by p33n kenan
getline loop
[12 replies] Last: On second thoughts I don't know if I diagnosed correctly. Keep in mind... (by CodeGoggles)
by omgjosh
Segmentation fault
[1 reply] : 1. Put your code into code tags. 2. Properly indent your code to make... (by booradley60)
by avanhoes
find non-key item in binary search tree
[no replies]
Program flow
[5 replies] Last: @mutexe: I'm not trying to finish the code, nor trying to do something... (by IBCFQ)
by stevebrule
Function help
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! You are the man. (by stevebrule)
by waleedxhmad
How to Pass Struct in Function as Reference or Pointer?
[5 replies] Last: Instead of input(x), try input(&x) to pass a reference to the struct.... (by AbstractionAnon)
by peter hurley
Flip odd profiles
[4 replies] Last: std::list<float>profile_X; // set up a list pr... (by peter hurley)
do while statement |
[4 replies] Last: No this is not my code, its from my book, and would cin even be a cond... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by mv81
File trouble
[4 replies] Last: Show the content of the "math.dat" file. Aceix. (by Aceix)
by luis123
Polymorphism (shapes) object
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone! I understood the concept and I can now code with n... (by luis123)
by kyky365
Does anyone know how to solve it?
[3 replies] Last: A WeekDays object should be able to store an array of strings so ... (by mutexe)
by ddrake44
scope of the identifiers
[2 replies] Last: As a function is called it only knows variables either declared within... (by CodeGoggles)
by RobGillespie
Eight Queens Arrays
[2 replies] Last: ok this is how I would do it. int q = 0; // checking loo... (by CodeGoggles)
by Subo93
2D array find sum
[3 replies] Last: How would you find the maximum value from a 1D array? The sums are a l... (by keskiverto)
by qwertyking
sorting smallest function, need hlep
[1 reply] : destination > destination You will actually find largest that way.... (by MiiNiPaa)
by chrisrong
Extract from binary file
[2 replies] Last: char achOpenFileName = {"timelog.dat"};//打开的文件名 char ac... (by chipp)
by nikosxatz
Assert() not working in code::blocks
[2 replies] Last: OK thanks wou where right! The problem was the following compiller op... (by nikosxatz)
by dariusd7
how to pass value in one array to another array
[3 replies] Last: regardless, the variable is still held in read only memory whether you... (by CodeGoggles)
by RBX129K
In which situations would you need to use a pointer in C++?
[5 replies] Last: Dota 2 stole my life :P) Facebook stole my life (by nvrmnd)
by Renthalkx97
HWND - Unable to read memory
[no replies]