by nickss69
Class Help Needed
[1 reply] : What kind of help do you need with your homework? Currently it seems ... (by keskiverto)
by Jaffar
Giving precedence to the mathematical operators
[1 reply] : Operators in C++ do have precedence already. Level 6 * / % multiplica... (by keskiverto)
by aflangdon
Gross_total wrong...
[4 replies] Last: @ aflangdon Just some style points. First is your variable names - ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by bartoli
First program with regex not working
[2 replies] Last: This small distinction was the key, thanks! (by bartoli)
by applesnstuff
[1 reply] : Your homework, isn't it? Go ahead and do it. You will learn by doing.... (by keskiverto)
by Josh Henry
independent sort
[1 reply] : Write your own comparsion function: int istrcmp(const char *s1, const... (by MiiNiPaa)
by vivre
Global Variables
[2 replies] Last: You can dereference uninitializated or null pointer ergo dereferencin... (by MiiNiPaa)
by tripledelta
Counting the number of characters and lines in a given text file
[1 reply] : You read one line at a time. Every time you read a line, the number_o... (by keskiverto)
Declaring an object that is an array? |
[16 replies] Last: I can name it anything I want but it was course but its asking for peo... (by closed account LN3RX9L8)
by kabuki
Help with if/else if
[3 replies] Last: It will, but do not overuse comma operator (this can lead to unexpecte... (by MiiNiPaa)
by mover96
Trying to use object declared in main in another Class
[3 replies] Last: (by MiiNiPaa)
by HadMuffin
Need help with cout!
[3 replies] Last: Figured it out, I needed to add #include <string> thanks! (by HadMuffin)
by cmiller9732
[2 replies] Last: thanks lol (by cmiller9732)
by zmlink
please help me figure this out ;/
[1 reply] : if possible could someone create the last steps and use // to explain ... (by zmlink)
by cmiller9732
sum and average of array
[9 replies] Last: You should study the basics again, get a good C++ Book -size Bible- ch... (by eyenrique)
by MisterMan
if/else and goto
[7 replies] Last: STYLE ALERT Things you should consider. #1: INDENT. Don't be ... (by Disch)
Random number |
[1 reply] : well for one. You are missing your srand(time(NULL)) and for two makin... (by giblit)
Access violation, Project Options |
[1 reply] : I would suggest visiting (by cire)
by AlitCandle
Question about code in a tutorial series
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. (by AlitCandle)
by DANNY123
the homework
[no replies]