Beginners - April 2013 (Page 32)

Programming challenge
Hello again Cplusplus forum! Thought I solved my last problem with my programming challenge but now have I encountered new problem with my code. #include...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! That was a easy fix! (by Anderssinho)
by jzone
Using malloc() to declare structs
I am trying to create a linked list using malloc() for a program in C. I have a sentence and I need to put each word into a struct and give it a sequence number...
[no replies]
Insertion Sort problems
So I have this program to do where i pull numbers from a very large data file then run it through an insertion sort 1000 times, then i do it 3 more times with m...
[no replies]
main() returning void
I was asked the other day why it was a bug or problem that main() returned void instead of int. I had no clue other than when returning an int you get informati...
[3 replies] Last: i know std c++ requ... (by Catfish3)
by Haze
Writing from struct into a txt file
I have some code that reads in the user input into a struct, how ever i want to print this input into a text file but i have no idea how to do that. I have the ...
[6 replies] Last: haha silly question i know sorry, thanks for all the help man! (by Haze)
by Kobe24
String check...!!
Hi. I am trying to check that somebody has to write a specific string at the beginning and at the end. I know my problem is in the while loop expression. Below...
[2 replies] Last: I don't understand the example in the link. How did he check if it was... (by Kobe24)
by Alex91
I have been searching online trying to find how I can use getline in my program, but haven't found an example that goes with what I'm trying to do. Can getline...
[1 reply] : (by kinley)
function not returning values in vector
I have a class that has a function that should return a vector. The code runs correctly but nothing is returned. When I check the returned vector size it is z...
[9 replies] Last: Got it. Dumb Dumb mistake. I was adding the person to the bachelors ... (by kamarjit)
SDL does any one know why no image is showing??
It runs bug free but the output is blank #include "SDL/SDL.h" #include "SDL/SDL_image.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> const int SCREEN_WI...
[2 replies] Last: BOOM, thank you peter, I reckon I should have spotted the bad logic (by devonrevenge)
String concatenation
All, i'm working a program that does vector algebra and just trying to add a function that outputs a string with the vector formated for display. For some reas...
[1 reply] : You should convert m_x, n_y and m_z to std::string. (by vlad from moscow)
by Sam99
Simple(!) problem
Whats the difference between these two? Discussion in details will be much helpful for me... #include <iostream> using namespace std; int a,b, sum; int main...
[1 reply] : There are three difference: 1) storage duration ; 2) scope 3) and link... (by vlad from moscow)
by Lyv
what should i learn after c++ to make my own softwares?
well i have just completed my c&c++ and i am confused now what next should i learn to make my own software please help me
[2 replies] Last: thnx buddy @keskiverto (by Lyv)
unresolved external symbol from my main.cpp
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; struct node{ int element; int b...
[1 reply] : FindBalance FindBalace (by keskiverto)
Puzzling errors
I'm experiencing error c2678 in my header file. I'm suffering this in many places, but I'll only show you the first error's relevant code: #include<iostream>...
[4 replies] Last: Adding #include<string> worked! Thanks, Chervil. (by Comp rook)
My IDE is not showing line numbers?
I am trying to figure out why orwell's IDE is not showing up with the line numbers on the side when I enter things, if there is a way to fix that it would be mu...
[2 replies] Last: thank you, weird enough the theme setings made that indent where the n... (by cody mick)
SQL Constraint systax and use
This is my first time using this site, and I have made various searches for SQL Database syntax and use but couldn't find a specific place to post this . . . I'...
[2 replies] Last: Hi. (by BrockDeanMunro)
pre mature program termination
I wrote the following code for scientific calc for turbo c++ IDE (code for mouse and graphics was different). However our institute insisted on using bloodshed ...
[no replies]
by xalex
Array sorting program code
Hi everyone, I have been having so much trouble with an exercise lately and I would appreciate it so much if someone could help me out. I am a very beginner f...
[3 replies] Last: Then you need to swap each of your arrays during your sort. Not just t... (by Zaita)
Scan folder for file name and paths
Is it possible to scan a folder and save all of the names of files in that folder into an array or something? I am fairly new to C++ and I'm making a program th...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
Help With Files
How do i input a full sentence into a file? It only stores one word #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include<string> using namespa...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks alot :D (by Zalaman)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 83
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