Beginners - April 2013 (Page 22)

What are strings?
I have learned about arrays and now I am leaning about strings what are they and can come one give an example
[4 replies] Last: [quote=MiiNiPaa]std::string is a class which wraps c-strings I think ... (by Chervil)
Rule of Three. Copy Constructor, Assignment Operator Implementation
Rule of Three. Copy Constructor, Assignment Operator Implementation #include <iostream> using namespace std; class IntPart { publi...
[1 reply] : Q0: No, ip2 is already constructed. So only copy constructor is called... (by MiiNiPaa)
C++ List
Hello, when learning a language (or doing anything else in this matter) I like to make myself a list of all the things I need to learn from it. As you may of gu...
[6 replies] Last: Since you love math and have the patience and determination. I say go ... (by Minimacfox)
How to specify an OutputIterator (in bibtex-spirit)
I am using bibtex-spirit to read a bibtex file. All works fine (installed okay, on top of Boost 1.53.0) and I can read the bibtex entries okay (confirmed by ...
[6 replies] Last: Ahh - okay. I'll give that a try. Many thanks. G (by gxkendall)
A bit of help with basic I/o
I'm trying to figure out how to take in each character (from a string) and use it in a switch. It's like a decoding program so it'll take in the string. Ex. abc...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! This works perfectly. Thanks! (by problim77)
Instantiated from here error
I'm working on this code, and when I try to compile the program. I keep getting the error "instantiated from here". The lines the compiler says that the problem...
[3 replies] Last: a) Line 12 of Quicksort.h function called quickSorts() and you calli... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Vidra
2d array
For school we need to write an 80x20 2d array that stores six pathways, each of which is a straight line between two randomly selected points on the perimeter o...
[2 replies] Last: I mean like connecting points on the perimeter on the array to form a ... (by Vidra)
Upper case letters
how can I write a program that converts upper case letters to lower case letters?
[9 replies] Last: If your c/c++ compiler isnt using the ASCII character set, you've got... (by MiiNiPaa)
hello guys, Mine is a simple doubt what is the best alternative for clrscr() and getch() .some says the header file for this functions conio.h is not a ...
[6 replies] Last: thanks MiNiPaa and LB .got it thanks guys (by cyberdude)
Working with MSDN
Hello all, just looking for some help understanding the beginning and end of this description. It's a typical example of what i see looking at the WINAPI and D...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the explanation! (by Bugsplatter)
1-D Arrays
Good evening, I apologize for what will seem like a simple question, however I'm having issues wrapping my head around/conceptualizing 1-D arrays. I understa...
[5 replies] Last: ah I see I don't use preset arrays I use dynamic ones (by giblit)
Memory Management : character arrays and = operator
Memory Management : character arrays and = operator Q. In terms of Memory Management, What error would you have with the following code? class Strin...
[2 replies] Last: What if: this == &right (by keskiverto)
Random string function?
Hello I want to know if there is a way to print out a random string that was declared within an array so that when you run the program it'll print out a random ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much I appreciate it. Never thought I would get a reply t... (by bacondude95)
Copy Constructor, Deep Copy, Constant Reference
Copy Constructor, Deep Copy, Constant Reference Q. In terms of Memory Management. Copy constructor for a class A has the form A(const A& a) Why is the par...
[2 replies] Last: A(A a) When you pass A as a parameter, you are getting a copy of ... (by Disch)
Memory Management : scope and local pointer variable
Q. In terms of Memory Management, What is the error in the following code? char* secret_message() { char message_buffer ; char* text = "Hey man!";...
[1 reply] : You are correct. (by Zhuge)
Output of a class function problem.
This is the first time I have worked with classes and I am stuck. On the last line of code I am trying to output the day via cout << . I am having an issue with...
[2 replies] Last: That worked :] thank you for your help. (by BrianDehn)
Help with reference and pointers printing
I am trying to find the source of error in my program and wanted to check if it's coming from a part of code. const Vector &end1Crd = theNodes ->getCrd...
[1 reply] : ¿what is Vector? You are lying in line 5. Also, consider using a deb... (by ne555)
by KevinP
Calling 2-D Array Functions
Based off of this information all I need to know is how to call the functions in main. I know how to fill the arrays with everything I need but I cannot figure ...
[2 replies] Last: Having a hard time finding it here on the site. I am having a difficul... (by KevinP)
Counting Loop
Hey guys, I've been working on this for the past weekend between work. I know this is extremely simple and I mean extremely simple, but I'm missing something he...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I have no idea why I'm getting 62. I figured I had everyt... (by Rinches)
by KevinP
How to call in a 2-d Array
How do I call these functions. Or have I set up the 2-d arrays totally wrong. The compiler is rejecting me in just about everything I have tried. Thank you. ...
[1 reply] : here is an example of a 2d array: int twoDIntArray ; for(int... (by giblit)
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