Beginners - April 2013 (Page 9)

Illegal cases and brakes
This code has "Illegal cases and brakes." I don't know what's wrong whith it. char encryptMenuInput; cin >> encryptMenuInput; switch(encryptMenuInput...
[2 replies] Last: @Daleth Thanks it worked (by Besm Osman)
Not able to get the average for output
I am trying to run this program and I can't seem to get the average output on screen. Here is the question along with my code. Write a program that calculat...
[5 replies] Last: The function should return, as a double, the average number of days a... (by SamuelAdams)
Does anybody know of any good tutorials for PDCurses, preferably in the form of videos? Thanks to whoever answers.
[1 reply] : (by Fransje)
Having a hard time understanding Member Initializers
So I watched this video about Member Initializers:! And I didn't understand any of it....
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. This helped me out a lot :) I'm still a bit confused, bu... (by TelephoneKiosk)
terminate called after throwing an instance of...
Hi guys, I'm writing a program in C++ but now I get this error of which I've never heard but I think I screwed something up. the error is : terminate called ...
[no replies]
Question about reading a string
Is it possible to reada string that is between two words? For example, I have a text: cout << "123."; cout << one; And i would like to get the string th...
[1 reply] : you can use combination or rfind and substr to accomplish this (by pilla)
Arrays and Multidimentional Arrays
I want to expand my comfort zone and start "reading from files more". In school, we are at multi-dimensional arrays. For this one program we have this week, i...
[1 reply] : > That my best solution would be to read as a 1D array and then > res... (by JLBorges)
Tic tac toe
Is it just me? Or is there ALOT of if statements in games like Tic tac toe? Or is there alot of if statements in most games? example: if (marker_X == bo...
[2 replies] Last: What went through my head: Disch... (by cire)
Confusion with C Strings
Please explain me this code step by step char s = "hello"; // s here means string for(char *cp = s; *cp != 0; cp++){ //cp here means character string ...
[2 replies] Last: I'd totally forgotten about the null terminator! Thank you sir! You sa... (by Dilliwala Wella)
using string in vector
I am trying to use string in vector, but an error comes out. error: no match for 'operator>>' in 'fin >> text'| ifstream fin;"address....
[10 replies] Last: Finally it works, thank you for the help. (by closed account oLC9216C)
How do I make a function global?
I want these two functions to be able to be usable by all my other .cpp files #ifndef function_h #define function_h void clear() { system("cls"); } void pa...
[3 replies] Last: Edit: Removed my third copy of essentially the same answer. (by FSchwartz)
by jvk971
Tic-tac-toe game runtime error
I have already asked for help once before about this game. The feedback i got was great, and i fixed a lot of errors. But now i'm stuck with a runtime error i h...
[5 replies] Last: Yay! :D Finally, it works the way it should. Thanks for the help every... (by jvk971)
by badz
Nested Loop: confused.
Im just confused on how does a nested loop works, i mean how to read such one for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ){ cout << i; for(int i = 0; i < 10; ...
[5 replies] Last: thank you so much sir/s ... now i get it.. thanks so much (by badz)
What's wrong with my code?
What's wrong with my code? I get 2 errors, 1: illegal else without matching if line 93. and 2: end of file found before the left brace '{' at 'Filename.cpp(29)'...
[5 replies] Last: yea I'm just learning functions now in the PDF i'm learning from. Than... (by closed account LyUoGNh0)
Function returning classes
Dear all, I have a problem with a function that returns a class defined by myself. The code is compiled without problems, but program crashes, for a reason I...
[4 replies] Last: Here you are using the copy assignment operator C = catV(A,B); But y... (by vlad from moscow)
by sis007
Sudoku, Generating number in a board.
Write your question here. Hi everyone... I'm writing a program for sudoku puzzle. so I'm done creating the board. But my problem is I have no idea how to gen...
[1 reply] : sounds like you need to assign each piece a number, and use a random n... (by SamuelAdams)
An engineer keeps an inventory of car parts, but on paper. The usual operations on his ‘inventory database’ include adding new parts, updating levels of cur...
[1 reply] : You don't need to double po post, just update one. http://www.cplusplu... (by SamuelAdams)
(Inventory Control System) Help Me Please!
(Inventory Control System) Help Me Please!
[1 reply] : You don't need to double po post, just update one. http://www.cplusplu... (by SamuelAdams)
by lmsmi1
Read Syntax?
I have some code syntax like this: IOSTREAM io; io.print("Hello World!"); io.pause(); This is syntax a lot like C++, so I'm assuming it's something qu...
[no replies]
Simple Number Encryption
Hi. I am trying to write a function that codes a number with arbitrary length. The number needs to be coded in a way such that every digit is increased by 1, a...
[10 replies] Last: In the end i figured that it would be easier to write my own pow funct... (by Aleksandar0101)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 7891011... 83
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