Beginners - April 2014 (Page 27)

filling array with a user input exit
Hi, I do not know how to exit my array with a user input value. void fillArray(double newThrust , int& numOfElements){ double thrust; cout << ...
[5 replies] Last: nevermind i figured out a way i can do it without that number being ze... (by redsuns)
Code issues!
I don't get any syntax errors, but I do get a run time error when I try to display the information at the prompt. Any help would be great! I mostly get confu...
[no replies]
help with processsing text from fstream getline
Hello, I am trying to process text received from a fstream getline. I know C well ( and probably have all its bad habits ) but am just learning C++. I ba...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you kindly for your quick response and help ( even though I am f... (by tdeluce)
Having problems again, go figure!
Ok so we are asked to check credit card numbers to see if they are valid. The user has to select what type of card it is and then enter their card number. If ...
[4 replies] Last: supper that will help a lot. I like programming, but it can be frustr... (by nsmith1779)
Where do I begin?
This is the first time Im working with inputting strings for analysis. My program must check for palindrome words. As the code is now. I get Error: no matchi...
[5 replies] Last: How do I ask the program how many characters are in the string array?... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with displaying my array?
So I am in a C++ class for school and am doing a project where I must create 2 classes CStudent and CCourse where CStudent includes an array of 5 CCourses being...
[14 replies] Last: Thank you for that ne555, that's what I couldn't think of for some rea... (by Reitrahc)
function header, prototypes, and call.
Hey, I'm using functions to add two matrices (two 2-d arrays) but I having some issues with function "add" header, call, and prototypes Any help appreciated! ...
[4 replies] Last: ok I got it, thank you! (by aslan10)
Vectors in class
Hello I am defining a class called node that contain number of variables but I want to declare a vector in it as well such that for every node there is a ve...
[1 reply] : See for general help... (by RadWayne)
Passing double around for several functions.
I am writing a program for Salsa sales. For now I want to know, how do I pass the numbers that I input for salsa sales, along to the Total function? I am...
[1 reply] : Someone take a look! Posted this a few hours ago. hope this helps, I h... (by JonsOnline)
This is the only error I keep getting. Why?
The program exercise: section A: $20/300 seats Section B: $15/500 seats Section C: $10/200 seats Design program that asks for number of tickets sold...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you... Still learning and probably would have sat here another h... (by squirrel27)
by leo255
How can I generate random uppercase letters in C?
Hello, Below is what I tried. I can only use getchar/putchar for IO. How would I go about randomly generating 40 uppercase letters? I know that uppercase let...
[5 replies] Last: How are you seeding it? I would suggest: srand(time(NULL)); ... (by giblit)
BST insertion function
So basically i know how BST tree works theoretically but i don't understand how how it operates after the 2nd number is entered in the following code when anoth...
[1 reply] : I don't understand your drawing. > since after 1st node temp value is... (by ne555)
Question about If, Else statements
Write a program that accepts two numbers – temperature and day of week (if it is Sunday 1, otherwise 2. Display the following, if: temperature < -10 and Su...
[3 replies] Last: Awesome, that looks like it should take care of it. Thank you all sooo... (by bigorangeman)
fstream loads the last line of a file two times
I don't know why this program loads the last line of the file two times. The "ile" variable is equal to 1001 after the loop is over and it should be equal to 10...
[4 replies] Last: It does make sense, thank you for explaining. (by invisibleman)
by bozz51
Hello I'm trying to write a simple code to read ten numbers from my "data.txt" file and it's only reading the first number. How do I get it ro read the whole fi...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int ma... (by mertsamilgul)
by dan2n1
Need help
Hello Everyone, I am in need in help with a palindrome program. Below is what I have, but keeps crashing and I am not sure why. Yes, I am a newbie to programmi...
[4 replies] Last: @dan2n1 So you are implying you don't want any more help? Edit: Als... (by TheIdeasMan)
Error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
I am writing a program to convert numbers to Roman numeral. My code is still in the first stages and im having some problems with my member function call. ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok things are looking better now, but did you do all the things I ment... (by TheIdeasMan)
by iluv41
Why is this an infinite loop?
[2 replies] Last: Clear just clears the error flags. You want to clear the error flags t... (by giblit)
File Input and Output (1,2)
hey guys,I'm trying to figure this out but I'm stuck somewhere. Can someone help me out. The Springfork Amateur Golf Club has a tournament every weekend. The c...
[25 replies] Last: Thanks guys I been working on this project for two weeks and is due to... (by niludown)
by jwilt
I know in my main function the root isn't pointing at anything but I'm not sure what to make it point to too be able to traverse the tree. #include <iostr...
[no replies]
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