Console Not Exiting at End of Main Function?
What the heck? For whatever reason, my console doesn't exit at the end bracket of the main() function. Full code:
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
void SetColor(unsigned short color) {
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hcon, color);
BOOL WINAPI SetConsoleIcon(HICON hIcon) {
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PSetConsoleIcon)(HICON);
static PSetConsoleIcon pSetConsoleIcon = NULL;
if(pSetConsoleIcon == NULL)
pSetConsoleIcon = (PSetConsoleIcon)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(("kernel32")), "SetConsoleIcon");
if(pSetConsoleIcon == NULL)
return FALSE;
return pSetConsoleIcon(hIcon);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HICON hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(0),"MAINICON");
if (argc<2) {
cerr << "Cmd2";
} else {
string line;
string cmd;
string params;
string token;
string tokens[5];
unsigned int a; // first for loop var.
unsigned int b = 0; //
unsigned int c = 0; // Spaces in the string to parse
unsigned int x = 0;
ifstream file;[1]); // Args start a 0, then go up by 1. argv[0] is the Program path.
if(!file.is_open()) {
cout << "Error opening file.";
} else {
while(!file.eof()) { // While the file isn't ended
b = 0;
c = 0;
x = 0;
getline(file, line); // get the command's whole line
if (!line.empty()) { // If the line isn't empty...
for (a = 0; a < line.length(); a++) { // Tranform string to lowercase
while(isspace( {
for(; b < line.length(); b++) {
if(isspace( {
// Skip over duplicate spaces & if a NULL character is found, we're at the end of the string
while(isspace( {
if( == '\0') {
string tokens[c]; // initialize the number of tokens to number of spaces + 1
stringstream ss(line);
while (getline(ss, token, ' ')) { // add tokens to array
tokens[x] = token;
if (tokens[0] == "color") { // check first token (0)
if (tokens[1] == "-lime") { // check second token (1)
SetColor(10); // do command for the tokenized string read
cout << "Command Completed Successfully.\n"; // tell user command was finished
if (tokens[0] == "pause") {
while (file.eof()) {
file.close(); // Close File
It seems this is due to that the loop is infinite
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while (file.eof()) {
file.close(); // Close File
Thanks. Such a stupid mistake...
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