by Jose94ji
Can someone help describe this code?
[1 reply] : 1) rank isn't initializated. However you are writing into it before yo... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Messzir
Text file reading into vector
[4 replies] Last: Yes, I have already noticed that I unfortunately mistyped push. Anyway... (by Messzir)
by elexion
creating a GUI using the native windows API
[4 replies] Last: [quote=coder777]for now I'd suggest to change the project setting from... (by Disch)
by SlenderMan
Why am i getting this error?
[4 replies] Last: I put this and now it runs. Thanks! CDistance d1(0,0); (by SlenderMan)
by SlenderMan
Why will this not run?
[6 replies] Last: int CDistance::add(const CDistance& total) const { cout << feet + i... (by rcast)
by j0rdant13
A particle system in C++ and Allegro 5
[no replies]
by kong288
List of objects from a base class
[5 replies] Last: Whoa! Using shared_ptr to point to objects not been created with new ... (by Peter87)
by SlenderMan
Does anyone understand these instructions?
[1 reply] : It should ask for add , substract or exit . If addition or substra... (by MiiNiPaa)
by tnjgraham
How to extract substrings for a CString
[2 replies] Last: Maybe try the Tokenize method. (by Chervil)
by zxcvbnm123
Object composition array
[1 reply] : student = Student(id,name,Grade(result,averesult)); (by Peter87)
by rcast
Vector of objects not saving data members
[2 replies] Last: oops. Thank you peter. (by rcast)
by SlenderMan
Help using arrays
[1 reply] : #include <fstream> const unsigned testScores = 2 ; const unsigned hw... (by cire)
by Comp rook
Local Function Definition error
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! The problem WAS a forgotten '}' bracket (it was i... (by Comp rook)
by lmsmi1
While Loop Fails?
[13 replies] Last: Thanks. I have good days and bad days. But I try. (by Chervil)
by catdance
Adding to a vector that is empty in a linked list node
[no replies]
by Minimacfox
Hangman game
[4 replies] Last: k, thanks ^^ (by Minimacfox)
by bartoli
if and elxe blocks are executed
[3 replies] Last: The docs says you s... (by Peter87)
by sheepyQ
x86 assember code reversal
[1 reply] : My currents attempts are below... neither of which works currently: ... (by sheepyQ)
by Keelan
Median of Array
[2 replies] Last: If the number of students is odd, the result is simply the middle elem... (by Chervil)
by bumrush
Matrix Multiplcation using classes
[1 reply] : I would also have to make the program input the matricies row by row a... (by bumrush)