Beginners - April 2013 (Page 30)

Having trouble moving my square.
Having trouble getting my square to move to the left my code and instructions of what i am suppose to do is below. No sure how to move my square or if I am even...
[no replies]
by cpcp
Dynamic array at C++
If I have something like: int **arr=new int * ; arr =new int ; arr =new int ; arr =new int ; and I make a new array: int *...
[7 replies] Last: Also in your code if you do m = 5; t = 3; std::cout << m ; it w... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Warsog
Streaming and storing data structure from file
Hi there! I would like to stream datas from file and store it into structures to work with it later. The datas look like this. The first line contains the nu...
[no replies]
by suraya
writing over memory after end of heap
hey guys, i wrote ths program. it is compiling and working but after it gives me the results i want it gives me an error which says the application wrote to mem...
[2 replies] Last: thank you :D (by suraya)
I need help with # 4 We need a point of sale system for the new grocery store I am planning to open. Here are the main features of this program: 1) En...
[6 replies] Last: See std::accumulate (by keskiverto)
by zmlink
calculations cmath needed inclusion?
int ones, fives, tens, twenties, temp,; twenties = (dollars/20); temp = (dollars%20); tens = (temp/10); temp = (temp%10); fives = (temp/5); ones =(temp%5); cou...
[7 replies] Last: i see this helps alot to review here thanks a ton ispil i will dive i... (by zmlink)
using cstrings to evaluate a paragraph
I am trying to write code for a program that gets a paragraph from a input file then uses cstrings to calculate the number of characters in the paragraph, numbe...
[no replies]
In need of so much help
I'm trying to write this paper rock scissors game for class using functions. I am just frustrated beyond belief trying to get this program to work. If someone c...
[8 replies] Last: And don't use goto's, and especially not with a label called main: !!... (by TheIdeasMan)
switch statements
switch (ch) { case 'a': cout << ch; case 'b': cout << ch; case 'c': cout << ch; } If ch is 'a' why does this code display a 3 times? How does...
[1 reply] : [quote=Banshee1]From my understanding since case a is true it would ou... (by Yanson)
by zmlink
help what am i doing wrong here ;/
int dollars; cout << "Please enter the whole dollar amount (no cents!)." cin>>; } for (int input = 0; i < i++)} while(dollars<>0) { ...
[13 replies] Last: Oh right // displayBills(dollars) i supposed just print 'display' the ... (by eyenrique)
Weird Linker error during compilation; undefined references.
Hi, LeafyCircuits here. Comp Specs: OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Compiler: GNU gcc compiler with ISO and STL IDE: Dev C++ v4.9.9.2 using C++11 NOT...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the design pattern Zaita :) I'll mark this post as solved ... (by LeafyCircuits)
Need good Allegro 5 help (Please open)
Hello, I wold like to know what books, or video tutorials I can take for coding a C++ game I wish for it to have this: Using Allegro 5 If video: Using Co...
[no replies]
Tic Tac Toe help
I have to write a program for a tic tac toe game. I have the game part done, but I also have to have at the end of the game for it to say whether player 1 won, ...
[5 replies] Last: When asking for input, check whether that spot currently contins '*'. ... (by Ispil)
by Trowen
Parameters and Arguments
Okay, I've been reading the C++Tutorial on this website and I'm on "Functions(I)" and I'm not sure what the difference is between parameters and arguments.
[1 reply] : Well, when you have a function, say, function add that takes two value... (by Ispil)
by zmlink
Help me understand this pseudocode... bit confused on how i should be reading this...
Start // Declarations // num dollars // output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: " // input dol...
[4 replies] Last: whoa.. thats insane lil difficult still cant get my function involving... (by zmlink)
Bubblesorting a Linked list
Hello all, I have been given 2 sets of numbers from a file. Set 1) 25 15 45 35 65 55 Set 2) 29 23 12 39 32 37 41 52 67 59 103 91 I need to take a set ...
[3 replies] Last: main #include "Bubble.cpp" using namespace std; int main() { ... (by Smac89)
by Diluka
Text file seek and read
Hi I need some advice ,i had requirement to read text file but its too large then i decide to only read some lines in this file can i use seek method for j...
[no replies]
User array input.
I have a program that is supposed to simulate a tic tac toe game. I do not know how to have a user input the location in the two dimensional array, and then ass...
[2 replies] Last: I fixed a few things in my code, but it still freezes. Also, it won't ... (by geharbison)
Passing ifstream to a function help
I am trying to do a couple things that I am not having any luck with. 1] Do i have to send ifstream to the function for the function to read data from that fi...
[3 replies] Last: GREAT! It works.. I finally figured it out. I have been using cin >> t... (by BrianDehn)
by Zexd
I wrote a factorial function and it is working perfect :) But only for the numbers until 65. I want it to be able to calculate even bigger numbers (like 100 or...
[6 replies] Last: (by Danny Toledo)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 83
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