by jvk971
My tic tac toe game wont work
[8 replies] Last: In c++ ALWAYS fix first error and syntax just means the compiler found... (by giblit)
by kradragon94
A question about writing binary data
[1 reply] : itr is an iterator, it represents a place in a file not a printable ch... (by Computergeek01)
by ccwhat
in template overloading, "hi" isn't char* type?
[8 replies] Last: I had read the link, I guess I just stopped before the "Moral 2" part.... (by Disch)
by Haze
[4 replies] Last: sorry i thought i copied a segment in, this is what it looks like. i a... (by Haze)
by kong288
Random number
[2 replies] Last: Look at http://www.cpl... (by SamuelAdams)
C to C++ |
[3 replies] Last: thanks @Stauricus that helped (by James Parsons)
by awoodall
Computing Functions
[1 reply] : How to use code tags (by SamuelAdams)
by Banhas
Identifier not found
[7 replies] Last: You are absolutely right MikeyBoy, had no idea that could happen, I as... (by Banhas)
by superavocado
fill multidimensional vector through a loop?
[2 replies] Last: thank you, this looks like what I want! (by superavocado)
by Stauricus
lvalue required as left operand of assignment
[2 replies] Last: ook! i did as you suggested, works good. i just wanted to know what i ... (by Stauricus)
by Comp rook
Internal Heap Limit error
[3 replies] Last: What insulting commentary? The only thing vaguely resembling an insul... (by cire)
by aflangdon
output returning all zeros instead of calculations
[4 replies] Last: Thanks so much! Now it works! (by aflangdon)
by Aurizoidas
c++ if help
[no replies]
C++ Primer Exercise Problem |
[19 replies] Last: Ohh, so putting ++n1<n2 will keep looping it. I got it. There's so muc... (by PlainEsoteric)
by Banhas
Operator overloading issue.
[3 replies] Last: Is there two doubles to read? Otherwise cin will wait until there are. (by Peter87)
by Thorgunn1212
Using an array to hold temporary information
[no replies]
by rain
Why does my FileRead append extra garbage to data?
[3 replies] Last: why doesnt it auto stop What is "it"? If you are asking about prin... (by Chervil)
by sergiu22
Ordered List
[1 reply] : I don't know how to implement an ordered list with a hashtable. Gene... (by cire)
by ccwhat
i can use toupper() without include cctype, why?
[2 replies] Last: Remove all #include and voila: you cannot use toupper() anymore (by MiiNiPaa)
by Lim Boon Jye
ifstream read last line enter ! how prevent
[7 replies] Last: I've edited my post above and inserted a comment. Just in case I'll ex... (by S G H)