by suraya
random number generation
[4 replies] Last: Try this #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; #in... (by eyenrique)
by elmurp
How do I make a function that produces a linked list?
[2 replies] Last: > How would I go about making a linked list by using a void function? ... (by JLBorges)
by Aceix
Simple SFML problem here
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, Working on it. Aceix. (by Aceix)
by gladi
insertAt front in a duobly linked list
[1 reply] : Why do you have to go till end for adding in front of the linked list.... (by writetonsharma)
by KevinP
Using a string array and int array together.
[1 reply] : You need to save the index of the highest and lowest populations. #i... (by Yanson)
by David joh
Error message
[2 replies] Last: have u checked your source file extension? make sure it is .cpp and no... (by GaGoKoYa)
by SlatA
Wav file to stereo file. HELP!
[5 replies] Last: Does yours resemble this at all? I'm pretty confused. #include <ios... (by melissa9675)
by melissa9675
Converting a mono wav file to stereo
[no replies]
by tomazi
For loop adding to a variable
[7 replies] Last: If all we want to do is increment left_jab_count when the if statement... (by Karla)
by jc4bs
Using a Loop to Call a Function From Class Objects Stored in a Dynamic Array
[1 reply] : array .function() is right, your other logic must be off (by Zaita)
by ktk0541
no match for operator
[4 replies] Last: What is the new error then??? Also, you didn't initialize sum to 0, a... (by fg109)
by Michael Kane
Class Multiple Inheritance
[4 replies] Last: So this is just an idea of passing down the public from class to class... (by Michael Kane)
by galardo33
[3 replies] Last: Sorry but i try to find an english forum where i can explain my probl... (by Danny Toledo)
Cast from char to int loses precision |
[2 replies] Last: It all looks a bit odd. OriginalChar is an array of characters. Whe... (by Chervil)
by jsmith1
Need help with program
[4 replies] Last: Right, but there's no way for a user to input x and then the computer ... (by jsmith1)
by mrtyson86
Begginger help, strings.
[4 replies] Last: What you have is a good basis - you're working your way through the st... (by jim80y)
by mrtyson86
Help with String Functions. almost got it...i think
[11 replies] Last: for(unsigned int nd=1; nd<s.length( ); n++); { if (S[nd-1]==S ); ... (by agnophilo)
by AlitCandle
What is the biggest data type?
[2 replies] Last: For future reference (scroll to the chart): (by agnophilo)
by palauan73
Binary Tree
[no replies]
by maniacle
Need help with simple recursive function
[7 replies] Last: I'm working on another recursive function. I want to use ONLY recursiv... (by maniacle)