Beginners - April 2013 (Page 40)

Need some help with output triangle of numbers.
I desperately need help with this question. Write an Output function Triangle, which takes one integer argument SIDE and outputs a triangle of numbers. Fo...
[1 reply] : I would say your function would look like this: void Triangle (int ... (by crimsonzero2)
Do you see it? Multi Declaration
Multiple Types in one declaration error...I cant see it can anyone else. And maybe a deeper explanation of the error. I understand the meaning, just dont see wh...
[1 reply] : You forgot a semicolon after declaration of struct Node (by Smac89)
int list ={15,81,61,38,93,40,13} for{int p=0;p<5;p++} {if (list <40) list +=5; else list +=2; } for(int q=6 ;q>=0;q––) {cout<<...
[1 reply] : Breakpoint 1, main () at 7 int list = {15,81,61,38,93... (by Smac89)
Calling functions from other files
Hello, thank you for your time. I've ran into an odd error on a project I'm trying to compile. The error is: 1>MAIN.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved extern...
[13 replies] Last: L B, your plan worked. I excluded all files, headers included, from th... (by Shay9999)
Worlds worst programmer with a question on array functions
Hey, yup, the worlds worst programmer here for a question on a program gone wrong. Here is the assignment below. Description Write a program to find th...
[2 replies] Last: Try initializing sum to zero. double sum = 0.0, avg; As far as your... (by booradley60)
by zmlink
Where should i look for additional learning places for c++
I got referenced last post a tutorial on this site which was a pdf on c++ tutorial which helped alot.Anyone know of any good youtube or videos or pdfs on c++ or...
[1 reply] : ---------> <--------- Better than a VAST amount... (by closed account oN3AqMoL)
Finding the shortest path using Dijkstra's and min heap
Hi all, I'm trying to find the shortest path between nodes using dijkstra's algorithm and a min heap. I'm having a difficult time understanding how to re-heapi...
[1 reply] : Check the node key against its parent, if it is lower then swap and re... (by ne555)
I dont understand this....
What i need is an explanation of why the code does what it does. I dont understand why when i put in 3 it outputs an endless series of numbers meanwhile when i...
[1 reply] : For 3, it will not match any cases and will hit the default, increasin... (by freddy92)
Writing a function that calculates.
Write a calculating function that uses a for loop to “roll” N random numbers, each between 1 and 6. It then returns to the caller the percentage of rolls o...
[no replies]
complicated Boolean function help
Write a Boolean function IsAWord. The function takes a string as input and returns true / false. This is what the function does: If the string you give it ha...
[no replies]
Sending Data back to Main()
I am doing a homework assignment (I know there are a lot of those questions here). I am creating a program that takes input from a file and outputs various item...
[3 replies] Last: OK, I tried that, but I found it easier to merge the two functions tog... (by justasiam)
help with returning double letters
I'm stuck on this problem and have no idea how to solve this and need help. "Write a function called NumDouble that takes a string S as an argument and return...
[no replies]
Interface with hardware using a parallel, seriel or usb port
Hi guys Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to go about writing a program that can communicate with hardware, in my case, a 7 segment displ...
[no replies]
Program to count the number of specific words in a string
Basically the program is meant to have the user input a string and then count each time a number is used and then print it out. The problem I'm having is that w...
[3 replies] Last: thanks guys, great help. (by saultx1)
2d arrays and global functions and Prototypes
Program 9 Write a program that reads input file “grades.txt” to EOF and inputs a 5 digit student ID number followed by 6 test grades then another 5 digit s...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, I don't know why the word 'global' was used - unless a function ... (by MikeyBoy)
Questions Regarding the Literal C++ Coding Language
Hello and thank you! I'm sorry for my title if it is a bit confusing. What I'm trying to ask is very quite literally how to code in C++. Let me explain. I read ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=anonymousxyz]What does the WINAPI refer to, and in general, wha... (by LB)
Recursion Problem
Hey everybody, Not gonna lie. This is a homework help problem. I generally don't have difficulty with the homework problems for my C++ lab but part of my...
[4 replies] Last: No problem. You ended up with exactly what I got too... :) (by Mathhead200)
Random generator does't work
Help please. I need to generate 200 number in a file. Each of these 200 numbers is the sum of 12 random number from 0-8 using rand()%9. But every time it goe...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Vlad! Now I see that counter12 and sum didn't come to zero... (by ktk0541)
fstream trouble
I'm getting a runtime error that i cant interpret. EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Please Help. The .txt file is a list of number like so: 56 78 90 99 87 45 #inclu...
[10 replies] Last: why stop using .eof? Because it's an error to use it that way, for ... (by Cubbi)
Need some help with TmpArray()
Hello everyone! Today I am in need of assistance with some code usage. char TmpArray[hello world!]; std::string I am working on a project with it and ne...
[2 replies] Last: Character arrays: char hello... (by Catfish3)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3839404142... 83
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