by vanessatse
overloading <<
[1 reply] : Can you show your code in main where you write "FileOut << SomeShape <... (by LB)
by vanessatse
draw pentagon with *
[2 replies] Last: I would draw a triangle, and then draw half of an upside triangle with... (by Lowest0ne)
by mandy012
Using separate compilation
[3 replies] Last: On second thought, your Body.cpp looks fishy class Body { Body (); ... (by keskiverto)
by Embers
For Loop help
[3 replies] Last: The revised version scares me: for (int i=0;now.find("ATG",i)<now.s... (by keskiverto)
code assistance: the << after outputFile in the writeStudents function is showing an error. Please advise. |
[2 replies] Last: I need to access name, grades 1-3, average, and status. Please advise ... (by Christian Molto)
by joet12
vector problem
[12 replies] Last: Ok. I installed code::blocks and checked the code but it is complainin... (by joet12)
by HadMuffin
Evaluate my code please?
[9 replies] Last: One more "Hello World".:) #include <iostream> #include <string> te... (by vlad from moscow)
by Aden8
STL queue class
[2 replies] Last: this is one of the most over complicated programs I've seen so far... ... (by coder777)
by UndeadNexus
Merging vectors help?
[1 reply] : This loop is infinite if the first entered number was greater than -1.... (by vlad from moscow)
by Fyah
whats wrong here?
[6 replies] Last: @Fyah I would recommend setting up your editor to replace tabs with ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ryankore
appending vectors then testing output
[2 replies] Last: for (int count=0; count<10; count++) { vector<int> mya; cou... (by cire)
by freemanl
reverse digits
[2 replies] Last: First question is the number in a integer? If so there are a few ways ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by backslashx00
Removing Scroll Bar properly?
[no replies]
by vanessatse
Matrix return
[3 replies] Last: What I need to do is actually get all the vertex points of the hexagon... (by vanessatse)
by ausairman
error C2582: 'operator =' function is unavailable in 'EDIN::Neuron'
[5 replies] Last: Member function resize calls member function erase if the new size is ... (by vlad from moscow)
by mekkatorqu
[win32api] can't close dialog
[1 reply] : fixed, I forgot to set window class in the resource, I hope I won't do... (by mekkatorqu)
by trickytwist
Help with saying hello world C++
[6 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using std::cout; //print output using std::endl; ... (by eyenrique)
by BlueKazoo
If statement troubles
[2 replies] Last: goddd dangggittt, haha, thanks a lot man :) (by BlueKazoo)
by herold
Help me..I'm stucked here.
[3 replies] Last: Another easy fix for line 10 would to make it a string like string al... (by giblit)
by omegam1
a c++ program
[12 replies] Last: thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanksthanks thanks thanksthanks th... (by omegam1)