Need help with my Structs |
[5 replies] Last: Thank you kooth I finally got to the point were I can compile after co... (by ejhernandez381)
by MrBrewski99
Linker error?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks...I guess I overlooked that. Seems so simple. Thanks a lot! (by MrBrewski99)
by Minimacfox
CodeBlocks IDE
[4 replies] Last: Did you accidentally change every color to the same color? (by lmsmi1)
by rozick1
Command line argument (filename)
[2 replies] Last: Enclose each file name in double quotes. (by vlad from moscow)
by IdivideBy0
Help with initializing a 2 dimensional array
[1 reply] : As I have understood the result array should look as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... (by vlad from moscow)
by zantax
[no replies]
by hmdsp5
Creating a file in c++ (1,2)
[29 replies] Last: could you please delete it? (by hmdsp5)
by bruntmjust
Explaination Help (one more)
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for the help! Trying to get better at this ha (by bruntmjust)
by Melicalol
Leap year Fix.
[2 replies] Last: Thank you sir, I fixed it :). (by Melicalol)
by Slyke
Data not being stored in void * struct.
[6 replies] Last: It looks loke that in the loop for (int i = 1;i<size;i++) { ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Nebur
how to add up some numbers?
[4 replies] Last: A istringstream allows input to be read in from a string, in the sam... (by Chervil)
by swigganicks
Tic Tac Toe
[no replies]
by MisterMan
if statements and strings
[7 replies] Last: No problem buddy :) Best of luck! (by jefw123)
by otisphat80
Block type is Vaild
[3 replies] Last: "pogrady" thank you very much that solved my problem. (by otisphat80)
by Edward01
[5 replies] Last: > Having a Monom* as a data member in the Node suggests polymorphic st... (by ne555)
by neilq5
simple while loop not closing
[3 replies] Last: A stupidly overlooked that. Thanks abhishekm71! (by neilq5)
by lmsmi1
How to handle external if statement?
[2 replies] Last: Just to add onto what RB said, here is a quick example of using string... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
a problem with vectors and cin |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Peter87. Your cin.clear() command worked for me. (by strangelove1221)
by manacher1
c++ problem
[7 replies] Last: In that case term interval should be changed into term range. Simpler... (by keskiverto)
by billywilliam
Initialize class with pointer
[1 reply] : You have to construct it somehow. You can create an object just like ... (by Peter87)