by JEvans1234
5 errors im getting
[7 replies] Last: Thanks iHutch :) (by Fransje)
Tetris Help |
[1 reply] : Presumably you're familiar with file streams? It seems a little odd t... (by MrHutch)
by zmlink
ok think i got this really close to working cant figure out whats wrong!
[4 replies] Last: Just want to say that there is no need for this: bills = (dollars-(d... (by fg109)
by training91st
Help me pls
[1 reply] : Do you mean to read data from text files into your program? (by MrHutch)
by uzferry
split numbers into digits using vectors
[12 replies] Last: stoi is a function from the C++11 standard that converts a string to a... (by fg109)
by Bloooop
Binary search tree issues
[6 replies] Last: thanks for not helping. I solved all problems. we are not paid her... (by writetonsharma)
by Minimacfox
This is starting to piss me off :-(
[9 replies] Last: Even if you add the missing parenthesis this is not valid. Indeed. ... (by Catfish3)
by tpinon
multi D array clear buffer?
[4 replies] Last: oh right! thank you again! (by tpinon)
by cbplayer
Can I please get some help with my c++ homework?
[10 replies] Last: I read the tutorial and looked at examples online and I gave the assig... (by cbplayer)
by amir333
Guess My Number problem!!
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Man I Have To Say This Is My First Time With C++ and This is ... (by amir333)
Algorithm Help |
[2 replies] Last: I intend to place the final phrase into an array, ive edited it once m... (by Seyad Chowdhury)
Beginner/Intermediate Exercises |
[3 replies] Last: in my experience exercises are a bad choice for getting to learn the l... (by piotr5)
by Stevebass21
two dimensional array data input
[2 replies] Last: Line 77 should look like this }while (choice != 's'); When you run ... (by Yanson)
by xcindiix
Arrays into arrays - finding max and min?
[3 replies] Last: You could simplify your code a little if you used things from the C++ ... (by Catfish3)
by Minimacfox
Very simple question
[3 replies] Last: You may want to look into std::string , Minimacfox. Then you could do... (by Catfish3)
by lmsmi1
Running File Associated with Executable
[3 replies] Last: Exetuable name is the first argument or argument 0. Array indexes star... (by MiiNiPaa)
by rjryan94
Quick For loop question
[3 replies] Last: - You have to increment the counter in for loops. - Add the for loop e... (by writetonsharma)
by Josh Henry
logic error?
[1 reply] : add cEntry->next = NULL; after line 80. do the same at other instanc... (by writetonsharma)
by Nebur
Unexpected error in a very simple program
[2 replies] Last: Take a look at floor, ceil and modf. (by Chervil)
by vanessatse
degree symbol
[2 replies] Last: I don't get any error on that line. If the compiler is definitely indi... (by Chervil)