Beginners - April 2013 (Page 37)

Trouble with Structure Array and For Loop
Hello! I am doing an assignment for class where I have to give users the option to input details of a phone book structure, and then print them out. You also ge...
[1 reply] : I've messed around with this program a bit, and I'm still having issue... (by snailtier)
Where can I find c++ courses online
I want to learn c++, and I think the best way to do that would be to find a sort of 'school' for it online. It doesn't have to be free, but I'd prefer if it wer...
[8 replies] Last: The tutorials on this site give you example code - mess with it, alter... (by agnophilo)
ASCII converter
I have to make a converter that will take the message :mmZ\dxZmx]Zpgy convert it to its corresponding ASCII number, use this formula if(OriginalChar+Key > 12...
[no replies]
Writing Boolean functions??
Write a Boolean function IsAWord. The function takes a string as input and returns true / false. This is what the function does: If the string you give it has n...
[no replies]
Where can I learn to code Multiplayer/Networking based C++?
I have learned C++ through and through; and I want to be able to start network programming. I have learned about basic networking(packets, 7 layers, http, "d...
[1 reply] : I guess my programmign stops here. (by closed account oN3AqMoL)
Need help with Power functions.
Write a function called Power that takes 2 numbers as arguments. It returns the first number raised to the power the second number. So for example: If it g...
[no replies]
Blank program
Hello, I've started to do C++, I know some (the basics, pointers variables etc) and I would like to know, what code actually makes a basic program (not the cons...
[3 replies] Last: My understanding is that you need other libraries like allegro to do t... (by agnophilo)
Error c2143
Hi. I am very new to programming and especially new to Visual Studios (2008). I am creating my first Windows Forms Application and have been dealing with this e...
[5 replies] Last: There's nothing mysterious about the errors you are receiving. You've... (by xismn)
Tax program help
The goal of my program was to be used to calculate the federal tax. The tax is calculated as follows: For single people, the standard exemption is $4,000; for ...
[no replies]
Reading information from a .dat file and storing in an array.
hello all, I am working on a project to essentially take information from a .dat file, and the program should read in the information from this data file and ...
[no replies]
Using getline to read until a number
I have a file that has several lines of text with each line having a person's name followed by his/her shoe number. The length of the name varies from one to se...
[4 replies] Last: Variant for "Finds the index": auto it = std::find_if( str.begin(), s... (by keskiverto)
by rgork
Dynamic memory question
I have a class Myclass and the following: struct Data {Myclass* a;}; vector<vector<Data> > data; How do I go about to add a new object to the vecto...
[4 replies] Last: Oh right, forgot about the new. Thanks. (by rgork)
Function Argument Trouble
Hello! My name is Nick and I am in the process of teaching myself C++. I have a question about a code I am writing to transform a vector/array into a nXm mat...
[7 replies] Last: I got my function to work Except that what you've posted is not vali... (by cire)
Quick Question
Just had a quick question about a certain reference. <cerrno> (errno.h) Just wondering how much this is used during programs? I honestly have never seen it. ...
[3 replies] Last: Haha ops... My eyes must be getting old. I somehow thought you wrote <... (by Peter87)
by Tomsta
Can't get player to jump properly
OK so i need to try and make my player jump, and although i can him to move upwards on a keypress i have no idea how to get him to come back down on his own (ba...
[2 replies] Last: yes one of them has, but i'm scared to ask him for help (he kinda inti... (by Tomsta)
Trouble with Practice Code
I've been reading this very well written beginner's C++ book which has been helping me tremendously. One problem. The code below is not working. All it should d...
[3 replies] Last: Yup, that fixed it. Well, guess you learn extra stuff from human error... (by TripCode)
Getting around using global variables
I am working on an assignment where the program calculates shipping costs based on data read in from a text file. I had it running with global variables but hav...
[6 replies] Last: You declared the function as having two parameters double charge(ifst... (by vlad from moscow)
Reverse Star Pyramid
I want reverse pyramid like this ================= **************** ******** **** ** * ================= in this pyramid * is risi...
[3 replies] Last: I want 2 power rising like this 2*0 =1 2*1 =2 2*2 =4 2*3 =8 2*4 =16 (by tjnapster555)
by Hihelp
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main () { const int SIZE = 5; char O ; bo...
[16 replies] Last: Need to finish this code quickly, running out of time :( You're cut... (by Catfish3)
Vector vs list/deque, forward insertion.
Why is it that vectors do not allow forward insertion and list and deque does? Or is it just a case of having different things for different jobs?
[4 replies] Last: Thank you Peter for that complete explanation, much appreciated. (by Olysold)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 83
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