Beginners - April 2009 (Page 16)

string sigla(string nome) { string a = "Ola "; string b = "mundo!"; stringstream ss; ss << a << 278627; string c = ss.str(); string r = ""; ...
[10 replies] Last: As far I do know, they're doing a test or something similar... Also, y... (by Tarou San)
resoluçao folha 5 o enunciado esta no final
#include "animal.h" using namespace std; /** *****************************************VETERINARIO*************************** */ ///Constructores Veter...
[5 replies] Last: Ah, intendi. (by Tarou San)
Datamembers ,object delcaration doubt
Hi All, In a class when we will decalre datamembers(variables,methods) poiner type and creation of object as Dynamically when i am writing a class ? on what ba...
[no replies]
Yes/No question about pointers
If my assignment gives me this: double var1, *p1; cout<< "enter a number to put into var1:"; cin>>var1; p1 = &var1; cout<< "var1 holds the value: "<< va...
[2 replies] Last: You do exactly what the statement says to do. It says to write thre... (by jsmith)
Class Funcionario (.h)
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Funcionario { private: string nome; ...
[no replies]
a) Complete a estrutura acima e implemente um construtor padrão, sem argumentos, que inicializa todos os atributos com os valores “”, para nomee curso,...
[2 replies] Last: I think that your resolution is perfect :D (by chibona)
leiam isto
quem por acaso ca vier postar cenas para ajudar depois, lembrem-se que durante o teste toda a gente pode e deve postar ca o teste, e quem tiver teste igual pode...
[no replies]
by tish
Binary Tree ADT
Hi guys im pretty new at C++ and still learning basics. I have to answer the following question and I am lost ... can anyone help me? Consider two algorith...
[2 replies] Last: Aw thank you so much for your help :) i really appreciate it (by tish)
exame modelo
class Bilhete{ string espectaculo; int fila; int lugar; public: Bilhete(string espect, int fil, int lug); // INSIRA o seu codigo desde ...
[1 reply] : ??? english plsssss.. :( (by writetonsharma)
folha 4 resoluçao
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> //para poder utilizar o istringstream using namespace std; class Aluno{ private: string nome; string curso; ...
[no replies]
folha 4(enunciado)
a) Pretende-se que qualquer objecto-instância da classe Aluno seja criado com um nome: acrescente à classe Aluno um construtor que inicialize o at...
[no replies]
by ReiKo
Simple but annoying problem
Hello, Could someone explain me how to fix this problem : When I use my wxDevCpp IDE to make console program wich will for example do this : co...
[4 replies] Last: I think he means he runs the program, and types them into the console... (by ReiKo)
Ajuda c++ class
Ficha 2: Exercício 1) Alínea a) #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv ) { ...
[7 replies] Last: // Considere a classe Bilhete usada num programa de reserva de lugare... (by kompanhia)
files gestaluno
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; #define NMAX 20 #define CONTROL_D ('D...
[no replies]
Hello everyone im starting up programming again and was thinking of writing a program that will open up a web browser and type in anything. Such as when i run t...
[5 replies] Last: Found the site thanks for the link. (by mlbeers)
introduce congestion
Hi everyone, I'm new here. i'm doing small research about the quality of wireless network. i need to measure the quality of the link in various different conge...
[no replies]
by NaCo
cin.getline() does not work if placed after another cin.
Hello, I nee to get a string line from console. I am using cin.getline(), but this function does not work if I have a cin placed first. Here is the code: ...
[2 replies] Last: << read that you'll find... (by mcleano)
Why won't my program work???
This is my program: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main () { system("clear"); cout << "WELCOME TO MIN CALCULATOR...
[1 reply] : You should use one IF and three ELSE IF. Also, don't put ";" after the... (by Tarou San)
by masiht
hello , I want to ask If there is any difference between friend and scope operator ?
[3 replies] Last: No, they aren't related. (by Bazzy)
What compiler is the best? Also, how do you operate it?
[1 reply] : There isn't a 'best' compiler read these: (by Bazzy)
April 2009 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 28
  Archived months: [mar2009] [may2009]

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