Beginners - April 2013 (Page 25)

find the largest number of user input
First we ask the user how many numbers he would like to input then he enters the numbers, then we find the largest number and output it. My main problem is writ...
[8 replies] Last: My main problem is writing a code that finds the largest number give... (by eyenrique)
by zachp
ShowCase: Tic-Tac-Toe
Hello everyone! I just wanted to share my Tic-Tac-Toe plugin I just made. I'm new to C++, and it's a lot of fun. If you see some things that need to be impro...
[1 reply] : Very nice... (by backslashx00)
complete beginner wanting to know a start point
hi guys, BACKGROUND i have made a database in access and a worksheet in excel the two of them i use as separate programmes and files. excel file allows me ...
[6 replies] Last: I've seen Qt-based code written in Mac or GNU/Linux compile in Windows... (by keskiverto)
output file as a global
I keep getting errors when trying to make an outputfile as a global. Here is the error: 19 C:\Dev-Cpp\9vs1.cpp expected constructor, destructor, or type conver...
[6 replies] Last: I did open it in a function. You did in the loadarray function - bu... (by TheIdeasMan)
by zachp
Dungeon Crawler
The grid shows, and I have it move the first time; also sometimes when it should be invalid, it shows up as valid. And I somehow how y being x and x being y, as...
[3 replies] Last: Ok - that is quite a good effort - well done ! Just a couple of thing... (by TheIdeasMan)
Working on arrays?
Hello, I need help trying to find the smallest and largest number in a randomized array of 25 numbers. I know that what I have put into my main function is wron...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, I've tweaked my code, but I keep producing compiling errors? Not... (by bringer of poop)
URGENT!! Validate Date - user defined functions.
I am writing an program to validate the date. When I run the program, even the invalid dates (13/32/999) gets validated. Please help!! #include <iostream>...
[12 replies] Last: I changed switch statements to if statements to simplify the ckDate() ... (by sam20390)
not converting from hex to decimal
okay so ive been working on this code for a while yet i can cant get it to work properly. The code inputs everything correctly yet will not convert the char hex...
[5 replies] Last: well i need to basically convert my char charaters to integers. what t... (by ninthred)
Date check + EoF
Something in this code is giving me positive results (good date) when an incorrect date is entered. It only answers correctly for year, and checks leap year cor...
[1 reply] : fixed, just need to know how to end it on ctrl+z (by applesnstuff)
by yayu
Finding int in string
Is there a way to check what int a string has? For example, a string named "Choice" holds the value of "A1". I can find the 'A' with Choice == "A'. When I try ...
[8 replies] Last: @yanson sorry it was late at night and made the code example fast with... (by giblit)
While and For Statements
I have this code running without any errors, but it is not displaying the correct way and I can't figure it out! I have tried so many different things! This is ...
[9 replies] Last: ooh, I assumed he/she wanted them to be separate. Don't know why, sorr... (by yayu)
Organizing if statements
Hey guys. I've been having a bit of a problem writing to an output file. My goal is to have the first if statement run completely for all the data and then late...
[no replies]
by ND04
Please Help With Random Number Generate Queue Pointer
I Am Slowly Learning To Understanding Queue Pointer, But I've Gotten So Lost While Implementing This Program: The Program I Was Thinking Was To Generate 10 R...
[no replies]
how can i allow a user to keep putting in a sentence until the user hits '#' to quit or enters 20 sentences. if (fgets(&buffer , len1 +1, stdin) != NULL) ...
[no replies]
While and Do While statements
I am needing to rewrite this code to use a while statement for the outer loop and a for statement for the nested loop. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! int n...
[10 replies] Last: This is my code output is 1 2 3 1 #include <iostream> ... (by kirstin)
find the smaller integer, logic error?
So, I am looking to create a program that finds the smallest of the 2 integers that the user inputs. This is what I have, but I must of made a logic error somew...
[4 replies] Last: okay, this is what is going on. When you set the int smaller function... (by Snkyjester)
check integer
This checks for non numerical input but doesn't warn error when a double is entered. How can I correct this? while(ShapeChoice !=1 && ShapeChoice !=2 && Sh...
[8 replies] Last: EOF is not required to evaluate to -1, iirc. (by cire)
Fill Specific Element in Array of Structs
Can I fill a specific element in an array of structs? #include <stdio.h> #define SIZE 100 typedef struct { int x; int y; int z; }something; ...
[3 replies] Last: Ya it gives me this: error C2059: syntax error : '{' Thanks Zaita, th... (by i2Fluffy)
Templating Question
Original: My Original Post: http://w...
[1 reply] : No. You must put template classes in the header file. The reason is t... (by firedraco)
Need help figuring this pointer/modifying problem out.
i need to fix this problem out so it'll work properly : Consider the function void modify(int x)// { x = 10; } Show how to call the modify func...
[1 reply] : void modify(int& x) { x = 10; }; (by pogrady)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 83
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