Beginners - April 2013 (Page 14)

by jvk971
My tic tac toe game wont work
Hi. I tried to make my own tic tac toe game in c++ inspired by this video: It didn't work though. I am not v...
[8 replies] Last: In c++ ALWAYS fix first error and syntax just means the compiler found... (by giblit)
A question about writing binary data
This is the program that implements a binary highscore file. Notice in the end of the program for (vector<int>::iterator itr = score.begin(); itr != score.end(...
[1 reply] : itr is an iterator, it represents a place in a file not a printable ch... (by Computergeek01)
by ccwhat
in template overloading, "hi" isn't char* type?
Write your question here. i set up 2 templates, 1 of the 2 is a explicit specialization. template <typename T> void iquote(T); //#1 template <> void iquote<c...
[8 replies] Last: I had read the link, I guess I just stopped before the "Moral 2" part.... (by Disch)
by Haze
ok i have made the following to search a text file for a user input, the code works fine if the item is on the first line of the text file but not if its on any...
[4 replies] Last: sorry i thought i copied a segment in, this is what it looks like. i a... (by Haze)
Random number
Can someone tell me the best way to get a random number? Every way I use either doesn't work or works bad. I have a C++11 compiler.
[2 replies] Last: Look at http://www.cpl... (by SamuelAdams)
C to C++
i haved used c for a while, but i love oop. i want to learn c++, and need a good tutorial. **I HAVE SEARCHED GOOGLE**, but what i find iseither too simple or to...
[3 replies] Last: thanks @Stauricus that helped (by James Parsons)
Computing Functions
I need to compute the total food (pounds per week) requirements for each TYPE of McDonalds in a local area. The Types of McDonalds range 1-10. They're are repre...
[1 reply] : How to use code tags (by SamuelAdams)
by Banhas
Identifier not found
Forgot to scope!
[7 replies] Last: You are absolutely right MikeyBoy, had no idea that could happen, I as... (by Banhas)
fill multidimensional vector through a loop?
Write your question here. Hi! I'm new with coding and somehow not good (yet) at finding solutions through the internet, so I hope you can help me. I want to ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you, this looks like what I want! (by superavocado)
lvalue required as left operand of assignment
hello everybody. i'm trying to make a simple game in Irrlicht, for learning both C++ and Irrlicht itself. but i'm having trouble with a simple function. consi...
[2 replies] Last: ook! i did as you suggested, works good. i just wanted to know what i ... (by Stauricus)
Internal Heap Limit error
Boy, I just run into the best errors. Last month, I decided to start using header files because the main body of my program was too big (a fault pointed out by...
[3 replies] Last: What insulting commentary? The only thing vaguely resembling an insul... (by cire)
output returning all zeros instead of calculations
I can't get my output right and I have no idea where I've gone wrong. Any ideas? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // func...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks so much! Now it works! (by aflangdon)
c++ if help
Hello, I am making my first C++ Visual Studio forms program, wich will be a program that will give you a "if" task, and you should solve it. So far I've made...
[no replies]
C++ Primer Exercise Problem
Hello Guys, So I'm already stuck lol. Question is: Write a program that prompts the user for 2 integers. Print each number in the range specified by thes...
[19 replies] Last: Ohh, so putting ++n1<n2 will keep looping it. I got it. There's so muc... (by PlainEsoteric)
by Banhas
Operator overloading issue.
Good evening. I'm making a Line class and whilst overloading a few operators I ran into some issues. istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, const Line&...
[3 replies] Last: Is there two doubles to read? Otherwise cin will wait until there are. (by Peter87)
Using an array to hold temporary information
I am taking a programming C++ class for my IT degree requirement, Most of what I have learned I have taught myself. I am really struggling with the final projec...
[no replies]
by rain
Why does my FileRead append extra garbage to data?
Hello. I made simple function which should return file contents but for some reason I get extra garbage data appended to file contents. char* FileRead(char...
[3 replies] Last: why doesnt it auto stop What is "it"? If you are asking about prin... (by Chervil)
Ordered List
I don't know how to implement an ordered list with a hashtable. Also,I must solve the collisions with independent list! Can you help me,please? How to rep...
[1 reply] : I don't know how to implement an ordered list with a hashtable. Gene... (by cire)
by ccwhat
i can use toupper() without include cctype, why?
why? cause the implementaion can search the lib automaticly?
[2 replies] Last: Remove all #include and voila: you cannot use toupper() anymore (by MiiNiPaa)
ifstream read last line enter ! how prevent
Write your question here. //txt data 40 30 20 2 4 5 // <---this empty enter data void readText( ifstream &infile ){ while ( !in...
[7 replies] Last: I've edited my post above and inserted a comment. Just in case I'll ex... (by S G H)
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