Beginners - April 2013 (Page 74)

by tripke
Review my small amount of code?
Hello fellow community. I am currently a total beginner and in the fall moving onto college to begin my degree in Computer Science. I am, however, having some t...
[7 replies] Last: > Some compilers (i.e mine) g++ refuse to compile if you omit return 0... (by JLBorges)
I cannot find my mistake :(
SECOND FUNCTION int k=o; while(k<(set.length()-1) && x==false && z==false) // this function checks if there is any duplication in set { int y=set.find(...
[5 replies] Last: int count = 0; cout << "Enter the number of words you would like to ... (by rcast)
Building my own Set, queue and driver
Well, I'm trying to build a set based on an AVL tree. So far, I have a set based on a binary search tree. The set and the queue compile just fine, but when I tr...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a ton! Great advice. I admit, the Kool-aid function was a bit o... (by BlackL1ght)
IN which softwhere C++ language write?.
I am very New in c++ language.... IN which softwhere C++ language write?.
[7 replies] Last: A formula 1 car has lots of different features and gadgets that are, s... (by closed account 3CXz8vqX)
Storing coordinates of multiple creatures
This is a small program that moves the S around the map randomly. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> voi...
[16 replies] Last: Thank you, that worked well, now I have set up both the spawnSnakes an... (by Vidminas)
by klay2
rougelike saving files
it just wont work and vc++ 2010 wont show if it wont work until I debug so if you can help with that to that would be great. #include <iostream> #include <str...
[2 replies] Last: well get it to save a txt file containing the x and y positions and st... (by klay2)
Accessing 1 Array Element From A File
In my program I have set up two parallel arrays from a given file. The file looks something like this and has 15 lines: 1233 C 3222 R and so forth. ...
[no replies]
error: No operator matches these operands
Hey, I'm having an issue with this array within my overloaded << opperator. It keeps saying: No operator " " matches these operands. The set function is wo...
[9 replies] Last: All I'm saying is that you can't use ba . By default, the operator ... (by fg109)
Just getting back into Programming
Been out of the loop for some years now, just trying to figure the best starting point. Such as preferable Compilers, etc. Eventually would like to take my sh...
[no replies]
Using TypeDef With Parallel Arrays
I am required to use typedef in order to set up my array types, but it is not working at all. I have a file that has two values, the first being up to a 6 digit...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I have now set up my arrays like this: typedef int sizeO... (by janebartley)
String Planet Program *URGENT*
Hey, I'm to write a program that outputs a user's weight on a planet they enter. The user must first input his/or her weight, then the planet this wish to see ...
[7 replies] Last: You're entering the weight, which is an integer. The "\n" remains in ... (by justme2)
Debugging issue regarding fractions
The code below is designed to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions created in the class Rational. The class definition is in a header file and is fine...
[1 reply] : This function Rational Rational::addition(Rational y) // adds fracti... (by vlad from moscow)
My first program! :D Looking for constructive criticism. (1,2)
So i'm literally only a few days into learning c++ (I took about a semester of computer science in highschool before i dropped out, it taught java though). I de...
[33 replies] Last: I actually spent some time making a Date class last night. The zero b... (by Lowest0ne)
by kiste5
Arrays very easy question
What's the difference between a and int a ? this a my hw question idk how to explain or the know the difference..can you show me the difference with an example...
[4 replies] Last: The first, a , is an expression. The second, int a , is a declaration... (by vlad from moscow)
Problem with "=" operator in a problem regarding classes
Here is a bit of the code in question. the error is in line 13, "x = c.addition(d);" the problem has to do with something in another part of the code, as this ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, That was the trick. There is another debugging problem now, b... (by KarateMan80)
calculate the number of prime numbers between two inputs
ive done the main parts... but i dont get how to calculate the number of prime numbers in between. for instance if the input is 8 and 2, the prime numbers will ...
[9 replies] Last: (by kinley)
by tpinon
Seekg and Seekp program
Hi guys, I'm trying to write a program that reads from a file using seekg/seekp. I'm just working on menu option #1 first to simply read from the file and disp...
[8 replies] Last: unfortunately, i can't use arrays for this assignment. :( just learni... (by tpinon)
by jpe33
variables in system() function
Hi I haven't touched C/C++ for over 15 years and even then it was "hello world" What I would like to do and have started to do is have a C++ code to run an ex...
[6 replies] Last: Quincy 2005 looks a bit dated (the 2008 version uses MinGW 4.2 accordi... (by Catfish3)
Can I use a boolean as an index?
vector<int> myvec; myvec.resize(2); bool idx1 = false; bool idx2 = true; myvec = 123; myvec = 456; Is this OK? The reason I'm asking is that I h...
[4 replies] Last: Ok great, thanks :) (by ausairman)
Quick C++ Function Help
Hey everyone, I have done all of the assignment so far except for one part. Here is the assignment: Write a program that calculates the average number o...
[1 reply] : Replied to you in other topic. Please do not cross-post one topic in s... (by MiiNiPaa)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 7273747576... 83
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