Local Function Definition error
Apr 22, 2013 at 3:14pm UTC
I've scoured the Web and my code for a solution to this error, but I can't find one! Please help.
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#ifndef FUNCTION_H
#define FUNCTION_H
int function(int a, char b, int c, std::string d, std::string e, std::string f, class1& hero, class2& dog, class3& heroine, class4& object4, /*etc, all the way up to 12 each*/ std::string eles[])//all classes and relating variables are already defined.
{//error is on this line
int choice2 = 0;
if ((d == object4.name)&&(e == object5.name)&&(f == object6.name))
while ((object4.hpStat > 0)||(object5.hpStat > 0)||(object6.hpStat > 0)){
c = 0;
if ((dog.currenthpStat <= 0)&&(hero.currenthpStat <= 0)&&(heroine.currenthpStat <= 0)){
object4.hpStat = 0;
object5.hpStat = 0;
object6.hpStat = 0;
//Dog's turn
if (dog.currenthpStat > 0)
std::cout << "What will Dog do?\n" ;
std::cout << "[A]ttack\n" ;
std::cin >> b;
system("CLS" );
std::cout << "Lvl[1]Attack\n" ;
std::cout << "[S]kills\n" ;
std::cout << "[E]lements\n" ;
b = toupper(b);
if (b == '1' )
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.powerStat + 40)/object4.armorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (b == 'S' )
std::cout << "[C]homp\n" ;
if (dog.level >= 3)
std::cout << "[W]arbark\n" ;
if (dog.level >= 5)
std::cout << "[R]abid Dog\n" ;
std::cin >> b;
b = toupper(b);
if (b == 'C' )
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.powerStat + 50)/object4.armorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if (b == 'W' )
dog.powerStat = dog.powerStat * 1.25;
hero.powerStat = hero.powerStat * 1.25;
heroine.powerStat = heroine.powerStat * 1.25;
c = 0;
system("CLS" );
if (b == 'R' )
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.powerStat + 105)/object4.armorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
if (b == 'E' )
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (eles[i] == "LIGHT BALL" )
std::cout << "[1] Light Ball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "AQUA SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[2] Aqua Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FLAME SHOT" )
std::cout << "[3] Flame Shot\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "PEBBLE SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[4] Pebble Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "DARK BALL" )
std::cout << "[5] Dark Ball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "GALE" )
std::cout << "[6] Gale\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LIGHT RAY" )
std::cout << "[7] Light Ray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "JET SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[8] Jet Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FIRE SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[9] Fire Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "SLINGSHOT" )
std::cout << "[10] Slingshot\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "DARKNESS RAY" )
std::cout << "[11] Darkness Ray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "AIR BLAST" )
std::cout << "[12] Air Blast\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LIGHT BEAM" )
std::cout << "[13] Light Beam\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FIREBALL" )
std::cout << "[14] Fireball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "AQUA BALL" )
std::cout << "[15] Aqua Ball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "BOULDER" )
std::cout << "[16] Boulder\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FALL SO HARD" )
std::cout << "[17] Fall So Hard\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "ANTICYCLONE" )
std::cout << "[18] Anticyclone\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "PHOTON BLAST" )
std::cout << "[19] Photon Blast\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FIREBOMB" )
std::cout << "[20] Firebomb\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "WATER BOMB" )
std::cout << "[21] Water Bomb\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LANDSLIDE" )
std::cout << "[22] Landslide\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "DARKNESS BEAM" )
std::cout << "[23] Darkness Beam\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "CYCLONE" )
std::cout << "[24] Cyclone\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LASER BEAM" )
std::cout << "[25] Laser Beam\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "ERUPTION" )
std::cout << "[26] Eruption\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FLOOD" )
std::cout << "[27] Flood\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "EARTHQUAKE" )
std::cout << "[28] Earthquake\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "EVENT HORIZON" )
std::cout << "[29] Event Horizon\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "THUNDERSTORM" )
std::cout << "[30] Thunderstorm\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "STAR DEATH" )
std::cout << "[31] Star Death\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "SUPERNOVA" )
std::cout << "[32] Supernova\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "TSUNAMI" )
std::cout << "[33] Tsunami\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FAULT" )
std::cout << "[34] Fault\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "BLACKHOLE" )
std::cout << "[35] Blackhole\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "TORNADO" )
std::cout << "[36] Tornado\n" ;
std::cin >> choice2;
if (choice2 == 4)
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 35)/object4.magicArmorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if ((choice2 <= 3)||((choice2 >= 5)&&(choice2 <= 6)))
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 35)/object4.magicArmorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (choice2 == 10)
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 50)/object4.magicArmorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if (((choice2 >= 7)&&(choice2 <= 9))||((choice2 >= 11)&&(choice2 <= 12)))
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 50)/object4.magicArmorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (choice2 == 16)
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 65)/object4.magicArmorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if (((choice2 >= 13)&&(choice2 <= 15))||((choice2 >= 17)&&(choice2 <= 18)))
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 65)/object4.magicArmorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (choice2 == 22)
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 80)/object4.magicArmorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if (((choice2 >= 19)&&(choice2 <= 22))||((choice2 >= 23)&&(choice2 <= 24)))
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 80)/object4.magicArmorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (choice2 == 28)
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 95)/object4.magicArmorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if (((choice2 >= 25)&&(choice2 <= 27))||((choice2 >= 29)&&(choice2 <= 30)))
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 95)/object4.magicArmorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (choice2 == 34)
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 120)/object4.magicArmorStat;
c = c * 1.5;
system("CLS" );
if (((choice2 >= 31)&&(choice2 <= 33))||((choice2 <= 36)&&(choice2 >= 35)))
c = ((2 * dog.level + 2)*dog.magicStat + 120)/object4.magicArmorStat;
system("CLS" );
if (c > 0)
std::cout << "Who will you target?\n" ;
std::cout << "[1] Enemy #1\n" ;
std::cout << "[2] Enemy #2\n" ;
std::cout << "[3] Enemy #3\n" ;
std::cin >> choice2;
std::cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\t\t@\t\t@" ;
std::cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\t\t@\t\t@" ;
std::cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\t\t@\t\t@" ;
if (choice2 == 1)
std::cout << "ENEMY took " << c << " HP c!\n" ;
object4.hpStat -= c;
if (choice2 == 2)
std::cout << "ENEMY took " << c << " HP c!\n" ;
object5.hpStat -= c;
if (choice2 == 3)
std::cout << "ENEMY took " << c << " HP c!\n" ;
object6.hpStat -= c;
That was just part of the code, most of which I'm afraid might be unnecessary, since the error is as follows:
gameidea\program.h(44) : error C2601: 'function' : local function definitions are illegal
Can anyone figure it out?
Apr 22, 2013 at 3:22pm UTC
And which line in header line 44 relates to? because it looks like you omitted some parts
EDIT: looks like you forgot to close brace on some of previous lines
Last edited on Apr 22, 2013 at 3:23pm UTC
Apr 22, 2013 at 3:30pm UTC
Apr 22, 2013 at 3:37pm UTC
consider using a switch statement here:
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if (eles[i] == "LIGHT BALL" )
std::cout << "[1] Light Ball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "AQUA SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[2] Aqua Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FLAME SHOT" )
std::cout << "[3] Flame Shot\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "PEBBLE SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[4] Pebble Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "DARK BALL" )
std::cout << "[5] Dark Ball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "GALE" )
std::cout << "[6] Gale\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LIGHT RAY" )
std::cout << "[7] Light Ray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "JET SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[8] Jet Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FIRE SPRAY" )
std::cout << "[9] Fire Spray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "SLINGSHOT" )
std::cout << "[10] Slingshot\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "DARKNESS RAY" )
std::cout << "[11] Darkness Ray\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "AIR BLAST" )
std::cout << "[12] Air Blast\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LIGHT BEAM" )
std::cout << "[13] Light Beam\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FIREBALL" )
std::cout << "[14] Fireball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "AQUA BALL" )
std::cout << "[15] Aqua Ball\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "BOULDER" )
std::cout << "[16] Boulder\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FALL SO HARD" )
std::cout << "[17] Fall So Hard\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "ANTICYCLONE" )
std::cout << "[18] Anticyclone\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "PHOTON BLAST" )
std::cout << "[19] Photon Blast\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FIREBOMB" )
std::cout << "[20] Firebomb\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "WATER BOMB" )
std::cout << "[21] Water Bomb\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LANDSLIDE" )
std::cout << "[22] Landslide\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "DARKNESS BEAM" )
std::cout << "[23] Darkness Beam\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "CYCLONE" )
std::cout << "[24] Cyclone\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "LASER BEAM" )
std::cout << "[25] Laser Beam\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "ERUPTION" )
std::cout << "[26] Eruption\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FLOOD" )
std::cout << "[27] Flood\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "EARTHQUAKE" )
std::cout << "[28] Earthquake\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "EVENT HORIZON" )
std::cout << "[29] Event Horizon\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "THUNDERSTORM" )
std::cout << "[30] Thunderstorm\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "STAR DEATH" )
std::cout << "[31] Star Death\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "SUPERNOVA" )
std::cout << "[32] Supernova\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "TSUNAMI" )
std::cout << "[33] Tsunami\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "FAULT" )
std::cout << "[34] Fault\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "BLACKHOLE" )
std::cout << "[35] Blackhole\n" ;
if (eles[i] == "TORNADO" )
std::cout << "[36] Tornado\n" ;
Apr 22, 2013 at 3:38pm UTC
Also you are using function as a function name which is highly highly discouraged. I would recommend you rename it to something else.
Apr 23, 2013 at 2:56pm UTC
Thanks for the help! The problem WAS a forgotten '}' bracket (it was in a different header file). Thank you!
@Zereo: I did not REALLY use 'function' as the name of a function; I just did that for purposes of the post.
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