by xerx25
Keep on getting wrong answer for 3n + 1 problem
[2 replies] Last: I don't really know, what the problem is. Here is the 3n + 1 problem, ... (by xerx25)
by mjatt
[b]initialisation of members of structures in a dynamic array ??
[5 replies] Last: thnx @ Peter87 @ Void life (by mjatt)
by mcoliver88
creating a banner
[1 reply] : For creation of banner/ticker you do not necessarily need OO concepts/... (by codewalker)
by kessia
How can I find the n smallest number of a set of numbers
[1 reply] : If you store the elements in a std::set you just need to iterate the f... (by Peter87)
by aslan10
Passing an array to the function?
[6 replies] Last: Okay I got it! Thank you so much (by aslan10)
by ag2505
Using vector as an array of strings for packman-type game
[2 replies] Last: Do you know how vectors work? The easiest, most comprehensive resource... (by TwilightSpectre)
by geosnipes
Vectors and Linked List
[4 replies] Last: This may also help if you are unsure. (by giblit)
by passw0rd
Morse code
[11 replies] Last: i have no idea about "std" things.....however, thx (by passw0rd)
by Badkarmma
i need help please someone show me how to start this program
[9 replies] Last: Your effort comes after that part I have provided you. (by LB)
by RadWayne
Problem comparing bool values
[9 replies] Last: There is not much point in reading the IS like a text book. Learning ... (by JLBorges)
by Bluebaron
Error catching statement for data type string
[1 reply] : I fixed it. cout<<"Are you adding, removing or replacing an item?\n"... (by Bluebaron)
by passw0rd
morse code
[2 replies] Last: u code does not work, but i fixed it....however, thx (by passw0rd)
by Bluebaron
Error Catching Statement
[7 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Bluebaron)
by InvulBox
C++ Tip please
[4 replies] Last: @PrivateRyan Damn thanks bro, that makes it way more clear if I was t... (by InvulBox)
by Stephanie16
Read from a text file
[6 replies] Last: Well it all depends on how the information is stored in the file. To o... (by giblit)
by Stephanie16
While loop
[3 replies] Last: What compiler are you using that allows void main ? As pointed out by... (by BHX)
by Correllian
Confusing syntax error for me
[4 replies] Last: your welcome (by Stephanie16)
by anton478
Not sure how to use functions and pass arguments
[4 replies] Last: Thank you as well because I was wondering how to use this code tag. @A... (by Stephanie16)
by jasongog
[3 replies] Last: Think of it as the aspects of a parents features being passed down gen... (by ragecoder)
by phztfte1
[6 replies] Last: abhishekm71 I copied your code and pasted it into Visual Studio 2013... (by phztfte1)