issues with getline and EOF |
[1 reply] : fin >> playerFirstName >> playerLastName >> myPlayers.home_runs >> ... (by SamuelAdams)
by cyberdude
[2 replies] Last: ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by mekkatorqu
[win32api] Save BITMAP to file
[4 replies] Last: mfc is not far from plain api. In the OnSave() the mfc stuff is not... (by coder777)
by Cherrykhan
progam to find the dividend
[2 replies] Last: it helps thnx (by Cherrykhan)
by ccwhat
explicit specialization
[6 replies] Last: ok, i'll check it later, dinner time :) (by ccwhat)
by Groups
Taking input from a file and storing it in a vector
[1 reply] : a) Your overloaded operator is wrong b) Your overloaded operator isn't... (by MiiNiPaa)
How to get code to loop back to the beginning?
[8 replies] Last: I expect responsibility from the people who ask for help, i suppose th... (by eyenrique)
Difference between short age; and short int age;? age is variable. |
[7 replies] Last: Thanks backslashx00 and Zaita. (by Rehan FASTian)
by cmiller9732
quadratic formula via the non-void function
[11 replies] Last: if( b*b-4*a*c > 0) { valid = false; } else { r1=(-b + sqrt ... (by Daleth)
by haykography
A few problems with a simple program.
[2 replies] Last: ... (by haykography)
by giblit
Template problem
[2 replies] Last: still new to c++ I had no idea you could overload functions like that ... (by giblit)
by ryanz
Function Overloading & Array Problem
[10 replies] Last: Got it!!! Thank you sir you have been great help to me tonight! I appr... (by ryanz)
by Cluterbug
help with using datafiles in arrays (1,2)
[33 replies] Last: Congratulation. You did what everyone expect of you: stop asking to do... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Cluterbug
Array() function help
[7 replies] Last: using namespace std; is a bad practice in C++ If you want to continu... (by MiiNiPaa)
by DanStirletz
Opening a file... yes i know..
[6 replies] Last: From Zhuge: Especially in cases where you are using an IDE, it can be... (by Alrededor)
why is my output data wrong? |
[1 reply] : This code is incorrect, you declare a playerStates object named tempSt... (by Yanson)
by caliguy010
[1 reply] : cld u give the full code (by cyberdude)
by cmiller9732
[10 replies] Last: Thanks! (by cmiller9732)
by Cluterbug
Void Functions
[7 replies] Last: Very nice! looks good another way to do it would be to just print it r... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by Cluterbug
Vector help
[2 replies] Last: I got it. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.... (by Cluterbug)