by nass
How do I compute sum of odd numbers?
[10 replies] Last: oh I see missunderstood sorry makes more sense on why he is using a lo... (by giblit)
by palauan73
Arduino Temperature test code
[1 reply] : I think one thing that might help is have a wider threshold, not unlik... (by TightCoderEx)
by giblit
Template/Pointer questions
[9 replies] Last: okay I finally figured out how to use the templates correctly thanks a... (by giblit)
by TightCoderEx
Inflation / Depreciation calculator
[4 replies] Last: Bjarne's book looks particularly interesting, but as I'm partial to el... (by TightCoderEx)
by lmsmi1
Cout all remaining tokens in string?
[2 replies] Last: Is having a variable number of elements in a string array legal? (by lmsmi1)
by Pebble
[4 replies] Last: Thank's L B. (by Pebble)
by Melicalol
How to print first and last day of month Only
[3 replies] Last: " DayOfWeek(month, days, year)" { weekday = DayOfWeek(month, 1, ye... (by Melicalol)
by alphabeez
Functions Homework Help
[no replies]
by snailtier
Phonebook Programming
[no replies]
Difficulty with getline() |
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, Chervil. Worked like a charm :) I put it in the for loop so ... (by thisguyehisaguy)
by Cluterbug
srand() function help
[7 replies] Last: (by Catfish4)
by Kobe24
Array size..!!
[11 replies] Last: Not sure if you meant 2 individual values or just to check if you ente... (by Minimacfox)
by Nebur
[Error] ld returned 1 exit status?
[2 replies] Last: Are there any other messages apart from that one? Actually, this looks... (by Chervil)
Why is it good to read numeric data with char before convering to int? |
[1 reply] : Huh? I don't see why you would do this other then maybe to handle user... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by aggsyb
Returning back to inputs and finding ram
[5 replies] Last: Neil, Thanks for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it!, ... (by aggsyb)
Works in Dev C++ Compiler but not Microsoft Visual Studio |
[8 replies] Last: @Zereo Orwell. Note, the compiler issues a warning. Depending on the ... (by Chervil)
by Snkyjester
Validating a Price.
[5 replies] Last: for(int x = 0; x < Price.length() -1; x++) { if((int)Price >= ... (by pogrady)
by ktk0541
System command is not working
[4 replies] Last: Thank you ALL for taking your time to respond. Also, how do you look ... (by ktk0541)
by Stauricus
inline, virtual, symbols?
[6 replies] Last: inline means a function can be multiply-defined, that is, you can pu... (by Cubbi)
by BrandonG
Questions on this code
[2 replies] Last: Thanks really appreciate it, however when I tried to use the code past... (by BrandonG)