Beginners - April 2013 (Page 41)

Binary Numbers Not showed in correct order
I wrote a program that outputs the binary number of a decimal number passed to it, however the binary number is out putted backwards. So the binary of 25 is 11...
[2 replies] Last: I think it will be better to write a recursive function. For example ... (by vlad from moscow)
Error: Undefined Reference to 'List::add(int)
I've been experiencing the error, "Error: Undefined Reference to 'List::add(int)" along with the same error involving other functions and different classes. Wha...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks everyone, i realized theyre not included in my project file! (by billycro)
by sumsar
comparing a string letter with another letter?
Im making a small game call field runner but i have a proble with the if statment on line 43. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std;...
[4 replies] Last: You want the outer loop to break in order to return back to your main ... (by Olysold)
by Turnip
error c2228 left of '._ptr' must have class/struct/union
I am getting this error and I cant figure out why. I am very new to boost filesystem library error c2228 left of '._ptr' must have class/struct/union EDIT...
[1 reply] : Was using d->path().extension() instead of assing d->path() to a varia... (by Turnip)
Wrong answer. wrong answer. wrong answer. wrong answer........
in this program i try to make it similar as TEST if i write the right answer it will say RIGHT if my answer is wrong tell me that's wrong. The program's writte...
[7 replies] Last: Oh, thought I could be. Sorry for any misdirection I my have encourage... (by SuperCookie47)
Help! Please!
I need help with this code i am getting a 'while' error and '{' missing function header. How can i fix this? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #inc...
[1 reply] : There is incorret function definition Instead of void computeAverag... (by vlad from moscow)
Date test?? help about this C++ program
Hi...... Please help me about this program....... I am not understanding this one.... A) Write a c++ program that tests whether one date comes before anoth...
[3 replies] Last: I have Write code...........Thank you L B for your reply (by MR Programer)
by sumsar
compare to a word
i need to compare a char or a string to a word but i get a compiler error. what am i doing wrong? char move ; cin >> move; if (move = "up"){ cou...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namesp... (by SamuelAdams)
A simple compiler error : ISO c++ forbids declaration
Hi, I just started learning C++ so this question might be too simple for you. I wrote a simple program to practice function and value passing but got strang...
[2 replies] Last: It's so interesting that I have to declare return type in both the pro... (by clerner)
Where to begin with graphical output?
I may sound like I don't know what I'm talking about here, because I don't quite. I have some basic knowledge of C++ but I'm sort of getting tired of makin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, all of this helps a lot, or a least gives me a good place to s... (by Kelsomatic)
Balancing an AVL tree
Hey, I'm just having a bit of trouble inserting into an AVL tree and then balancing it. here's the code for insert and balance.
[2 replies] Last: No replies? Well, some topics are harder than others. In my opinion... (by Catfish3)
Probable pointer error somewhere
Hi! My program runs for some time, then comes to a line it has executed several times earlier and crashes. the problem: void Block::setTerrain(string ty...
[18 replies] Last: The problem should be fixed now, it just crashes when it runs out of m... (by Jonas Wingren)
single-scripted array
I am in the final weeks of the semester taking a basic c++ class. I have already registered for classes next semester and I will not continue to pursue this de...
[7 replies] Last: OK, I feel sorry for you. Thanks at least one... (by coder777)
Can anyone make sense of these instructions?
1. Define a struct type SDistance that contains two integer member, feet and inches. 2. Define a function that receives an array of SDistance and how many d...
[15 replies] Last: Oh so its going to add all the inches and feet you entered and for eve... (by SlenderMan)
Format Output to a maximum character width
I have to write some code where I must format the output of a bunch of sentences in no more than 40 characters per line. I can't use hyphens to truncate words....
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply and the help. (by spesh39)
PlaySound only working in DllMain (1,2)
Hello, im just working on my first dll and have problems with PlaySound. For some reason, it only works in the DllMain. Im playing the sounds from the res...
[22 replies] Last: Installed VS 2010 on my laptop and somehow i got all the files there. ... (by ccman32)
by kgor93
Need help with insertion sort for a C++ linked list. Should be a simple fix
Basically, I have to sort the linked list using insertion sort. I'm not very good at understanding the syntax behind the sort methods and feel completely lost w...
[no replies]
Good C++ Compilers and Essential Software
I need a bit of advice: I use the turbo C++ compiler as it is the one being used in my college. I want to know if there are any better compilers out there...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. :) (by iluvthee07)
I am not familiar with c++ enough
I am tasked to do this: Problem: Write a recursive function named `summer` that sums up the non-negative numbers up to and including `n`, for a parameter `...
[6 replies] Last: i know about using namespace std just didnt know about the clog (by incognitocpp)
Array of structs: no matching function for call
Hi, I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with this code. All I want is an array of structures. But the compiler tells me functions.cpp:54: error: n...
[10 replies] Last: @L B Yes, but that is because with pointers and incomplete type it a... (by vlad from moscow)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 83
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