Beginners - April 2013 (Page 34)

when bjarne made pointers were they just a hackish workaround
Using the memory location of something else seems a bit cheeky and unprofessional yet elegant and open to all sorts of annoying bugs, im just developing a sense...
[1 reply] : (by eyenrique)
Scope of static class methods
When calling a static class method, what scope does it have- something global or just the scope of it's calling function?
[2 replies] Last: The scope of a static class method is the class definition itself (and... (by vlad from moscow)
Function Implementation help!
Hello! I'm working with this function below: void print(std::string arr , int n, std::ostream &os=std::cout); I'm trying to implement this function, us...
[1 reply] : Show the statement where the error occured. (by vlad from moscow)
-lSDL_image linking problem code blocks...ARGH
I always had this problem last time I installed it, I want to get up and running again but I have come across yet another hurdle, the thing about searching for ...
[6 replies] Last: I used the 64 bit .lib and .dll's by mistake not the 84!!! (by devonrevenge)
Sending Data back to Main() #2
I am doing a homework assignment (I know there are a lot of those questions here). I am creating a program that takes input from a file and outputs various item...
[1 reply] : After talking to my teacher, I found that the easiest way to accomplis... (by justasiam)
Error message, again
I just spent a long time trying to figure out a problem, and when i finally figured it out, i had to change the file from a .c to a .cpp, it gave me this new er...
[17 replies] Last: lol oh yeah, re install it, its being weird. (by devonrevenge)
Dynamic arrays
I have been assigned a lab where I will be shrinking and growing an array using pointers and it must be done in a function called void manageArray( istre...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah it has to use ostream and istream. We use a grading program call... (by Chewbaca10)
randomized 2d array
Hi everyone! I need help with a 2d array that's 80x20 and has 100 elements placed randomly in it, the other elements are blank spaces so it'll look like a star...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! Thanks Cubbi!! (by closed account 9Nh5Djzh)
by Fyah
Need an idea for a practice code
hello forum, I want to practice writing a C++ code using functions (no more than 4 with one of them being a void, i had created another thread that explained to...
[no replies]
Hi. I'm building a code for ATM machine. It doesn't have to be perfect, but my function is appearing as an error for makeDeposit and MakeWithdrawl and printBala...
[2 replies] Last: OMG Thank you for your help cant believe i made a simple mistake (by closed account GybDjE8b)
by ET21
Parabola Class issue
Hi all, my code builds fine, but when I go to run it, it gives me multiple errors. Not sure why, and after playing around with it for the past hour, I need a se...
[2 replies] Last: That worked! Thank you very much!!! (by ET21)
What is a buffer
Can anyone please tell me what is a buffer in the context of files in c++, more specifically the input buffer.
[no replies]
A leak I can't find
Hi! I'm writing a map generator for a game that uses a hexgrid. At the moment I'm just trying to make continents but I've been having some issues. The current ...
[18 replies] Last: Changed the Map::addSeed function so that it checks that the block isn... (by Jonas Wingren)
need help solving this problem, i am falling behind!!!
For number 2 it doesn't even search, i don't know what is the problem? and after searching how do i make it change the name and quantity of product. I al...
[5 replies] Last: thanks a lot, now i will try to solve number 3 (by Beginner007)
"moving strings"
Hello, been trying to get this code to work, it's supposed to move the '@' sign up and down with the arrow keys, when in fact it does nothing. char Map = ...
[9 replies] Last: this is because you are painting the whole screen. If you can device a... (by writetonsharma)
File I/O Tic Tac Toe Stuck
Okay I got this far in the program. I hope you guys will be able to help me, File I/O with functions is a pain IMO and I need some guidance :P. The program is a...
[6 replies] Last: hope that helps :D (by rockafeller)
one line of code
please help. I can't figure out just one line of code. Standard deviation calculation. I calculate the mean, which is correct, then subtract the mean from each ...
[no replies]
Help with homework please
The textfile babynames.txt, which is included in the books website, contains a list of the 1000 most popular baby names of boys and girls. Write a program that...
[1 reply] : learn about random number XD, i like making these public void name... (by devonrevenge)
by shanna
array manipulation problem
whenever i run this program, it says the program has stopped working and the event name is: APPCRASH (?). I have no idea what I'm doing wrong... any help would ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, so do I change getlist to void getlist(int list , int& num_items)... (by shanna)
by lrmg14
Payroll Program
Hello :) I need help with a payroll program. These are the requirements in the program: Use non-returning functions with parameters Write a progra...
[no replies]
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 83
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