'm having is the proper use of pointers. I did look at the link below, as well as did some google resear...
[3 replies] Last: regardless, the variable is still held in read only memory whether you... (by CodeGoggles)
In which situations would you need to use a pointer in C++?
Hello, I've been looking back into C++ for about a month now (I've been into C++ for about a year now, Dota 2 stole my life :P), and after all my time with C++,...
[5 replies] Last: Dota 2 stole my life :P) Facebook stole my life (by nvrmnd)
HWND - Unable to read memory
So I'm working with DirectX 11 and for some reason the debugger is telling me that the memory of my HWND is unreadable. I've even used the Win32 template from V...
[no replies]
April 2014 Pages: 1... 3334353637... 67
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