Beginners - April 2011 (Page 16)

How would you make...
A client and server console that can send information though networks. such as live text. Basically how would i make a "MSN" in c++ that is basic as possible....
[3 replies] Last: ACE is another portable option. (by moorecm)
Putting elements of String into an Array
I'm prompting for input in the form of a binary number and i need to be able to deal with that input one bit at a time, easiest way I know of doing this is to p...
[2 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main () ... (by Acr)
passing data into structures
I’ve been trying to sort out my Players wins/lossess table and am not having much luck. I have declared a data structure to store 10 winners statistics as fo...
[5 replies] Last: You'l persevering fellow, aren't you? Ok... Did you had the case when ... (by userulluipeste)
by Acr
Code to UML MS VS2010 Pro
Good day, Is it possible to create UML-ish diagrams from my C++ code in Visual Studio 2010 Professional? I could find this (
[1 reply] : Perhaps this should have been put in the Windows Programming section, ... (by Acr)
C++ sample code to read Sound card buffer from Line In (mic)
i need my program to read soundcard buffer in realtime, the way i need my program works is pretty simple, it monitor the sounds that came from mic (Line in),and...
[no replies]
starting game programming
Hello, After programming some time with a command window, i'd like to start programming games. However, i'm completely lost: i get all kinds of words and ...
[3 replies] Last: Disch, that is exactly what i need! Easy to use, also! Thanks (by Werner2)
how to call a function in an array
parent1[1, 3, 4, 5, 6] parent2[1, 3, 3, 7, 6] int child ; as you see both parent have the same 0, 1, 4 while 2 and 3 are differ. So what i want is the child ...
[6 replies] Last: How does Zeillinger's post not answer that? Would it be more clear fo... (by hamsterman)
virtual returns types
I am having some trouble with virtual classes with multiple possible return types. for example lets say i have a virtual class "Gun" using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : Gun isn't a class, so you can't derive from it. Gun is a template . ... (by Disch)
Arrays questions
So I searched everywhere and posting a new subject is always my last option. But I'm working on this program but I cannot figure this out for the life of me. I ...
[3 replies] Last: wow that was so easy. i cannot believe i didn't get that. I've been wo... (by smr0930)
Combinding c++ pages
I was wondering how to run a C++ exe from another. Or how do you "call" I guess is the term from C++ program from another. Kind of like a function maybe? Just a...
[5 replies] Last: It's still good that you can, there are a lot of advanced options in S... (by Veltas)
Passing Arguments to function that modifies Vector - Help.
Greetings, This is my first post here and I'm not even sure how to ask the question as I Know the problem area of my program but not what is wrong.I will inc...
[11 replies] Last: Got it. Thank you for all your help. (by MidnightRyder RL)
by Prex
Throwing a filename Exception
How do I, using try, throw, catch, check to see if a file exists. Then if it doesn't it catches the exception and let's the user know. Here's what I have so f...
[1 reply] : Got it working, nevermind (by Prex)
Trying to do pattern...
Hi, Im a beginner to C++. I know some, but Im trying to get the code posted below to output the number of diamonds entered, BUT I want them to go side by si...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot...I was trying to tab right after, but I should have used... (by jre5083)
Do not know how....?
I have this file(menu of a restaurant) and i want to read it and then display it as a regular menu....any ideas please?? 8 Plain Egg 0.45 Bacon and Egg...
[9 replies] Last: - Double check line 28. There are too things rong there. <- My Attempt... (by Computergeek01)
by firix
How C++ GUI programming
Hello, I am new to make programs. So far I can just do logical stuff like math in a dos window. I now want to move on to making actual windows programs. Does a...
[15 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for your responses. (by firix)
by zk123
hi i'm making a battleships game in c++ and i want to use the srand to place the battleships in random places and random direction (i.e. facing north, south, e...
[2 replies] Last: help with what, man? you can use cplusplus's examples for this. (by andrezc)
linking links and identifier
3 Cities A, B, C and let this 3 by 3 matrix represent the distant between them int distant = {0 , 1 , 2; 1 , 0, 3; 2 , 3, 0} as you see the diagonal is z...
[9 replies] Last: how you combine this with my other post?(although that's my intention)... (by jimmy5023)
passing the point just once.
i want to write a program that only pass through a city ONCE, and here's my approach. let's say there are 5 city, A B C D and E. and the size = 5 so my a...
[15 replies] Last: yes.... mathead200 "Also try storing them in an array so you can utili... (by jimmy5023)
by dAND3h
fscanf doesn't work
I don't understand this, I am trying to read data from a file, It just does not work!! while( true ) { int vals_read = fscanf(fileHandle,"%[^;]%s",&name,...
[4 replies] Last: Lol nevermind, I wasn't using a reference to the numbers..........If a... (by dAND3h)
array within array
I want to store an array within an array. e.g int small_array = {1, 2, 3} int small_array1 = {2, 1, 5} int small_array2 = {4, 1, 2} i want to store ...
[7 replies] Last: //make a 2-D array, size: x by 3 int **big_array = new *int ; for... (by Mathhead200)
April 2011 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 55
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