I have the description of the code here, but I have absolutely no idea how to program it. HELP!!!!
//Create a C++ program that prompts the user for an input filename.
//The first number of the file will be a count of the remaining numbers in the file.
//The program will then read these numbers and print to the screen the minimum, maximum,and average values of the numbers read in.
ok, let's start from the... start.
first, i believe you should use the string lib to be able to handle words easily. #include <string>
then, create a variable to hold the filename: string filename;
and store the user input in that string: getline (cin, filename);
now, i don't remember how to count characters in the file. but i believe that you'll find this information on fstream documentations. maybe this could help you. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/fstream/fstream/