Beginners - April 2013 (Page 19)

Help: Case and Infinity Loop
This is a near complete code which is designed to convert fahrenheit or celsius. I face two problem which I'm not sure why its happening. 1. Case I input 1, ...
[7 replies] Last: Problem solved. Thank you! (by Angry Food)
if/else statement
I'm writing a program that is designed to respond to user input. I have one problem at the moment. i need to write a statement that will check the value of a st...
[16 replies] Last: I've just put the function into main.cpp and now it all works except t... (by CPPprogrammer)
i got an error need help #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "PLAYER NAME" << '\t' << "PLAYER NUMBER" << endl; string ...
[6 replies] Last: well i actually got it now i should use this one = {{ "Marcus Banks", ... (by DarkSeer)
Need help with function outputting stars.
I need to write a function that outputs the number of stars for whatever value is entered. Only the function though. For example if 5 outputs *****. It also has...
[5 replies] Last: Even if it weren't given by a "teacher", it would be homework -- somet... (by keskiverto)
by Frede
I cant get Librarys to work...
Well i got a little problem. Well i downloaded a few libs but i fail in them all. Of some reason i cant find out to get thease things to work. its only the stan...
[3 replies] Last: did you include the libraries in the library directory? (by palauan73)
Questions about this code?
In the function printPlayer why do we have to use p.print whenever we output to the screen?? Can someone explain how struct works and strings thanks! #...
[2 replies] Last: You have to create an object of the structure FootballPlayer, which yo... (by palauan73)
array algarythm
Write your question here. I am haveing troubles of where to star with this;countValues (lowRange: int, highRange: int); int //counts and return the number of ...
[3 replies] Last: 1. Same question as in ... (by keskiverto)
method inside another method of same class
Is there any way to do this? What I am trying to do is call a method (functionTwo) from inside of another method (functionOne). Both of these methods are of the...
[1 reply] : You would be able to do that, but you wouldn't declare the function as... (by palauan73)
Validation problem
Hello. I'm having trouble about the validation code. I created the Fundraiser program and I want to ask a question if there's a customer by asking Yes or No. I ...
[1 reply] : your while statement says that if yesno is not Y and not y and not N a... (by palauan73)
Quick Error question
I have this working earlier in my program but on this section am getting an "array or pointer type required" error. Any thoughts why? for(int i = 0; ...
[1 reply] : temp = divers .totalScore ; (by MiiNiPaa)
Converter/else and if
A quick converter I typed up to practice using else and if statements, was wondering why the program always executes the "start=1" section of code even when I e...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks that makes perfect sense :) (by Kert Cobain)
Quadratic Equation solver program returning incorrect answers
I programmed a quadratic equation solver, but if a is not equal to 1, it gives incorrect answers. For example, if a=1, b=10, and c=25, then it returns x= -5 and...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I see. I haven't really memorized how a lot of C++ works yet so I ... (by EarthBoundNess)
Ideas for a new guy
So basically i just started out with this language not too long ago (maybe a week and a half), and I was hoping to get some ideas of what I should try creating ...
[4 replies] Last: @uzferry-I've taken your advice and am sticking to more basics for a l... (by Kert Cobain)
Transaction History
I got the transaction implet/specification that suppose to receive transaction history and print it out. I know its missing the other classes but I got those wo...
[7 replies] Last: Doesn't matter because it's in the destructor. (by Zaita)
Problem with system()
I have been working with system() and I need to use the code below but as you know system() only provides one argument so please help!! sys=system ("unzip -P ...
[6 replies] Last: You're writing this in C? (by Zaita)
by ccwhat
why can't set array size with a const int from argument from main()
why i can't declare an array whose size is derived from a constant int argument from the main() function? void test(const int x) { int arr ; } An...
[5 replies] Last: It means after you finish typing your code, you compile it (and maybe ... (by Chervil)
by ccwhat
Test cin input correct: unsigned int and negative number.
if i declare a unsigned int variable, and set a test loop to test if input correct. and when i type in a negative number, the loop still see it as input right. ...
[2 replies] Last: Ya, it seems doable, thx :P following is my code, help see where c... (by ccwhat)
by Vidra
2d array of 6 lines on a perimeter
I have an assignment for school that I can't figure out. I have to write a code that simulates the path of an aircraft.Here is the assignment: Calculate and s...
[no replies]
.find help!
I am writing a stupid robot named Gilbert. You would enter a question, he would pick out a word, and reply to it. #include <iostream> #include <string> ...
[14 replies] Last: (by Zaita)
Help with hangman game not begging for code!!
Heres the problem... Program almost works.. if i cut out the playAgain function the code runs..however say I enter the word "cat" as the word to guess. First gu...
[7 replies] Last: Oh, when placed in the correct location? I thought it was the number o... (by Ispil)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 83
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