Beginners - April 2013 (Page 10)

How do I register .dll files if I want to send an sdl.exe and have it work?
preferably I would like it all wrapped up in one exe without the extra folders but I do just want my code to work on any comp, how do I prepare my SDL code so i...
[no replies]
How can I convert a const char * to a string?
I am getting an error saying I can't do this: string * arr; arr = new string ; arr = "Play"; arr = "Multiplayer"; arr = "Options"; arr = "Credits...
[7 replies] Last: AlitCandle: You're still stepping out of bounds: menuarray = ne... (by Disch)
Unresolved External Symbol(i found where this symbol is)
but i cannot solved the problem. here is the code which belongs to a cpp file of a header. extern int main (); static bool zombies = false; DWOR...
[3 replies] Last: According to the C++ Standard An implementation shall not predefin... (by vlad from moscow)
The copy constructor
Write your question here.
[2 replies] Last: SomeClass( const SomeClass & ) = default; SomeClass & operator =( con... (by vlad from moscow)
C++ Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator Define
C++ Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator Define Could anybody help me correct the following copy constructor and assignment operator? 1. as you see, a...
[2 replies] Last: // ???????????? // IntP::IntP(const IntP& a) // Copy C... (by cire)
by proob
Noob question - Loops
I have absolutely no programming experience, save the couple of days since i picked up "Jumping Into C++" by Alex Allain. I am having some trouble with one o...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks cire. I am still trying to wrap my head around how boolean work... (by proob)
Why is this entering an infinite loop?
Super super beginner here! Trying out loops etc. See my code below. If the user enters a character, the program enters an infinite loop. Why? I know it's not th...
[8 replies] Last: @ TheIdeasMan thanks (by mogglespears)
What does cout.setf(ios::fixed); do?
[1 reply] : http://en.cppreference.c... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help reading dates and events from .txt
Hi, I'm trying to create a program that will read dates and holidays like this: April fools 1/4/ Passover 3/26/2013 But when I write code to put them into a ...
[10 replies] Last: Personally, it was around 10 or less for me. I just didn't want to spo... (by S G H)
String == a other string
I have been trying for hours to find out whats wrong with this code but i cannot find it. This code prints "No match" every time, even if string is the same as...
[8 replies] Last: yeah sorry I meant to do std::getline(std::cin, str) and not std::getl... (by giblit)
Multiple source file with fstream
Sorry for my poor English, basically what i want to do is: function.h void function (ifstream& infile); function.cpp void function (ifstream& infile...
[5 replies] Last: //main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "function... (by noviceProg)
Is there a way for a variable to maintain it's value after program termination
Is there a way for a variable to maintain it's value after program termination? For example #nclude<iostream> int main(){ int x; cin>>x; // give it a vlue ...
[3 replies] Last: it will be at the same folder where ur c pluss plus file is located(ch... (by cyberdude)
Passing expressions through functions
Is there a way to pass an expression through a function. For example: int function(int a1,int a2,int a3,int a4) { int out=a1*a2+a3-a4*a1*a3; return ...
[2 replies] Last: I am a beginer with c++ and this is my first time to this forum. I'm... (by thegege)
What is wrong with this? #include "bucket.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; double size; int main() { double MySize; double size;...
[1 reply] : On line 16 you call static member SetGallonSize on a double. And on li... (by Fransje)
Need Help for Guess the Number Game
I've been working on this "Guess the Number Game" for couple tens of minutes and I need help adding something. I want my program to record how many tries this p...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, ok. (by KoreanCookie)
by Zenas
To quit safely
I have been learning c/c++ for about two weeks now and am having trouble with this code. I am not getting any errors, but it is buggy and I don't know what I...
[4 replies] Last: Here's an alternate way to write it: #include <iostream> #include <s... (by cire)
Hi Can anyone help me how to open a .exe file when a button is pressed in a form in visual c++ 2010?I wrote a code which shows an error:system identifier no...
[no replies]
by zmlink
help still confused
been at this last 3 days.. algorithm im stuck on ... newAmount = FutureValue(amount,interestRate) // output "The new dollar amount is ", newAmount // Stop ...
[9 replies] Last: on line 6 you are declaring an int called inteestRate as a right hand ... (by pogrady)
bitmap? Need help!
I have a complete bitmap code. But I don't understand what code is doing what. I need to figure out what each part of the program is actually doing. Can anyone ...
[1 reply] : Help! I am so lost... (by melissa9675)
EASIEST scripting language for C++
Something where I could create data easily for a console RPG(like creating weapons, giving them stats, etc). Thanks!
[1 reply] : I've never used it, so I'm not aware if it's easy, but you should give... (by Branflakes91093)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 83
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