by Nino DeCoy
ifstream/ofstream compiler error when using block if
[2 replies] Last: Got it! Works flawlessly. Thanks Bazzy! (by Nino DeCoy)
by masiht
Virtual function
[3 replies] Last: Thank you to both !! (by masiht)
by masiht
how to write a program in most professional way.
[7 replies] Last: Four things: Know algorithms and data structures and the canonical ... (by PanGalactic)
by Seraphimsan
get integer?
[5 replies] Last: >> operator if you are using file streams (by Bazzy)
by murva
deleting array of pointers
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys, very helpfull!! (by murva)
by jayt
Dynamic Allocation
[17 replies] Last: Those parts aren't the point of the example. The code as a whole shoul... (by helios)
by Scythe37
I'm getting errors that don't make any sense.
[5 replies] Last: Hey, that worked helios. I thought that I could just use the returned... (by Scythe37)
by crh0872
char* to time_t
[6 replies] Last: Ok, thanks for the help guys, I'm going to download the boost librarie... (by crh0872)
by jrich73
Initialized arrays
[2 replies] Last: Hey much appreciated. I'll look over array indices. Cheers, joey (by jrich73)
by satchmo05
New pointer question
[10 replies] Last: After executing the code with the string reverse the string, this whil... (by kempofighter)
by Fillask
Making a portfolio (1,2)
[35 replies] Last: It's written as though it was C, but since it has a .cpp extension, it... (by helios)
by Handix
Lvalue required errors
[1 reply] : please use the code tags when printing code. Makes it infinitely easi... (by Disch)
by Joe101
app crash with mod division
[2 replies] Last: Line 7 in PrimeFactory.C should be for (int i=1;i<=sqrt(num);i++) ... (by helios)
by moneymagnet
Error on comparing 2 string char arrays in C++
[3 replies] Last: and change totalCorrect = totalCorrect + 1; to totalCorrect += 1; ... (by mcleano)
by kyle11778
output to database???
[4 replies] Last: sorry but i dont know what OTL or ODBC's are. i have been playing arou... (by kyle11778)
by murva
array of objects
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help (by murva)
by Peyton
Time difference
[4 replies] Last: Could you not manually convert HH element values into seconds at the t... (by mcleano)
by TylerM91
Problem with a segmentation fault.
[2 replies] Last: I'm using it for file I/O, and last time I tried to use strings it wou... (by TylerM91)
by um0123
a couple simple things
[4 replies] Last: Ah, I mistook that for something else, where there were four lights in... (by QWERTYman)
by rain
How copy files?
[3 replies] Last: Not really. This is C++ forum where we can help you, not do it for yo... (by kbw)